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90 Kingfishers Alcedinidae
Moustached Kingfisher Actenoides bougainvillei
Solomon Islands    15.11.2004     BirdLife International, kingfishers Sheet   7.50$
Spotted Wood Kingfisher Actenoides lindsayi
Maldive Islands    25.05.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   20r
Philippines    25.11.1992     Endangered birds Sheet   2p
Hombron's Kingfisher Actenoides hombroni
Philippines    15.11.2007     Birds   20p
Philippines    07.03.2008     Taipei 2008 Sheet   7p
Rufous-collared Kingfisher Actenoides concretus
Centralafrica    21.11.2016     Kingfishers   2650f
Indonesia    15.07.2009     Indonesian birds Sheet   2500r
Indonesia    28.10.2009     Jipex 2009 Sheet   2500r
Malaysia    23.10.1993     Kingfishers   50c
Maldive Islands    25.05.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   20r
Nevis    17.12.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   3.15$
Solomon Islands    20.12.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   5$
Banded Kingfisher Lacedo pulchella
Laos    20.02.2004     Birds   5000k
Togo    15.06.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   1000f
Common Paradise Kingfisher Tanysiptera galatea
Mozambique    10.07.2016     Kingfishers   350m
Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfisher Tanysiptera sylvia
Australia    31.03.1980     Australian birds   22c
Centralafrica    15.12.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   900f
Marshall Islands    18.06.2012     Birds of the Pacific Sheet   45c
Papua New Guinea    21.01.1981     Kingfishers   25t
Sao Tome and Principe    15.10.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   25000d
Tuvalu    01.06.2000     Birds of the South Pacific Sheet   90c
Brown-headed Paradise Kingfisher Tanysiptera danae
Guinea    18.07.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   10000f
Sulawesi Lilac Kingfisher Cittura cyanotis
Centralafrica    21.11.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Guinea-Bissau    31.10.2012     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguineae
Anguilla    16.07.1984     Ausipex 84, stamp on stamp 4v set   75c
Australia    26.08.1914     Definitives   6d
Australia    29.10.1928     Definitives   3d
Australia    01.06.1932     Definitives Bird facing right   6d
Australia    02.08.1937     Definitives With wmk, p 13½x14     6d
Australia    1942     Definitives With wmk, p 15x14   6d
Australia    18.08.1956     Definitives No wmk, p 15x14     6d
Australia    25.09.1978     Stamp week, stamp on stamp   20c
Australia    25.09.1978     Stamp week, stamp on stamp Sheet with 4x20c   20c
Australia    22.02.1984     Airmail flights   45c
Australia    13.08.1986     Australian wildlife 5v set   36c
Australia    31.10.1990     Christmas 3v set   38c
Australia    31.10.1990     Christmas Booklet   38c
Australia    31.10.1990     Christmas Booklet   38c
Australia    12.08.1993     Australian wildlife AUSTRALIA in orange   70c
Australia    1996     Australian wildlife AUSTRALIA in orange-brown     70c
Australia    07.06.2005     Australian wildlife 4v set   1.10$
Australia    07.06.2005     Australian wildlife ce, sa   1.10$
Australia    26.06.2009     Australias favourite stamps 5v set   55c
Australia    26.06.2009     Australias favourite stamps Prestige booklet   55c
Australia    26.06.2009     Australias favourite stamps 5v set, sa, McKellar   55c
Australia    26.06.2009     Australias favourite stamps 5v set, sa, Pemara   55c
Australia    26.06.2009     Australias favourite stamps Sheet with 13 stamps, sa   55c
Australia    23.07.2009     Melbourne Stampshow 2009 4v sheet   55c
Australia    02.04.2013     Bush babies 5v set   1.70$
Australia    02.04.2013     Bush babies 5x1.70$, booklet, sa   1.70$
Australia    02.04.2013     Bush babies 100x1.70$, booklet, sa   1.70$
Australia    21.04.2020     Bird emblems   1.10$
Australia    21.04.2020     Bird emblems sa   1.10$
Australia    30.10.2020     Christmas 5v set   65c
Australia    30.10.2020     Christmas Sheet   65c
Australia    30.10.2020     Christmas 20x65c booklet, sa   65c
Australia    12.04.2022     Postcards to the front   1.10$
Australia    12.04.2022     Postcards to the front   1.10$
Australia    12.04.2022     Postcards to the front   1.10$
Australia    12.04.2022     Postcards to the front Sheet   1.10$
Australia    12.04.2022     Postcards to the front Sheet   1.10$
Australia    12.04.2022     Postcards to the front Sheet   1.10$
Australia    12.04.2022     Postcards to the front 20x1.10$ booklet, sa   1.10$
Australia    12.04.2022     Postcards to the front 20x1.10$ booklet, sa   1.10$
Australia    12.04.2022     Postcards to the front 20x1.10$ booklet, sa   1.10$
Benin    01.09.1982     Birds   5f
British Com Occ Force (Japan)    08.05.1947     Overprint B.C.O.F. JAPAN 1946 on Australia 1937.01   6d
Japan    23.05.2006     Australia-Japan year of exchange 10v set   80y
Korea, North    30.07.1988     Australian settlement   25c
Solomon Islands    20.12.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   5$
Tonga    17.09.1984     Ausipex, stamp on stamp sa     32s
Tonga    17.09.1984     Ausipex, stamp on stamp Sheet, sa   32s
Tonga    15.09.2000     Sydney 2000 Olympics 5v strip   80s
Blue-winged Kookaburra Dacelo leachii
Antigua & Barbuda    25.05.1987     World scout jamboree 4v set   60c
Australia    26.10.2010     Australian Kingfishers   1.80$
Australia    11.05.2013     Australian birds on stamps Prestige booklet, pane 3   1.80$
Barbuda    25.08.1988     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1987.03     60c
Grenada    01.08.1988     Sydpex 88 8v set   5$
Papua New Guinea    21.01.1981     Kingfishers   60t
Togo    15.06.2015     Kingfishers   3200f
Stork-billed Kingfisher Pelargopsis capensis
Brunei    11.11.1998     Kingfishers   1$
Laos    30.09.1988     Birds   6k
Philippines    19.08.1967     Relief fund   1s
Singapore    06.06.2007     Flora and fauna 14v set   50c
Singapore    06.06.2007     Flora and fauna 14v sheet   50c
Singapore    25.07.2007     Flora and fauna   50c
Singapore    23.01.2008     Flora and fauna   50c
Singapore    2010     Flora and fauna     50c
Singapore    2010     Flora and fauna   50c
Singapore    2010     Flora and fauna   50c
Vietnam    14.11.2020     Kingfishers   4500d
Brown-winged Kingfisher Pelargopsis amauroptera
Bangladesh    17.07.2011     Birds of the Sundarbans Sheet   10t
Centralafrica    21.11.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Ruddy Kingfisher Halcyon coromanda
Bangladesh    17.07.2011     Birds of the Sundarbans Sheet   10t
Guinea    20.10.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   15000f
Japan    31.08.1992     Water birds   62y
Japan    07.02.2020     Miyakojima 5v sheet, sa   84y
Japan    10.06.2020     Fauna and flora 10v sheet, sa   84y
Japan    10.05.2021     Natural monument Series No.6: Lake Towada and Oirase Gorge 10v sheet, sa   84y
Japan    24.01.2022     Birds 10v sheet, sa   84y
Vietnam    11.03.1996     Kingfishers   4000d
White-throated Kingfisher Halcyon smyrnensis
Bangladesh    17.08.1983     Birds of Bangladesh   2t
Bangladesh    17.08.1983     Birds of Bangladesh Sheet   2t
Djibouti    26.09.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   260f
Djibouti    26.09.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   260f
Guyana    16.08.1994     Philakorea 1994 Sheet   35$
Hong Kong    20.04.1988     Hong Kong birds   50c
Israel    25.04.1963     Birds   20a
Jordan    21.07.1988     Birds   160f
Jordan    21.07.1988     Birds Sheet with 6 designs, imp   310f
Malaysia    23.10.1993     Kingfishers   30c
Maldive Islands    25.05.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   20r
Mozambique    10.07.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   100m
Philippines    15.11.2007     Birds   20p
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   6000l
Sierra Leone    25.03.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   6000l
Singapore    10.03.1963     Birds wmk upright   1$
Singapore    18.05.1967     Birds wmk sideways   1$
Singapore    05.10.1975     Birds   35c
Singapore    26.04.2017     Kingfishers   1.30$
Sri Lanka    27.09.2003     Resident birds of Sri Lanka Sheet   4.50r
Surinam    15.10.2008     Birds Sheet   4$
Tanzania    10.07.2012     Birds of Tanzania Sheet   1000s
Thailand    01.02.1967     Thai birds   3b
Turkey    05.06.1992     World environment day   2000l
Vietnam    11.03.1996     Kingfishers   400d
Vietnam, North    15.10.1963     Birds   12x
Javan Kingfisher Halcyon cyanoventris
Indonesia    08.10.1998     Philacept 98   5000r
Chocolate-backed Kingfisher Halcyon badia
Guinea    27.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet   750f
Black-capped Kingfisher Halcyon pileata
Bangladesh    17.07.2011     Birds of the Sundarbans Sheet   10t
Hong Kong    29.10.1975     Birds   2$
Korea, North    30.12.1965     Korean birds   4c
Korea, South    20.12.1986     Birds   80w
Korea, South    30.07.1987     Birds clr   80w
Nicaragua    15.04.1995     Exotic birds Sheet   2cor
Sierra Leone    21.08.2015     Kingfishers   22000l
Singapore    26.04.2017     Kingfishers   1st
Solomon Islands    20.12.2014     Kingfishers   24$
Vietnam    14.11.2020     Kingfishers   45000d
Grey-headed Kingfisher Halcyon leucocephala
Cape Verde Islands    30.12.1981     Birds   8e
Cape Verde Islands    2011     Birds and flora 6v set   5e
Cape Verde Islands    2011     Birds and flora   150e
Chad    02.06.2003     Birds Sheet   300f
Equatorial Guinea    17.09.1985     Nature protection 4v set   35f
French Territory of Afars & Issas    21.08.1967     Fauna   10f
Guinea    27.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet   750f
Jordan    18.12.1964     Birds   1000f
Kampuchea    05.05.1987     Capex 87   1.50r
Liberia    07.10.1996     Kingfishers Strip   75c
Liberia    03.02.1997     Hongkong 97   1$
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds of Africa Sheet   25$
Macau    21.09.1984     Ausipex 84   30a
Mali    29.09.2022     Birds of Mali   1000f
Mali    29.09.2022     Birds of Mali Sheet   150f
Mozambique    30.08.2011     Kingfishers Sheet   92m
Sierra Leone    21.08.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   5500l
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   6000l
Sierra Leone    25.03.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   6000l
Tanzania    15.10.1992     Birds   25s
Tanzania    30.06.1993     Wildlife on the plains of Tanzania 12v sheet   100s
Tanzania    16.12.1996     Scouts overprint on 1993.01 12v sheet   100s
Togo    30.07.1996     Endangered species 9v sheet   200f
Togo    15.11.2013     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Uganda    06.12.1999     Birds of Uganda Sheet   500s
Uganda    30.03.2012     Kingfishers Sheet   3400s
Uganda    30.03.2012     Kingfishers   8300s
Zimbabwe    20.10.1998     Birds   4.70$
Brown-hooded Kingfisher Halcyon albiventris
Bechuanaland    02.10.1961     Definitives   12½c
Botswana    30.09.1966     Overprint REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA on Bechuanaland 1961.01   12½c
Botswana    13.03.2007     Kingfishers   4.90p
Sao Tome and Principe    01.12.2010     Banknotes Sheet   15000d
Tanzania    30.06.1993     Wildlife at a watering hole in Tanzania 12v sheet   100s
Striped Kingfisher Halcyon chelicuti
Burkina Faso    28.02.1994     Kingfishers   1200f
Gambia    31.12.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   50d
Ghana    16.10.1989     Birds   150c
Liberia    07.10.1996     Kingfishers Strip   75c
Niger    30.09.2013     Birds   2500f
Blue-breasted Kingfisher Halcyon malimbica
Biafra    1968     Overprint SOVEREIGN BIAFRA on Nigeria 1966.01-02   1s
Centralafrica    12.07.2001     Birds Sheet   325f
Comoro Islands    02.03.2009     Kingfishers   3000f
Congo (Kinshasa)    16.08.2000     Birds of Congo Sheet   9f
Equatorial Guinea    1992     Nature protection   150f
Gabon    17.04.1989     Birds   500f
Gabon    17.04.1989     Birds Sheet   500f
Gambia    31.12.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   50d
Ghana    16.10.1989     Birds   80c
Ghana    1990     Correct scientific name   80c
Ghana    13.06.1994     Birds of Ghana Sheet   200c
Ghana    01.05.2000     Fauna and flora of Africa Sheet   1600c
Guinea-Bissau    05.05.2008     Buffaloes and kingfishers Sheet   500f
Guinea-Bissau    31.10.2012     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Liberia    11.08.1997     Birds   50c
Maldive Islands    09.09.1996     Wildlife of the world 8v sheet   5r
Mali    20.10.1995     Birds of the world Sheet   50f
Mali    02.09.1996     Birds Sheet   250f
Mali    10.03.1998     Boy scouts   490f
Mali    10.03.1998     Boy scouts Sheet, stamps without white frame   490f
Mozambique    17.06.2002     Birds of Africa Sheet   17000m
Niger    30.09.2013     Birds Sheet   750f
Nigeria    02.05.1966     Definitives   1s
Nigeria    1971     Definitives "N.S.P"   1s
Sao Tome and Principe    30.12.1983     Birds   15.50d
Sao Tome and Principe    1996     Surcharge on 1983.01     1000d
Sao Tome and Principe    1998     Surcharge on 1983.01     2500d
Sao Tome and Principe    1999     Surcharge on 1983.01     5000d
Sao Tome and Principe    2004     Scouts jamboree 9v sheet   7000d
Sao Tome and Principe    2006     Anniversary overprint on 2004.02 9v sheet, silver ovp   7000d
Sao Tome and Principe    2006     Anniversary overprint on 2004.02 9v sheet, gold ovp   7000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF Sheet   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF Sheet   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF Sheet   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF Sheet   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF   96000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF Sheet with 4 sets   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF Sheet with 4 sets   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF Sheet with 4 sets   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    08.08.2014     WWF Sheet with 4 sets   25000d
Sierra Leone    29.01.1980     Birds   40c
Sierra Leone    21.12.1981     Imprint 1981 on 1980.01   40c
Sierra Leone    11.10.1982     Imprint 1982 on 1980.01   40c
Sierra Leone    01.10.1983     Imprint 1983 on 1980.01     40c
Tanzania    22.08.1991     National game parks   400s
Uganda    09.10.1965     Birds   40c
Woodland Kingfisher Halcyon senegalensis
Benin    01.09.1982     Birds   20f
Botswana    04.08.1997     Birds   1p
Botswana    13.03.2007     Kingfishers   4.10p
Burkina Faso    28.02.1994     Kingfishers   600f
Comoro Islands    02.03.2009     Kingfishers Sheet   350f
Gabon    12.10.1971     Birds   50f
Gambia    14.05.1990     African birds Sheet   1.25d
Gambia    31.12.2015     Kingfishers   150d
Guinea    27.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet   750f
Guinea    18.07.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   10000f
Guinea-Bissau    05.05.2008     Buffaloes and kingfishers Sheet   500f
Mozambique    27.04.1987     Birds   4m
Mozambique    30.08.2011     Kingfishers Sheet   16m
Namibia    26.09.1998     Caprivi 10v sheet   60c
Namibia    01.10.2014     Kingfishers   ZoneB
Niger    26.09.1968     Birds "Postes 1968"   10f
Niger    04.01.1971     Birds "Postes 1970"   10f
Rwanda    18.12.1967     Birds of Rwanda   40c
Sao Tome and Principe    15.10.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   25000d
Sierra Leone    18.05.1999     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Kingfishers   24000l
South Africa    15.11.2000     7th definitive series 27v set   3r
South Africa    28.06.2002     7th definitive series p 13   3r
Tanzania    10.07.2012     Birds of Tanzania Sheet   1000s
Uganda    05.05.1995     Waterfowl and wetland birds of Uganda Sheet   200s
Mangrove Kingfisher Halcyon senegaloides
Mozambique    30.08.2011     Kingfishers Sheet   66m
South Africa    31.08.2016     Kingfishers Sheet with 2 sets, sa   *
Togo    28.09.2011     Mangroves of South Africa 4v sheet   750f
Forest Kingfisher Todiramphus macleayii
Australia    17.09.1979     Australian birds   15c
Ghana    01.06.1967     Definitives   1½n
Ghana    01.10.1969     Overprint NEW CONSTITUTION on 1967.02     1½n
Mozambique    10.07.2016     Kingfishers   350m
Papua New Guinea    21.01.1981     Kingfishers   7t
Ultramarine Kingfisher Todiramphus leucopygius
Solomon Islands    15.11.2004     BirdLife International, kingfishers Sheet   7.50$
Vanuatu Kingfisher Todiramphus farquhari
New Hebrides    24.07.1972     English definitives   35c
New Hebrides    24.07.1972     French definitives   35c
New Hebrides    11.02.1974     Overprint ROYAL VISIT 1974 on 1972.01   35c
New Hebrides    11.02.1974     Overprint VISITE ROYALE 1974 on 1972.02   35c
New Hebrides    01.07.1977     Surcharge on 1972.01   35f
New Hebrides    01.07.1977     Surcharge on 1972.02   35f
New Hebrides    10.09.1977     Local surcharge "FNH" is larger     35f
New Hebrides    10.09.1977     Local surcharge "FNH" is larger     35f
Vanuatu    12.05.1999     Birds   34v
Vanuatu    01.12.1999     Millennium 5v sheet   90v
Collared Kingfisher Todiramphus chloris
Bangladesh    17.07.2011     Birds of the Sundarbans Sheet   10t
Brunei    11.11.1998     Kingfishers   60s
Burkina Faso    02.11.1988     Aquatic wildlife 4v set   70f
Comoro Islands    02.03.2009     Kingfishers Sheet   500f
Ethiopia    15.02.1966     Ethiopian birds   10c
Maldive Islands    13.09.2000     Birds of the tropics   30l
Maldive Islands    13.09.2000     Birds of the tropics Sheet   10r
Maldive Islands    25.05.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   20r
New Hebrides    24.01.1967     English definitives   5f
New Hebrides    24.01.1967     French definitives   5f
Oman    15.12.2002     Birds in Oman Sheet   50b
Palau    20.11.1989     Expo 89 20v sheet   25c
Palau    05.04.1997     Palaus avian environment 12v sheet   20c
Palau    20.02.2002     Birds   3.95$
Palau    15.06.2015     Birds of the South Pacific Sheet   65c
Philippines    15.11.2007     Birds   20p
Sao Tome and Principe    20.07.2016     Asian birds Sheet   31000d
Singapore    05.10.1975     Birds   35c
Singapore    11.08.2000     Wetland wildlife 4v sheet   1$
Singapore    13.04.2011     Pond life 10v set   5c
Singapore    13.04.2011     Pond life 14v sheet   5c
Singapore    2011     Pond life   5c
Singapore    28.06.2012     Gardens by the bay 2v set   1.10$
Singapore    13.07.2013     Our city in a garden   *
Singapore    13.07.2013     Our city in a garden   5$
Singapore    13.07.2013     Our city in a garden 2x2v sheet, sa   *
Singapore    09.08.2019     Parks 4v set   1.30$
Tonga    06.02.2012     Definitives White frames   2.40p
Tonga    06.02.2012     Definitives Sheet, no white frames   2.40p
Tonga    06.06.2013     Definitives White frames   10c
Tonga    06.06.2013     Definitives Sheet, no white frames   10c
Tonga    2014     Definitives overprinted OFFICIAL   2.40p
Tonga    2014     Definitives overprinted OFFICIAL   10c
Tuvalu    01.06.2000     Birds of the South Pacific Sheet   90c
United Arab Emirates    12.12.1994     Birds   1.75d
United Arab Emirates    24.06.1997     Philatelic Association, stamp on stamp   50f
Vanuatu    15.11.1991     Phila Nippon 91   50v
Mariana Kingfisher Todiramphus albicilla
Guinea-Bissau    31.10.2012     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Melanesian Kingfisher Todiramphus tristrami
Solomon Islands    15.11.2004     BirdLife International, kingfishers Sheet   7.50$
Pacific Kingfisher Todiramphus sacer
Fiji    16.08.1994     Pacific Kingfisher Sheet   1.50$
Fiji    16.08.1994     Pacific Kingfisher Sheet   1.50$
Fiji    27.03.1995     Eco-tourism in Fiji 4v sheet   81c
Fiji    19.08.1995     Overprint JAKARTA 95 on 1994.01 Sheet     1.50$
Fiji    19.08.1995     Overprint JAKARTA 95 on 1994.01 Sheet     1.50$
Fiji    13.08.1996     Childrens drawings 4v set     81c
Niuafo'ou    15.11.1983     Birds of Niuafoou sa   2s
Niuafo'ou    15.11.1983     Birds of Niuafoou sa   32s
Niuafo'ou    16.04.1986     Surcharge on 1983.01 sa   57s
Niue    20.03.1992     Birds   1.50$
Niue    10.12.1993     Overprint O.H.M.S on 1992.01-02   1.50$
Niue    19.02.1996     Surcharge on 1992.01-2   1$
Guam Kingfisher Todiramphus cinnamominus
USA    19.05.2023     Endangered species 20v sheet, sa   *
Rusty-capped Kingfisher Todiramphus pelewensis
Palau    16.08.1994     PHILAKOREA 94 Sheet   50c
Palau    14.04.2000     Native birds of Palau Sheet   20c
Palau    01.03.2007     Endemic birds Sheet   50c
Pohnpei Kingfisher Todiramphus reichenbachii
Micronesia    19.02.1990     WWF   10c
Micronesia    19.02.1990     WWF   15c
Micronesia    18.11.1991     Pohnpei rain forest 18v sheet   29c
Beach Kingfisher Todiramphus saurophagus
Papua New Guinea    21.01.1981     Kingfishers   3t
Solomon Islands    15.11.2004     BirdLife International, kingfishers Sheet   7.50$
Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus
Australia    01.10.1999     Small pond 6v set   45c
Australia    01.10.1999     Small pond 6v sheet   45c
Australia    01.10.1999     Small pond 2v strip, sa   45c
Australia    25.03.2000     Bangkok 2000 6v sheet   45c
Australia    26.10.2010     Australian Kingfishers   1.20$
Australia    11.05.2013     Australian birds on stamps Prestige booklet, pane 3   1.20$
Australia    07.09.2020     Water tower art 4v set   1.10$
Australia    07.09.2020     Water tower art 4v sheet   1.10$
Australia    07.09.2020     Water tower art 10x1.10$ booklet, sa   1.10$
Guinea    02.12.2011     Kingfishers Sheet   15000f
Marshall Islands    10.03.2019     Birds Sheet   1.50$
Marshall Islands    22.05.2019     Sacred Kingfisher Sheet   2$
Marshall Islands    22.05.2019     Sacred Kingfisher Sheet   2$
Marshall Islands    22.05.2019     Sacred Kingfisher Sheet   2$
Marshall Islands    22.05.2019     Sacred Kingfisher Sheet   2$
Marshall Islands    22.05.2019     Sacred Kingfisher   5$
Marshall Islands    22.05.2020     Birds definitives     26.35$
Micronesia    04.09.2009     Birds of the Pacific   44c
New Caledonia    19.02.1970     Birds   30f
New Zealand    10.08.1960     Health stamps   2d
New Zealand    10.08.1960     Health stamps 2 sheets   2d
New Zealand    02.11.1988     Native birds p 14½x14   50c
New Zealand    16.08.1994     PHILAKOREA 94 Sheet   50c
New Zealand    01.08.2018     Predator free 2050   1.20$
New Zealand    01.08.2018     Predator free 2050 Sheet   1.20$
New Zealand    21.09.2018     Macao 2018, Predator free 2050 Sheet   1.20$
New Zealand    28.11.2018     Thailand 2018, Predator free 2050 Sheet   1.20$
Norfolk Island    16.06.1971     Birds   1$
Norfolk Island    16.12.1974     UPU 4v set   35c
Norfolk Island    16.12.1974     UPU 4v sheet   35c
Norfolk Island    15.01.2002     Local post Booklet   10c
Norfolk Island    14.12.2004     WWF   50c
Norfolk Island    14.12.2004     WWF   50c
Norfolk Island    14.12.2004     WWF   1$
Norfolk Island    14.12.2004     WWF   2$
Norfolk Island    14.12.2004     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   50c
Norfolk Island    14.12.2004     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   50c
Norfolk Island    14.12.2004     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   1$
Norfolk Island    14.12.2004     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   2$
Norfolk Island    18.08.2009     Bush birds   2.05$
Papua New Guinea    21.01.1981     Kingfishers   20t
Togo    15.06.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   1000f
Flat-billed Kingfisher Todiramphus recurvirostris
Aitutaki    19.03.1982     Birds   5$
Aitutaki    22.09.1983     Surcharge on 1981.02, 1982.01, 1982.03   5.60$
Aitutaki    02.07.1984     Birds, countryname white   9.60$
Aitutaki    01.10.1986     Overprint OHMS on 1984.03-05   9.60$
Aitutaki    02.07.1990     Overprint OHMS on 1982.03   18$
Aitutaki    22.04.1991     Overprint ELISABETH II on 1982.03     5$
Samoa    17.08.1988     Birds   20s
Samoa    25.10.1988     National conservation campaign 6v set   45s
Mewing Kingfisher Todiramphus ruficollaris
Cook Islands    15.11.1976     Nature conservation day   1$
Cook Islands    13.06.2005     WWF   90c
Cook Islands    20.03.2007     Wildlife   80c
Cook Islands    05.08.2015     Self government, stamp on stamp 15v sheet   30c
Cook Islands    05.08.2015     Self government, stamp on stamp 10v sheet   50c
Niau Kingfisher Todiramphus gertrudae
French Polynesia    05.06.1991     Protected birds   17f
French Polynesia    15.09.2010     Birds of Polynesia Booklet, sa   100f
Red-backed Kingfisher Todiramphus pyrrhopygius
Australia    26.10.2010     Australian Kingfishers   60c
Australia    26.10.2010     Australian Kingfishers 10x60c booklet, sa   60c
Australia    26.10.2010     Australian Kingfishers 200x60c booklet, sa   60c
Australia    26.10.2010     Australian Kingfishers Roll, sa   60c
Australia    11.05.2013     Australian birds on stamps Prestige booklet, pane 3   60c
Centralafrica    21.11.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Yellow-billed Kingfisher Syma torotoro
Australia    26.10.2010     Australian Kingfishers   3$
Australia    11.05.2013     Australian birds on stamps Prestige booklet, pane 3   3$
Centralafrica    15.12.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   900f
Sierra Leone    25.03.2016     Kingfishers   24000l
African Dwarf Kingfisher Ispidina lecontei
Guinea    27.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet   750f
African Pygmy Kingfisher Ispidina picta
Burkina Faso    28.02.1994     Kingfishers   2000f
Chad    18.10.1966     Birds   200f
Chad    08.07.1970     Overprint APOLLO... on 1966-7.01   100f
Chad    18.04.2013     Scouts and birds Sheet, white background     5000f
Chad    18.04.2013     Scouts and birds Sheet, fauna background     5000f
Chad    18.04.2013     Scouts and birds     5000f
Comoro Islands    02.03.2009     Kingfishers Sheet   450f
Fujeira    1972     European birds   10r
Gambia    18.02.1966     Birds   1s6d
Gambia    16.07.2001     Bird photographs Sheet   7d
Ghana    16.10.1989     Birds   60c
Ghana    1990     Correct scientific name   60c
Ghana    15.09.2007     Birds of Africa Sheet   7500c
Guinea-Bissau    24.04.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   850f
Mozambique    30.01.2010     Tropical birds and flora Sheet   20m
Mozambique    30.08.2011     Kingfishers Sheet   16m
Ras Al Khaima    1972     Birds   105d
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa   4000l
South Africa    31.05.1961     Definitives   ½c
South Africa    1963     Definitives     ½c
South Africa    21.05.1964     Definitives wmk RSA     ½c
South Africa    1969     Definitives "RSA"   ½c
South Africa    31.08.2016     Kingfishers Sheet with 2 sets, sa   *
South Africa    11.10.2017     Sapdapex 2017   *
Togo    28.07.2000     Wildlife of Africa 8v sheet   290f
Togo    15.11.2013     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Uganda    22.07.1987     Flora and fauna 8v set   5s
Zaire    06.12.1982     Birds   50k
Zaire    1990     Surcharge on 1982.01   40z
Zaire    1990     Surcharge on 1982.01     80z
Madagascar Pygmy Kingfisher Corythornis madagascariensis
Centralafrica    21.11.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Malagasy    12.08.1963     Malagasy birds and orchids 10v set   6f
White-bellied Kingfisher Corythornis leucogaster
Guinea-Bissau    31.10.2012     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Guinea-Bissau    24.04.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   850f
Sao Tome and Principe    21.12.1979     Birds   1d
Sao Tome and Principe    31.12.2007     Birds Sheet   5000d
Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis cristatus
Angola    13.04.2000     Nature heritage of Angola 12v sheet   2k
Antigua & Barbuda    24.04.1997     Endangered species of the world   6$
Barbuda    1998     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1997.05     6$
Botswana    03.01.1967     Birds   15c
Botswana    13.03.2007     Kingfishers   2.60p
Botswana    09.10.2016     Favorite stamps of five decades 5v set   5.90p
Chad    06.02.1963     Birds   250f
Ciskei    01.04.1985     Birds   12c
Comoro Islands    1998     Birds Sheet   175f
Comoro Islands    02.03.2009     Kingfishers Sheet   1000f
Djibouti    26.09.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   260f
Djibouti    26.09.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   260f
Gambia    16.07.2001     A wildlife paradise 6v sheet   7d
Gambia    29.08.2009     Birds of Gambia Sheet   25d
Gambia    31.12.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   50d
Ghana    26.08.2002     Birds Sheet   4500c
Ghana    13.03.2023     Malachite Kingfisher Sheet   12c
Ghana    13.03.2023     Malachite Kingfisher Sheet   12c
Ghana    13.03.2023     Malachite Kingfisher Sheet   12c
Ghana    13.03.2023     Malachite Kingfisher Sheet   12c
Ghana    13.03.2023     Malachite Kingfisher Sheet   12c
Ghana    13.03.2023     Malachite Kingfisher Sheet   12c
Ghana    13.03.2023     Malachite Kingfisher   30c
Guinea    27.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet   750f
Guinea-Bissau    10.05.1992     Malachite Kingfisher   1500p
Guinea-Bissau    05.05.2008     Buffaloes and kingfishers Sheet   500f
Guinea-Bissau    05.05.2008     Buffaloes and kingfishers   3000f
Guinea-Bissau    24.04.2015     Kingfishers   2800f
Kenya    22.02.1993     Birds   7s
Lesotho    20.04.1981     Birds p 14½   25s
Lesotho    20.04.1981     Birds Booklet   25s
Lesotho    14.06.1982     Imprint 1982 on 1981.01 With wmk     25s
Lesotho    14.06.1982     Birds Booklet     25s
Lesotho    1986     Surcharge on 1981.01-2, 1982.01-2     16s
Lesotho    1986     Surcharge on 1981.01-2, 1982.01-2   35s
Liberia    11.08.1997     Birds   4c
Liberia    20.12.1999     Legends, Tarzan 9v sheet   15$
Malawi    10.11.1980     Christmas 4v set   1k
Malawi    07.04.1992     Birds Sheet   75t
Malawi    27.05.2016     Birds of Malawi Sheet   870k
Malawi    27.05.2016     Birds of Malawi   350k
Mali    20.10.1995     Birds and butterflies of the world 12v sheet   200f
Mozambique    30.08.2011     Kingfishers Sheet   16m
Namibia    15.05.2002     Birds of Namibia   2.80$
Namibia    01.10.2014     Kingfishers   ZoneC
Nevis    10.05.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   1.60$
Rwanda    30.06.1975     Aquatic birds   30c
Senegal    18.12.2013     Gueumbeul reserve 4v set   450f
Sierra Leone    01.12.1992     Birds definitives   20l
Sierra Leone    05.09.1995     Wildlife of Africa 8v sheet   300l
Sierra Leone    18.05.1999     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Sierra Leone    10.03.2008     Surcharge on 1999.05 Sheet   2800l
Solomon Islands    20.12.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   5$
Tanzania    15.03.1989     Birds Sheet   20s
Tanzania    17.04.1994     Birds Sheet   400s
Togo    28.09.2011     Mangroves of East Africa   3000f
Togo    15.11.2013     Kingfishers   2500f
Uganda    08.01.1991     Fauna of Ugandas wetlands 16v sheet   70s
Upper Volta    25.05.1975     Albert Schweitzer   450f
Zimbabwe    20.02.2007     Birds of Zimbabwe   500$
Zimbabwe    20.02.2007     Birds of Zimbabwe Sheet   500$
Malagasy Kingfisher Corythornis vintsioides
Comoro Islands    20.06.1967     Birds   10f
Comoro Islands    06.02.1978     Birds   35f
Comoro Islands    02.05.1979     Overprint Republique Federale… on 1978.01   30f
Comoro Islands    14.12.2009     Indian Ocean birds and lighthouses   3000f
Mayotte    16.05.2011     Kingfisher   0.58€
Malaysian Blue-banded Kingfisher Alcedo peninsulae
Guinea    20.10.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   15000f
Shining-blue Kingfisher Alcedo quadribrachys
Liberia    07.10.1996     Kingfishers Strip   75c
Uganda    09.10.1992     Birds   200s
Blue-eared Kingfisher Alcedo meninting
Bangladesh    17.07.2011     Birds of the Sundarbans Sheet   10t
Brunei    11.11.1998     Kingfishers   20s
Malaysia    23.10.1993     Kingfishers   30c
Malaysia    26.05.2016     River transportation in Sarawak   3r
Singapore    26.04.2017     Kingfishers   70c
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis
Albania    15.11.1968     Birds   25q
Alderney    21.01.2020     Birds definitives   5p
Armenia    12.11.2019     Fauna of Armenia 2v set   230d
Austria    25.02.2008     Fauna 2v set, sa   65c
Austria    07.06.2013     Nature protection   90c
Azerbaijan    16.07.2013     Birds   0.3m
Bahrain    22.05.1993     Water birds Sheet   150f
Bahrain    16.09.1997     Save the ozone layer   80f
Bahrain    16.09.1997     Save the ozone layer   100f
Bahrain    16.09.1997     Save the ozone layer   200f
Bahrain    16.09.1997     Save the ozone layer   250f
Belarus    19.01.1994     Birds in the Red Book Sheet   40r
Belarus    30.09.1994     Birds in the Red Book   400r
Belarus    10.09.1996     Ducks and wading birds Sheet   400r
Belarus    17.04.1997     Environment conference 2v set   4500r
Belarus    26.04.1999     IBRA 99 Sheet with 3 designs   150000r
Belgium    15.12.1986     Birds   8f
Bosnia Herzegovina    22.03.2001     Birds and horses 4v set   0.90m
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat)    02.03.2005     Birds of the Neretva valley Sheet   1m
Bosnia Herzegovina (Rep Srpska)    10.05.2011     Birds of Bardaca   0.90m
British Solomon Islands    07.04.1975     Birds   2c
Brunei    11.11.1998     Kingfishers   30s
Bulgaria    11.09.2007     Protected birds Sheet   0.10l
Bulgaria    11.09.2007     Protected birds Booklet   0.10l
Burundi    30.09.1970     Birds   5f
Burundi    29.01.1971     Birds, new face values     30f
Cambodia    02.05.1964     Birds   6r
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Bonaire) 2021 Sheet   99c
Caribbean Netherlands    02.04.2022     Birds (Bonaire) 2022 Sheet   99c
Centralafrica    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 5v sheet   500f
Centralafrica    15.12.2014     Kingfishers   3000f
Chad    30.05.1998     Save the ozone layer   150f
Chad    30.05.1998     Save the ozone layer   300f
Chad    30.05.1998     Save the ozone layer   475f
Chad    30.05.1998     Save the ozone layer   500f
China    20.05.1980     Paintings of Qi Baishi   8f
China (Taiwan)    16.02.1977     Taiwan birds   8$
China (Taiwan)    24.08.1991     Taiwan stream birds Sheet   5$
Comoro Islands    02.03.2009     Kingfishers Sheet   250f
Congo (Brazzaville)    08.12.1976     Birds   10f
Croatia    27.07.2022     Birdpex   A
Cuba    15.01.2016     Waterbirds   10c
Cyprus (Turkish)    22.09.2006     Birds   60c
Czech Republic    28.05.2008     Trebonsko fauna 4v sheet   10k
Czech Republic    24.04.2019     Europa   E
Czechoslovakia    16.11.1959     Birds   1.20k
Denmark    23.10.1975     Danish endangered animals 5v set   50ø
Denmark    21.09.2022     Endangered animals 5v set, sa     12k
Djibouti    26.09.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   260f
Djibouti    26.09.2016     Kingfishers   960f
Egypt    24.10.2023     Migratory birds of Egypt Sheet   10£
El Salvador    28.08.1997     Save the ozone layer   1.50col
Estonia    20.03.2014     Bird of the year   0.45€
Finland    28.04.2021     Europa 3v set, sa   *
France    14.09.1991     Nature 4v set   5f
France    07.11.2016     Bievre   0.70€
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   5d
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   5d
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   5d
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige   25d
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet   5d
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet   5d
Gambia    16.07.2001     Animals of Africa 6v sheet   8d
Germany, East    27.04.1967     Protected birds   30p
Germany, West    12.06.1963     Child welfare   40p
Gibraltar    04.03.1999     Europa 4v set   42p
Great Britain    16.01.1980     Wild bird protection   10p
Great Britain    05.02.1991     Greetings stamps 10v booklet   1st
Great Britain    13.07.2023     River wildlife 10v set   2nd
Great Britain    13.07.2023     River wildlife 10v sheet, sa   2nd
Greece    15.10.1979     Endangered birds   14d
Guernsey    16.10.1990     Christmas Sheet   10p
Guernsey    01.02.2001     Europa   21p
Guernsey    01.04.2019     Birds/Europa   98p
Guernsey    01.04.2019     Birds/Europa Sheet   98p
Guinea    02.12.2011     Kingfishers Sheet   20000f
Guinea    20.10.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   10000f
Guinea    18.07.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   10000f
Guinea-Bissau    31.10.2012     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Guinea-Bissau    24.04.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   850f
Guyana    28.01.1988     Fauna and flora 8v sheet   2$
Guyana    01.07.1997     Hong Kong 97 Sheet   80$
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives   1$
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives Sheet   1$
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives Prestige booklet   1$
Hungary    20.02.1990     Birds   3fo
Hungary    09.05.2001     European animals 4v set   90fo
Iran    06.08.1999     Bird definitive   150r
Iraq    15.09.1976     Birds   5f
Iraq    15.09.1976     Inscription OFFICIAL on 1976.01   5f
Iraq    21.01.2015     Iraqi birds   1000d
Iraq    21.01.2015     Iraqi birds   1500d
Ireland    27.08.1997     Birds   10p
Ireland    16.02.1999     Birds Sheet, p 14x15, s 21x24 mm, pho   30p
Ireland    01.01.2002     Birds   10c
Ireland    01.01.2002     Birds, Kingfisher and Blackbird Booklet   10c
Isle of Man    18.02.1994     Calf of Man bird observatory   30p
Isle of Man    12.02.2019     Wildlife 10v set   1st
Isle of Man    12.02.2019     Wildlife 2x5v booklet, sa   1st
Israel    05.03.2019     Birds in Israel   *
Japan    29.01.1993     Water birds   62y
Japan    18.10.2010     International year of biodiversity 10v sheet   80y
Japan    19.06.2020     Traditional colours 10v sheet, sa   63y
Japan    24.01.2022     Birds 10v sheet, sa   84y
Jersey    22.05.2001     Jersey nature   1.50£
Jersey    09.06.2001     Belgica 2001   1.50£
Jersey    05.03.2019     Birds   94p
Jersey    05.03.2019     Birds Sheet   94p
Jordan    16.09.1996     Protect our earth     100f
Jordan    01.02.2009     Birds   50p
Kazakhstan    12.10.1999     Protect life on earth 3v sheet   45t
Korea, North    09.07.1988     Birds   30c
Korea, South    05.06.2017     Nature in the DMZ of Korea 2v set   330w
Kuwait    16.09.1997     Save the ozone layer   25f
Kuwait    16.09.1997     Save the ozone layer   50f
Kuwait    16.09.1997     Save the ozone layer   150f
Kyrgyzstan    05.06.1998     Fauna 8v sheet   1000t
Laos    09.03.1982     Birds   2k
Laos    20.02.2004     Birds   3500k
Latvia    10.08.2018     Plant from the Ice Age   0.85€
Latvia    16.08.2019     Latvian nature foundation   0.78€
Latvia    19.06.2020     Birds   2.14€
Latvia    02.07.2021     Rare plant   1.27€
Latvia    17.06.2022     Latvian nature foundation   1.20€
Latvia    24.05.2024     Latvian nature foundation   1.65€
Libya    01.04.1982     Birds   45d
Luxembourg    06.12.1993     Endangered birds   14f
Macau    21.09.1984     Ausipex 84   30a
Malawi    04.06.2018     Malawi indigenous birds   450k
Mali    15.04.1985     Audubon   180f
Mali    1992     Surcharge on 1985.01     30f
Malta    06.04.1999     Europa   35c
Marshall Islands    07.07.2015     Birds Sheet   49c
Mongolia    03.02.1993     Birds Sheet   16t
Mozambique    10.07.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   100m
Netherlands    14.08.2023     Oisterwijk 10v sheet, sa   1
Netherlands Antilles    18.08.2006     Birds Sheet   100c
Palau    02.06.1997     Hiroshige   2$
Palau    26.12.2001     Birds of Palau   2$
Peru    16.09.1997     Protect the ozone layer   6.80s
Peru    24.10.1997     Manu national park birds Sheet   3.30s
Poland    30.11.1960     Birds   4z
Poland    12.06.1992     Environmental protection 4v set   2500z
Poland    31.03.2004     Freshwater fauna and flora 4v set   1.25z
Poland    12.04.2013     Kingfisher   4.55z
Portugal    12.06.1992     UN conference on environment and development Strip   120e
Qatar    12.03.1972     Birds   2d
Rumania    20.03.1977     Protected animals 6v set   4.80l
Rumania    25.03.1980     European nature protection 6v set   55b
Rumania    28.02.2009     Birds of the Danube Delta   50b
Rumania    28.02.2009     Birds of the Danube Delta Sheet   50b
Rumania    01.09.2016     Ceahlau national park 12v set   2.70l
San Marino    28.01.1960     Birds   25l
Sao Tome and Principe    10.05.2013     Kingfishers Sheet   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    10.05.2013     Kingfishers Sheet   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    10.05.2013     Kingfishers Sheet   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    10.05.2013     Kingfishers Sheet   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    10.05.2013     Kingfishers   96000d
Sao Tome and Principe    15.10.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   25000d
Saudi Arabia    15.07.1997     Save the ozone layer   1r
Saudi Arabia    15.07.1997     Save the ozone layer   2r
Senegal    18.12.2013     Gueumbeul reserve 4v set   200f
Senegal    15.11.2014     Lakes and rivers 2v set   100f
Sharjah    1972     Birds   65d
Sierra Leone    25.03.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   6000l
Singapore    26.04.2017     Kingfishers   70c
Slovakia    18.12.2002     Nitrafila   10k
Solomon Islands    12.11.1975     Bar hiding "British"     2c
Solomon Islands    08.03.1976     Definitives   2c
Solomon Islands    20.12.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   5$
Solomon Islands    13.05.2016     Waterbirds Sheet   7$
Spain    02.04.2018     Leon sa   A
Sri Lanka    18.10.2001     Save the ozone layer   13.50r
St Vincent & Grenadines    07.04.1997     Birds of the world Sheet   2$
St Vincent & Grenadines    16.09.1997     Save the ozone layer   90c
Switzerland    21.02.1966     Publicity issue 3v set   10c
Switzerland    19.11.2002     Stamp day   70c
Switzerland    03.03.2022     Animals in their habitats 4v set, sa   110c
Tajikistan    28.10.2003     Nature of Middle Asia 8v sheet   2.29s
Tanzania    15.10.1992     Birds   30s
Tanzania    26.08.1999     Birds of Japan Sheet   250s
Tanzania    10.07.2012     Birds of Tanzania Sheet   1000s
Tuvalu    01.06.2000     Birds of the South Pacific Sheet   90c
Uganda    30.03.2012     Kingfishers Sheet   4100s
Uganda    30.03.2012     Kingfishers Sheet   4100s
Uganda    26.02.2014     Waterbirds Sheet   2500s
Ukraine    03.03.2003     Yavoriv national park 3v sheet   1h
Upper Volta    01.11.1978     Philexafrique   100f
Vatican City    13.06.1989     Bird paintings   350l
Vietnam    11.03.1996     Kingfishers   2000d
Vietnam, North    31.10.1966     Birds   12x
Wallis & Futuna    18.02.1994     Hong Kong 94   700f
Wallis & Futuna    20.09.2002     Island views 4v strip   105f
Half-collared Kingfisher Alcedo semitorquata
Angola    27.03.1951     Birds   10a
Guinea-Bissau    24.04.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   850f
Namibia    01.10.2014     Kingfishers   postc.
Rhodesia    01.06.1971     Birds of Rhodesia   2½c
South Africa    31.08.2016     Kingfishers Sheet with 2 sets, sa   *
Blyth's Kingfisher Alcedo hercules
Vietnam    14.11.2020     Kingfishers   4000d
Vietnam    14.11.2020     Kingfishers 10x4000d booklet   4000d
Black-backed Dwarf Kingfisher Ceyx erithaca
Bhutan    22.11.1989     Birds   20n
Centralafrica    15.12.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   900f
Djibouti    26.09.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   260f
Guinea    02.12.2011     Kingfishers Sheet   5000f
Guinea    20.10.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   10000f
Malaysia    23.10.1993     Kingfishers   50c
Mozambique    10.07.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   100m
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   6000l
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Tropical birds Sheet   6000l
Singapore    26.04.2017     Kingfishers   90c
Vietnam    14.11.2020     Kingfishers   4000d
Vietnam    14.11.2020     Kingfishers 10x4000d booklet   4000d
Rufous-backed Dwarf Kingfisher Ceyx rufidorsa
Guinea    20.10.2014     Kingfishers   40000f
Madagascar    07.04.1999     Wildlife of the rainforest 9v sheet   2450f
Palau    26.12.2001     Birds of Palau Sheet   60c
Sierra Leone    25.03.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   6000l
Togo    15.06.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   1000f
Dimorphic Dwarf Kingfisher Ceyx margarethae
Philippines    15.11.2007     Birds   20p
North Solomons Dwarf Kingfisher Ceyx meeki
Solomon Islands    01.02.2001     Birds definitives   4$
Solomon Islands    15.11.2004     BirdLife International, kingfishers Sheet   7.50$
Azure Kingfisher Ceyx azureus
Australia    14.02.1966     Definitives   24c
Centralafrica    18.07.2016     Waterbirds Sheet   900f
Guinea    18.07.2016     Kingfishers   40000f
Mozambique    10.07.2016     Kingfishers   350m
Niue    04.08.1986     Stampex 86   1.65$
Sao Tome and Principe    15.10.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   25000d
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   6000l
Little Kingfisher Ceyx pusillus
Australia    02.06.1997     Kakadu birds Sheet, p 14x14½   45c
Australia    02.06.1997     Kakadu birds Sheet, sa, p 11½, SNP   45c
Australia    02.06.1997     Kakadu birds $4.50 booklet, sa, p 11½, SNP   45c
Australia    02.06.1997     Kakadu birds Strip, sa, p 11½, SNP   45c
Australia    13.11.1997     Kakadu birds Strip, sa, p 12½x13, Pemara   45c
Australia    01.09.1998     Kakadu birds $9 booklet, sa, p 11½, SNP   45c
Palau    29.12.2000     Pacific flora and fauna 6v sheet     33c
Solomon Islands    15.07.1987     Mangrove Kingfisher   60c
Solomon Islands    15.07.1987     Mangrove Kingfisher   60c
Solomon Islands    15.07.1987     Mangrove Kingfisher   60c
Solomon Islands    15.07.1987     Mangrove Kingfisher   60c
Solomon Islands    15.11.2004     BirdLife International, kingfishers Sheet   7.50$
Amazon Kingfisher Chloroceryle amazona
Argentina    23.12.1967     Child welfare, birds   20p
Aruba    30.06.2017     Birds   200c
Colombia    04.03.2020     Guadalajara de Buga 4v sheet   7000p
Guinea    18.07.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   10000f
Guyana    23.01.1990     Birds of Guyana   100$
Kampuchea    05.07.1985     Argentina 85   1.50r
Mali    20.10.1995     Birds of the world Sheet   100f
Mexico    06.08.1998     Conservation of marine animals 25v sheet   2.30p
Mozambique    10.07.2016     Kingfishers Sheet   100m
Nevis    17.12.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   3.15$
Paraguay    22.10.1983     South American birds   1g
Surinam    21.10.2004     Birds Sheet   0.80$
Surinam    19.12.2017     Nature   5$
Surinam    03.06.2020     Birds 2x12v sheet   9$
Venezuela    14.12.1962     Birds   25c
American Pygmy Kingfisher Chloroceryle aenea
El Salvador    11.10.1995     America   80c
Guinea-Bissau    05.05.2008     Buffaloes and kingfishers Sheet   500f
Surinam    15.08.2008     Birds   1.40$
Surinam    2009     Birds Sheet with 2 each   1.40$
Green Kingfisher Chloroceryle americana
El Salvador    11.10.1995     America   2.20col
Nevis    17.12.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   3.15$
Nevis    17.12.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   3.15$
Nicaragua    23.08.2000     Birds of America Sheet   3cor
Paraguay    09.09.1994     Parafil 94   400g
Surinam    02.10.1996     Birds   75g
Surinam    03.06.2020     Birds 2x12v sheet   10$
Green-and-rufous Kingfisher Chloroceryle inda
Surinam    21.10.2004     Birds Sheet   0.05$
Surinam    03.06.2020     Birds 2x12v sheet   11$
Crested Kingfisher Megaceryle lugubris
Bhutan    01.09.1995     Singapore 95 Sheet   1n
Japan    13.01.1994     Definitives   80y
Japan    24.01.1994     Definitives   80y
Japan    24.01.1994     Definitives Booklet, imp, sa   80y
Japan    01.08.2001     PhilaNippon 01 10v sheet, sa   80y
Japan    25.03.2002     Definitives Booklet, sa   80y
Giant Kingfisher Megaceryle maxima
Angola    22.03.1951     Birds   50c
Botswana    03.07.1978     Birds   25t
Centralafrica    20.12.2011     Kingfishers Sheet   650f
Centralafrica    20.12.2011     Kingfishers   2400f
Chad    18.04.2013     Scouts, birds and mushrooms   800f
Chad    18.04.2013     Scouts, birds and mushrooms 2v sheet   800f
Chad    18.04.2013     Scouts, birds and mushrooms     800f
Ciskei    04.12.1981     Birds   7c
Comoro Islands    02.03.2009     Kingfishers Sheet   200f
Gabon    04.11.1992     Birds   300f
Gabon    04.11.1992     Birds Sheet   300f
Guinea    27.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet   750f
Lesotho    05.04.1988     Birds   3m
Lesotho    1991     Imprint 1989 on 1988.01     3m
Liberia    18.11.1953     Definitives   5c
Liberia    07.10.1996     Kingfishers Strip   75c
Mozambique    30.08.2011     Kingfishers   175m
Namibia    01.10.2014     Kingfishers   inl.reg.
Sierra Leone    21.08.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   5500l
South Africa    31.08.2016     Kingfishers Sheet with 2 sets, sa   *
Swaziland    02.01.1976     Birds   25c
Togo    15.11.2013     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Zimbabwe    08.02.2005     Birds of Zimbabwe   100000$
Ringed Kingfisher Megaceryle torquata
Antigua    03.11.1980     Birds   10c
Antigua & Barbuda    01.03.1988     Birds of Antigua   15c
Barbuda    08.12.1980     Overprint BARBUDA on Antigua 1980.01   10c
Barbuda    04.07.1988     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1988.01   15c
British Virgin Islands    30.06.1973     First issue of coinage   10c
Dominica    28.06.1976     Wild birds   ½c
Dominica    20.01.1987     Birds of Dominica p 15   20c
Dominica    31.08.1989     Imprint 1989 on 1987.01 p 14     20c
Dominica    1990     Birds of Dominica p 12     20c
Dominica    20.01.1991     Birds of Dominica p 12½x11½     20c
Dominica    30.04.1993     Birds Sheet   90c
Grenada    01.03.2000     Birds Sheet   1$
Grenada    22.01.2009     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   3$
Grenadines (G)    05.09.1995     Birds of the Caribbean   2$
Grenadines (G)    01.07.2002     Year of eco tourism 6v sheet   1.50$
Grenadines (G)    10.02.2005     Hurricane relief 6v sheet   1.50$
Grenadines (G)    24.05.2019     Colorful birds Sheet   3$
Guinea-Bissau    31.10.2012     Kingfishers   2900f
Marshall Islands    03.06.2008     Colourful birds of the world Sheet   42c
Nevis    28.05.1991     Birds of Nevis Sheet   40c
Nevis    17.12.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   3.15$
Nicaragua    14.06.1999     Flora and fauna of the tropics   10cor
Paraguay    26.05.2010     Charles Darwin   7000g
Surinam    02.04.2000     Birds   4425g
Surinam    15.08.2008     Birds   0.30$
Togo    15.06.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   1000f
Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon
Anguilla    22.07.1985     Birds   5$
Anguilla    04.09.1987     Overprint 20 YEARS OF on 1985.03-4, 1985.06, 1986.01     5$
Anguilla    31.07.1989     Overprint 20th ANNIVERSARY on 1985.03-4   5$
Antigua & Barbuda    25.11.2002     Birds Sheet   1.50$
Argentina    17.07.1993     Paintings of birds by Axel Amuchastegui Sheet   38c
Bahamas    15.08.1984     National Trust   31c
Barbados    07.08.1979     Birds   5$
Belize    30.05.1985     Audubon   75c
Bhutan    17.10.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   15n
Canada    15.08.1995     Wildlife 4v sheet   45c
Canada    26.09.1995     Wildlife 4v sheet   45c
Caribbean Netherlands    04.10.2019     Birds (Saba) Sheet   150c
Caribbean Netherlands    16.02.2024     Birds of Saba Sheet   150c
Cayman Islands    15.08.1984     Birds of the Cayman Islands   35c
Centralafrica    15.12.2014     Kingfishers Sheet   900f
Cuba    16.03.1996     Gundlach   10c
Dominica    03.09.2001     Bird definitives   25c
Dominica    29.07.2002     Birds Sheet   1.50$
Dominica    2005     Bird definitives "2005"   25c
Grenada    20.01.1976     Flora and fauna   1$
Grenada    31.05.1988     Birds   5$
Grenada    16.12.2002     50th anniversary of IFSDA   2$
Grenadines (G)    26.10.2011     Birds of the world Sheet   2.50$
Lesotho    28.06.1999     Birds of the world   70s
Lesotho    28.06.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   2m
Mexico    15.08.1995     Animals 4v strip   2.70p
Montserrat    28.05.1984     Birds   1$
Montserrat    12.04.1985     Overprint OHMS on 1984.01   1$
Montserrat    01.12.2003     Birds of the Caribbean   90c
Mozambique    10.05.2016     Waterbirds Sheet   66m
Mustique    05.11.2003     Caribbean birds   1.40$
Nevis    25.03.1985     Audubon   55c
Nevis    10.05.1999     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   1.60$
Nevis    17.12.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   3.15$
Nevis    17.12.2015     Kingfishers   10$
Nicaragua    15.10.1971     Nicaraguan birds   2cor
Nicaragua    23.08.2000     Birds of America   25cor
Panama    20.07.1967     Birds   13c
Sao Tome and Principe    15.10.2014     Kingfishers   96000d
Sierra Leone    17.05.2004     Beautiful birds of the world   500l
Sierra Leone    21.08.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   5500l
Sierra Leone    21.08.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   5500l
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   6000l
St Kitts    27.04.1999     IBRA 99 Sheet   80c
St Kitts    12.03.2001     Flora and fauna of the Caribbean Sheet   1.60$
St Lucia    17.05.1976     Birds   4c
St Vincent & Grenadines    01.04.1993     Migratory birds   45c
St Vincent & Grenadines    07.04.1997     Birds of the world   70c
Togo    20.05.2016     Waterbirds Sheet   900f
Turks & Caicos Islands    02.08.1995     Birds   10c
Vietnam    11.03.1996     Kingfishers   1000d
Pied Kingfisher Ceryle rudis
Botswana    13.03.2007     Kingfishers   1.10p
Centralafrica    01.07.1988     Scouts and birds   300f
Centralafrica    07.10.1988     Surcharge on 1988.01   70f
Centralafrica    20.12.2011     Kingfishers Sheet   650f
Centralafrica    20.12.2011     Kingfishers Sheet   650f
Congo (Kinshasa)    16.08.2000     Birds of Congo   20f
Gambia    18.02.1966     Birds   2d
Gambia    22.10.1996     Birds   25d
Gambia    29.08.2009     Birds of Gambia   20d
Gambia    31.12.2015     Kingfishers Sheet   50d
Gambia    27.03.2018     Birds of The Gambia Sheet   85d
Guinea-Bissau    27.12.1996     Birds   13000p
Hong Kong    20.04.1988     Hong Kong birds   5$
India    31.05.2007     National parks (Bandipur, Kaziranga, Periyar) 5v strip   5r
Lesotho    05.04.1988     Birds   2s
Liberia    07.10.1996     Kingfishers Strip   75c
Malawi    04.06.2018     Malawi indigenous birds Sheet   700k
Maldive Islands    25.05.2015     Kingfishers   60r
Mozambique    30.08.2011     Kingfishers Sheet   16m
Namibia    01.07.2002     Rivers 5v set   3.50$
Namibia    01.10.2014     Kingfishers   ZoneA
Niger    08.02.1967     Birds   2f
Senegal    13.07.1968     Birds   5f
Sierra Leone    18.05.1999     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Sierra Leone    30.09.2009     Birds of Africa   1000l
Sierra Leone    27.05.2016     Chobe national park 4v sheet   6000l
South Africa    05.06.1997     Waterbirds, Ilsapex 98 Sheet, p 14¼x14   *
South Africa    1997     Waterbirds Booklet, p 14x14   *
South Africa    31.08.2016     Kingfishers Sheet with 2 sets, sa   *
Surinam    15.10.2008     Birds Sheet   V
Tanzania    30.06.1993     Wildlife at a watering hole in Tanzania 12v sheet   100s
Tanzania    10.07.2012     Birds of Tanzania Sheet   1000s
Togo    28.12.2006     Aquatic birds Sheet   450f
Togo    15.11.2013     Kingfishers Sheet   750f
Uganda    30.03.2012     Kingfishers Sheet   3400s
Uganda    30.03.2012     Kingfishers Sheet   4100s
Vietnam    11.03.1996     Kingfishers   12000d
