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70 Herons, Bitterns Ardeidae
White-crested Tiger Heron Tigriornis leucolopha
Gabon    17.04.1989     Birds   100f
Gabon    17.04.1989     Birds Sheet   100f
Ghana    13.06.1994     Birds of Ghana Sheet   200c
Rufescent Tiger Heron Tigrisoma lineatum
Guyana    12.08.1997     Birds of the world Sheet   80$
Surinam    21.08.1985     Birds   1.50g
Bare-throated Tiger Heron Tigrisoma mexicanum
Mexico    06.08.1998     Conservation of marine animals 25v sheet   2.30p
Boat-billed Heron Cochlearius cochlearius
Belize    16.04.1979     Birds   10c
Belize    16.04.1979     Birds Sheet   10c
Guinea-Bissau    28.10.2010     Seabirds Sheet   300f
Peru    25.09.2000     Province of Ucayali 100th anniversary   3.20s
St Maarten    23.05.2016     Birds Sheet   300c
Agami Heron Agamia agami
Colombia    21.06.2022     Cordoba 12v sheet   1000p
Cuba    07.08.1989     Brasiliana 89   3c
Surinam    31.01.2001     Birds   175g
Surinam    28.06.2007     Birds Sheet   T
Zigzag Heron Zebrilus undulatus
St Maarten    14.01.2015     Birds   475c
Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris
Afghanistan    05.12.1989     Birds   10a
Algeria    24.01.2001     Birds   10d
Belarus    10.09.1996     Ducks and wading birds Sheet   400r
Bulgaria    07.04.1981     Birds   8s
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (St Eustatius) 2021 Sheet   99c
Caribbean Netherlands    02.04.2022     Birds (St Eustatius) 2022 Sheet   99c
Finland    18.05.1999     Nocturnal summer birds Sheet   3m
Germany, East    26.06.1959     Nature preservation 5v set   10p
Great Britain    12.03.1996     The wildfowl and wetlands trust   35p
Great Britain    04.09.2007     Endangered birds   1st
Guinea-Bissau    20.05.2013     Bird art Sheet   500f
Iran    17.03.1994     New year stamps   40r
Moldova    30.09.2021     Prutul de Jos   1.75l
Netherlands    21.02.2022     Nieuwkoopse Plassen 10v sheet, sa   1
Slovenia    30.05.2014     Birds sa   0.36€
Slovenia    15.06.2015     Birds sa   0.36€
American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus
Grenadines (G)    28.01.1986     Audubon   90c
Pinnated Bittern Botaurus pinnatus
Guyana    12.08.1997     Birds of the world   300$
Surinam    28.06.2007     Birds Sheet   0.20$
Least Bittern Ixobrychus exilis
Aruba    30.06.2017     Birds   250c
Bahamas    15.09.2022     Wetmark birds   70c
Bermuda    18.08.2005     Habitats   25c
British Virgin Islands    03.07.1985     Birds of the British Virgin Islands   15c
British Virgin Islands    1986     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1985.01   15c
British Virgin Islands    28.10.1987     Imprint 1987 on 1985.01   15c
Dominica    30.04.1993     Birds Sheet   90c
Surinam    19.12.2017     Nature   5$
Black Bittern Ixobrychus flavicollis
Maldive Islands    05.07.1993     Birds Sheet   3.50r
Singapore    15.03.1984     Coastal birds   35c
Singapore    20.03.2002     William Farquhar collection Sheet   *
Singapore    20.03.2002     William Farquhar collection Sheet, sa   *
Cinnamon Bittern Ixobrychus cinnamomeus
Malaysia    25.06.2015     Herons   5r
Maldive Islands    09.08.1990     Birds   3.50r
Maldive Islands    01.04.1999     Nature wonderland   25r
Maldive Islands    08.04.2002     Birds of the Maldives   25r
Niger    01.03.2013     Herons Sheet   750f
Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus
Belarus    10.09.1996     Ducks and wading birds Sheet   400r
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (St Eustatius) 2021 Sheet   99c
Gambia    08.05.1995     Birds Sheet   3d
Ghana    14.10.1991     The birds of Ghana Sheet   100c
Libya    01.05.1976     Libyan birds   5d
Malta    22.06.2001     Birds of Malta Sheet   6c
Sharjah    27.07.1972     Birds   75d
Tanzania    18.02.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   370s
Yemen Republic (combined)    14.10.1996     Birds   150r
Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis
Macau    11.09.2011     WWF   3.50p
Macau    11.09.2011     WWF Sheet   3.50p
Palau    29.02.1988     Birds   44c
Palau    10.07.1996     Birds over the Palau lagoon Sheet   50c
Palau    05.04.1997     Palaus avian environment 12v sheet   20c
Palau    14.07.2011     Seabirds Sheet   98c
Seychelles    04.02.1982     Birds Strip   3r
Seychelles    04.02.1982     Birds Strip   3r
Seychelles    04.02.1982     Birds Strip   3r
Seychelles    04.02.1982     Birds Strip   3r
Seychelles    04.02.1982     Birds Strip   3r
Yellow-crowned Night Heron Nyctanassa violacea
Anguilla    18.04.1977     Definitives   1c
Anguilla    12.02.1979     Surcharge on 1978.01, 1977.01   40c
Anguilla    18.12.1980     Overprint SEPARATION 1980 on 1977.01, 1978.01, 1979.01, 1980.02   1c
Anguilla    18.12.1980     Overprint SEPARATION 1980 on 1977.01, 1978.01, 1979.01, 1980.02   40c
Anguilla    11.11.1985     Birds   40c
Anguilla    04.09.1987     Overprint 20 YEARS OF on 1985.03-4, 1985.06, 1986.01     40c
Antigua & Barbuda    19.11.1990     Birds   3$
Antigua & Barbuda    25.11.2002     Birds Sheet   1.50$
Bahamas    01.10.2002     Mark Catesby 6v set   80c
Barbuda    16.06.1980     Birds   20c
Barbuda    04.04.1985     Audubon   60c
Barbuda    23.04.1991     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1990.01   3$
Belize    09.11.2020     Definitives   5c
Bermuda    28.03.1985     Audubon   30c
Bermuda    18.08.2005     Habitats   1$
British Virgin Islands    03.07.1985     Birds of the British Virgin Islands   2c
British Virgin Islands    10.02.1986     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1985.01   2c
Caribbean Netherlands    04.10.2019     Birds (Saba) Sheet   150c
Cayes of Belize    20.05.1985     Audubon   1$
Cayman Islands    27.07.1988     Herons   50c
Cuba    15.12.2020     Water birds   10c
Dominica    18.06.1986     Audubon   90c
Gambia    01.08.1999     Marine life of Galapagos 40v sheet   1.50d
Grenadines (G)    31.05.1988     Birds   20c
Grenadines (G)    09.09.2016     Crabs and birds of the Caribbean 6v sheet   3.25$
Nevis    28.05.1991     Birds of Nevis Sheet   40c
Philippines    20.12.1983     Philatelic week, stamp on stamp 5v strip     50s
Philippines    20.12.1983     Philatelic week, stamp on stamp 5v strip     50s
Rumania    26.06.1985     Audubon   1.50l
St Kitts    05.02.1981     Birds   10c
St Maarten    16.02.2024     Birds Sheet   155c
St Vincent & Grenadines    11.07.1996     Birds of St Vincent Sheet   1$
Tanzania    18.02.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   370s
Turks & Caicos Islands    19.02.1990     Birds   30c
Turks & Caicos Islands    30.12.1993     Birds and nests   15c
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax
Aruba    30.06.2017     Birds   85c
Bahrain    22.05.1993     Water birds Sheet   150f
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat)    01.11.2009     Birds of Hutovo Blato   1.50m
Burundi    08.11.2004     Birds of Africa Sheet   650f
Cayman Islands    09.12.1980     Flora and fauna 11v set   1$
Cayman Islands    14.06.1982     Imprint 1982 on 1980.01     1$
Cayman Islands    1985     Imprint 1985 on 1980.01     1$
China (Taiwan)    24.08.1991     Taiwan stream birds Sheet   5$
Colombia    17.08.2001     Los Katios   2100p
Colombia    01.02.2002     Colombian nature richness Sheet   2300p
Cuba    01.12.1965     Christmas   13c
Cuba    15.06.1993     Brasiliana 93   20c
Czechoslovakia    24.10.1960     Water birds   25h
Dominica    15.04.1995     Birds Sheet   65c
Falkland Islands    06.12.1999     Millennium 6v set   30p
Falkland Islands    28.09.2001     Carcass Island 4v set   43p
Falkland Islands    21.07.2003     Bird definitives   95p
Falkland Islands    10.02.2006     Night Heron   24p
Falkland Islands    10.02.2006     Night Heron   55p
Falkland Islands    10.02.2006     Night Heron   80p
Falkland Islands    10.02.2006     Night Heron   1£
Falkland Islands    14.12.2012     Colour in nature 4v set   30p
Falkland Islands    05.08.2019     Feathers   1.26£
Falkland Islands    01.10.2020     Mike Peake Birds   49p
Gambia    29.08.2009     Birds of Gambia Sheet   25d
Ghana    13.06.1994     Birds of Ghana Sheet   200c
Grenada    06.06.1989     Birds p 14   1$
Grenada    1993     Birds p 11½x12½     1$
Grenada    12.04.1999     Australia 99 12v sheet   75c
Grenadines (G)    28.01.1986     Audubon   70c
Grenadines (G)    28.03.2001     Ducks and waterfowl of the Caribbean Sheet   1.50$
Grenadines (G)    16.05.2007     Birds   1$
Guinea-Bissau    20.05.2013     Bird art Sheet   500f
Hungary    11.11.1980     Protected birds   60fi
Iran    17.03.1994     New year stamps   40r
Jamaica    22.01.1988     Jamaican birds   5$
Jordan    08.03.2023     Migratory birds Sheet   30p
Korea, North    05.08.2003     Birds 5v set   70w
Korea, North    05.08.2003     Birds Booklet   70w
Korea, South    17.01.2000     Definitives   20w
Liberia    14.01.1994     Birds of Liberia Sheet   1$
Liberia    01.07.1997     Fauna and flora 9v sheet   50c
Malaysia    25.06.2015     Herons   60s
Maldive Islands    13.09.2000     Birds of the tropics Sheet   10r
Maldive Islands    09.12.2015     Wading birds Sheet   22r
Maldive Islands    09.12.2015     Wading birds   70r
Moldova    29.03.2018     Padurea Domneasca nature reserve 4v set   1.20l
Montserrat    28.05.1984     Birds   7.50$
Nicaragua    31.10.1994     Nicaraguan forest fauna 16v sheet   2cor
Nicaragua    28.09.2004     Birds of Nicaragua   6.50cor
Rumania    03.02.2021     Delta of Moldova   2.10l
Senegal    04.03.1996     National parks 4v set   175f
Singapore    16.08.1994     Herons   20c
Singapore    16.08.1994     Herons Booklet   20c
Singapore    16.08.1994     Herons Booklet   20c
Sri Lanka    27.09.2003     Resident birds of Sri Lanka Sheet   4.50r
Tanzania    18.02.1999     Birds of the world   1500s
Togo    18.12.2015     Herons Sheet   950f
Venda    16.07.1993     Herons   65c
Venda    16.07.1993     Herons Sheet   65c
Vietnam    20.11.1983     Birds   5d
Zaire    01.10.1985     Audubon   15z
Zaire    23.04.1994     Surcharge on 1985.01   3.50z
Zambia    20.12.1999     Definitives   2000k
Nankeen Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus
Cocos Islands    17.07.1985     Birds   60c
Cocos Islands    13.06.2006     Coral reefs 20v sheet   10c
New Caledonia    06.06.2015     Herons Sheet   110f
Palau    29.02.1988     Birds   44c
Palau    20.11.1989     Expo 89 20v sheet   25c
Palau    10.07.1996     Birds over the Palau lagoon Sheet   50c
Palau    14.04.2000     Native birds of Palau Sheet   20c
Papua New Guinea    26.01.2005     Coastal birds   75t
Solomon Islands    21.09.1984     Ausipex   35c
Solomon Islands    21.09.1984     Ausipex Sheet   35c
Malayan Night Heron Gorsachius melanolophus
Bangladesh    17.07.2011     Birds of the Sundarbans Sheet   10t
China (Taiwan)    07.05.1994     Parent-child relationship   5$
Capped Heron Pilherodius pileatus
Mali    20.10.1995     Birds of the world Sheet   100f
Whistling Heron Syrigma sibilatrix
Aruba    31.08.2016     Birds   325c
Surinam    17.02.2016     Birds Sheet   7.25$
Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea
British Virgin Islands    03.07.1985     Birds of the British Virgin Islands   60c
British Virgin Islands    10.02.1986     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1985.01   60c
Cayman Islands    27.07.1988     Herons   1$
Dominica    23.07.1990     Birds   5$
Dominican Republic    19.12.1995     America   6p
Grenadines (G)    31.05.1988     Birds   5$
Jamaica    22.01.1988     Jamaican birds   5$
Maldive Islands    09.10.1986     Audubon   3l
Marshall Islands    03.06.2008     Colourful birds of the world Sheet   42c
Montserrat    02.07.1970     Birds Chalk-surfaced paper   2.50$
Montserrat    22.01.1971     Birds Glazed paper   2.50$
Nevis    19.03.1985     Local hawks and herons   60c
Peru    09.11.2009     Birds of Peru Sheet   6s
St Lucia    17.05.1976     Birds   2c
Turks & Caicos Islands    01.08.1973     Birds wmk sideways   4c
Turks & Caicos Islands    1977     Birds Diagonal wmk     4c
Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolor
Aruba    31.08.2016     Birds   50c
Bahamas    08.10.1999     National Trust, birds Strip   65c
Bahamas    24.02.2004     Harrold & Wilson Ponds 6v set   15c
Barbados    18.02.1994     Hong Kong 94   3$
Bhutan    17.10.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   15n
Cayman Islands    09.12.1980     Flora and fauna 11v set   20c
Cayman Islands    14.06.1982     Imprint 1982 on 1980.01     20c
Cayman Islands    1985     Imprint 1985 on 1980.01     20c
Cayman Islands    27.07.1988     Herons   25c
Colombia    16.11.1979     Tourism 4v set   7p
Cuba    15.12.2020     Water birds   40c
Djibouti    2015     Audubon Sheet   300f
Grenadines (G)    28.01.1986     Audubon   50c
Guyana    30.05.2012     Birds of South America Sheet   160$
Mali    20.10.1995     Birds of the world Sheet   100f
Sierra Leone    04.08.1998     Animal world of China & Africa   2000l
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Waterbirds Sheet   6000l
St Vincent & Grenadines    01.08.2009     Seabirds   1.80$
Turks & Caicos Islands    24.09.1990     Birds   1$
USA    11.05.1984     Louisiana world exposition   20c
Reddish Egret Egretta rufescens
Bahamas    25.08.1981     Birds   20c
Bahamas    25.08.1981     Birds Sheet   20c
Bahamas    01.07.2001     Birds and eggs   5c
Bahamas    24.02.2004     Harrold & Wilson Ponds 6v set   70c
Caribbean Netherlands    15.09.2016     Birds of Bonaire Sheet   0.88$
Caribbean Netherlands    19.06.2018     Birds of Bonaire Sheet   99c
Cuba    15.12.2020     Water birds   75c
Dominica    04.04.1985     Audubon   5$
Gambia    01.08.1999     Seabirds Sheet   4d
Lesotho    28.06.1999     Birds of the world   4m
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds Sheet   20$
Mexico    06.08.1998     Conservation of marine animals 25v sheet   2.30p
Montserrat    29.10.2010     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   1.10$
Montserrat    29.10.2010     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   2.25$
Montserrat    29.10.2010     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   2.50$
Montserrat    29.10.2010     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   2.75$
Montserrat    29.10.2010     WWF Sheet with 4 sets   1.10$
Montserrat    29.10.2010     WWF Sheet with 4 sets   2.25$
Montserrat    29.10.2010     WWF Sheet with 4 sets   2.50$
Montserrat    29.10.2010     WWF Sheet with 4 sets   2.75$
St Vincent & Grenadines    07.04.1997     Birds of the sea   5$
Turks & Caicos Islands    02.08.1995     Birds   10$
Slaty Egret Egretta vinaceigula
Botswana    05.07.1989     Red-throated Heron   8t
Botswana    05.07.1989     Red-throated Heron   15t
Botswana    05.07.1989     Red-throated Heron   30t
Botswana    05.07.1989     Red-throated Heron   60t
Botswana    05.07.1989     Red-throated Heron Sheet   8t
Botswana    05.07.1989     Red-throated Heron Sheet   15t
Botswana    05.07.1989     Red-throated Heron Sheet   30t
Botswana    05.07.1989     Red-throated Heron Sheet   60t
Botswana    10.03.2015     Okavango 4v set   5.40p
Botswana    10.03.2015     Okavango 4v sheet   5.40p
Zambia    08.10.1987     Birds   50n
Zambia    10.03.1988     Birds   10k
Black Heron Egretta ardesiaca
Austria    03.06.2002     Zoological garden Schönbrunn 4v sheet   0.58€
Guinea-Bissau    30.09.2001     Water birds Strip   150f
Guinea-Bissau    30.09.2001     Water birds Sheet   200f
Namibia    07.07.2016     Herons   8.20$
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Tanzania    18.02.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   370s
Uganda    06.12.1999     Birds of Uganda Sheet   500s
Pacific Reef Heron Egretta sacra
Aitutaki    06.04.1981     Birds   12c
Aitutaki    30.04.1984     Birds, countryname white   2.10$
Aitutaki    15.06.1988     Overprint OHMS on 1982.03, 1984.02-03   2.10$
Bangladesh    14.06.2012     Indonesia 2012 Sheet   10t
Christmas Island    08.03.1982     Birds definitives   1c
Christmas Island    12.03.1998     Marine life 20v sheet   10c
Cocos Islands    09.07.1969     Definitives   50c
Cocos Islands    17.06.2003     Shoreline birds Strip   50c
Cocos Islands    04.06.2013     50 years of stamps 5v set   2$
Cocos Islands    04.06.2013     50 years of stamps 5v sheet   2$
Fiji    15.07.1968     Definitives   3d
Fiji    13.01.1969     New face value   3c
Fiji    01.05.1990     London 90 Sheet   1$
Fiji    27.01.2005     Herons of Fiji Strip   1$
French Polynesia    17.11.1982     Birds   37f
Gilbert & Ellice    20.07.1964     First air service 3v set   1s
Gilbert Islands    01.07.1976     Definitives   6c
Kiribati    12.07.1979     Definitives With wmk   15c
Kiribati    11.12.1980     Definitives No wmk     15c
Kiribati    1981     Overprint O.K.G.S.   15c
Kiribati    1981     Overprint O.K.G.S.     15c
Kiribati    18.02.1982     Birds   20c
Kiribati    28.06.1989     Birds with young   15c
Kiribati    28.06.1989     Birds with young   15c
Marshall Islands    27.01.1988     Shore and water birds   44c
Marshall Islands    11.10.1990     Birds   1$
Nauru    06.06.1979     Definitives   5c
New Caledonia    08.11.2012     The mangrove   75f
New Caledonia    06.06.2015     Herons Sheet   110f
Niuafo'ou    10.08.1993     Lake Vai Lahi 5v strip   60s
Niuafo'ou    21.09.1994     Tin Can Island Strip   80s
Niue    16.04.1993     Birds   10$
Niue    01.09.1994     Overprint O.H.M.S on 1993.01-02   10$
Palau    18.04.1991     Birds   40c
Palau    10.07.1996     Birds over the Palau lagoon Sheet   50c
Palau    10.07.1996     Birds over the Palau lagoon Sheet   50c
Palau    14.04.2000     Native birds of Palau Sheet   20c
Penrhyn Island    16.10.2008     WWF   80c
Penrhyn Island    16.10.2008     WWF   90c
Penrhyn Island    16.10.2008     WWF   1.15$
Penrhyn Island    16.10.2008     WWF   1.95$
Philippines    25.11.1992     Endangered birds Sheet   2p
Philippines    15.03.1996     Young philatelists Sheet   2p
Philippines    22.02.1999     Migratory birds Sheet   5p
Samoa    18.10.1972     Definitives   1s
Samoa    28.02.1989     Birds   90s
Samoa    16.06.2004     Seabirds of Samoa   4$
Samoa    16.06.2004     Seabirds of Samoa Sheet   4$
Sierra Leone    22.02.1999     International year of the ocean 12v sheet   400l
Tokelau    15.12.1993     Birds of Tokelau p 13½   1$
Tokelau    18.02.1994     Hong Kong 94 Sheet, p 13x14   1$
Tonga    05.06.2001     Year of the mangrove 5v set   1p
Tonga    05.06.2001     Year of the mangrove 5v sheet   1p
Tuvalu    25.01.1978     Wild birds   20c
Tuvalu    02.03.1988     Birds   50c
Tuvalu    22.02.1989     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1988.01     50c
Tuvalu    18.09.2019     Seabirds Sheet   4$
Tuvalu    17.05.2021     Birds of Tuvalu Sheet   1.50$
Vanuatu    15.11.1991     Phila Nippon 91   150v
Vanuatu    04.06.1997     Coastal birds   80v
Vanuatu    07.02.2007     Herons of the reef   10v
Vanuatu    07.02.2007     Herons of the reef   20v
Vanuatu    07.02.2007     Herons of the reef   50v
Vanuatu    07.02.2007     Herons of the reef   70v
Vanuatu    07.02.2007     Herons of the reef   250v
Vanuatu    07.02.2007     Herons of the reef Sheet   10v
Vanuatu    07.02.2007     Herons of the reef Sheet   20v
Vanuatu    07.02.2007     Herons of the reef Sheet   50v
Vanuatu    07.02.2007     Herons of the reef Sheet   70v
Vanuatu    07.02.2007     Herons of the reef Sheet   250v
Vanuatu    26.11.2008     Greetings   45v
Vietnam, North    15.10.1963     Birds   30x
Vietnam, North    15.10.1963     Birds   50x
Wallis & Futuna    05.09.1978     Ocean birds   17f
Wallis & Futuna    14.06.1999     Birds of Nuku Fotu Strip   10f
Wallis & Futuna    08.11.2018     Conservation of mangroves 4v set   115f
Wallis & Futuna    26.07.2021     Birds Sheet   30f
Chinese Egret Egretta eulophotes
Singapore    10.11.1993     WWF Strip   20c
Singapore    10.11.1993     WWF Strip   25c
Singapore    10.11.1993     WWF Strip   30c
Singapore    10.11.1993     WWF Strip   35c
Singapore    04.08.2017     Morning in Singapore 6v set   70c
Tanzania    18.02.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   370s
Snowy Egret Egretta thula
Anguilla    07.08.2001     Anguillan birds Sheet   25c
Antigua & Barbuda    25.11.2002     Birds   5$
Aruba    01.08.2013     Birds   167c
Aruba    31.08.2016     Birds   85c
Bahamas    24.02.2004     Harrold & Wilson Ponds 6v set   15c
Bahamas    24.02.2004     Harrold & Wilson Ponds 6v set   70c
Caribbean Netherlands    15.09.2016     Birds of Bonaire Sheet   0.88$
Caribbean Netherlands    19.06.2018     Birds of Bonaire Sheet   99c
Cayman Islands    15.08.1984     Birds of the Cayman Islands   5c
Colombia    24.06.2022     National Natural Parks of Colombia Caribbean Region 8v sheet   2000p
Cuba    15.12.2020     Water birds   20c
Curacao    12.03.2012     Sea birds Sheet   300c
Dominica    30.12.1992     Anniversaries   1.20$
El Salvador    04.09.2009     Tourism 8v set   0.05$
France    25.02.1995     Audubon p 12¾x12¼   2.80f
France    25.02.1995     Audubon Sheet, p 13¼   2.80f
Grenada    20.01.1986     Audubon   50c
Grenadines (G)    28.09.1978     WWF   5$
Jamaica    22.01.1988     Jamaican birds   5$
Micronesia    27.02.2001     One earth 6v sheet   34c
Niger    20.04.2015     Waterbirds Sheet   825f
Solomon Islands    20.12.2014     Waterbirds Sheet   5$
St Maarten    24.06.2019     Biirds of Sint Maarten Sheet, sa   190c
St Vincent & Grenadines    07.04.1997     Birds of the sea   5$
St Vincent & Grenadines    01.08.2009     Seabirds Sheet   2.50$
St Vincent & Grenadines    15.01.2010     Overprint Haiti Earthquake.. on 2009.02 Sheet   2.50$
Surinam    17.02.2016     Birds Sheet   4.75$
USA    13.06.1987     CAPEX 87 50v sheet   22c
USA    24.10.2003     Snowy Egret sa   37c
USA    30.01.2004     Snowy Egret Booklet, sa   37c
USA    30.01.2004     Snowy Egret Booklet, sa   37c
USA    30.01.2004     Snowy Egret Booklet, sa   37c
USA    30.01.2004     Snowy Egret Booklet, sa   37c
USA    30.01.2004     Snowy Egret Booklet, sa   37c
USA    30.01.2004     Snowy Egret Booklet, sa   37c
USA    30.01.2004     Snowy Egret Booklet, sa   37c
USA    30.01.2004     Snowy Egret Booklet, sa   37c
USA    30.01.2004     Snowy Egret Booklet, sa   37c
USA    02.03.2004     Snowy Egret Coil, sa   37c
Uruguay    16.07.1968     Birds   10p
Uruguay    26.10.2004     Upaep   37p
Uruguay    16.11.2011     Isla de Flores   12p
Uruguay    05.06.2015     Wetlands 10v sheet   15p
Venezuela    06.09.1961     Birds   40c
Little Egret Egretta garzetta
Ajman    12.04.1971     Hiroshige   1d
Ajman    12.04.1971     Hiroshige   3d
Albania    30.09.1961     Albanian birds   11l
Alderney    08.03.2007     Ramsar 6v set   71p
Alderney    08.03.2007     Ramsar 6v sheet   71p
Bhutan    10.03.2003     Japanese birdpaintings 6v sheet   25n
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat)    02.03.2005     Birds of the Neretva valley Sheet   1m
Bulgaria    28.10.1968     Srebirna wildlife reservation   2s
Bulgaria    01.02.2019     Via Pontica bird migratory route ce   1l
Bulgaria    01.02.2019     Via Pontica bird migratory route Sheet, ce   1l
Bulgaria    01.02.2019     Via Pontica bird migratory route Sheet with 2 sets, no ce   1l
Cape Verde Islands    30.12.1981     Birds   1e
Cape Verde Islands    19.07.2003     Herons and egrets   60e
China (Taiwan)    24.08.1991     Taiwan stream birds Sheet   5$
China (Taiwan)    03.02.2000     24 seasonal periods - spring 6v strip   5$
Comoro Islands    06.02.1978     Birds   400f
Congo (Brazzaville)    24.10.2001     Herons and storks   120f
Czech Republic    12.06.2024     Litovel Pomerania 2v sheet   48k
Egypt    05.06.1998     World environment day 2v set   1£
France    15.02.1975     Nature conservation   70c
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   4d
Gambia    17.04.2001     Philanippon 01 12v set   2d
Gambia    17.04.2001     Philanippon 01 12v set   3d
Gambia    17.04.2001     Philanippon 01 6v sheet   5d
Greece    27.06.2001     Birds and nature 8v set   20d
Guernsey    01.02.2001     Europa   36p
Guinea-Bissau    30.09.2001     Water birds Strip   150f
Guinea-Bissau    30.09.2001     Water birds Sheet   750f
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives   2$
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives Sheet   2$
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives Prestige booklet   2$
Hungary    14.06.1959     Water birds   20fi
Japan    03.10.2006     Greetings, joint issue with Singapore 6v sheet, sa   90y
Japan    18.04.2008     Philately week 5v sheet with 2 of each   80y
Japan    17.03.2017     Birds and flowers paintings 6v set   500y
Jersey    21.08.1999     Seabirds and waders   29p
Jersey    21.08.1999     Seabirds and waders Sheet   29p
Jordan    08.03.2023     Migratory birds Sheet   30p
Liechtenstein    14.11.2016     Liechtenstein without us 3v set   2f
Macedonia    14.09.2000     Birds   6d
Maldive Islands    05.07.1993     Birds Sheet   3.50r
Micronesia    25.03.2002     Japanese art 6v sheet   60c
Montenegro    09.05.2021     Europa   0.95€
Montenegro    09.05.2021     Europa   0.95€
Morocco    21.10.1996     Birds   5.50d
Morocco    15.08.2005     Birds, previous illustrations in new format Booklet, sa   2.50d
Papua New Guinea    26.01.2005     Coastal birds   5t
Portugal    25.10.1985     National parks and reserves 4v set   46e
Rumania    25.03.1980     European nature protection 6v set   1l
Rumania    03.04.1991     Water birds   4l
Rumania    16.09.2009     A European treasure 8v sheet   3l
Rumania    16.09.2009     A European treasure 8v sheet, larger   3l
Rumania    06.07.2012     Ramsar   1.20l
Rumania    26.07.2017     Welcome to Romania 6v set   2.50l
Rumania    03.02.2021     Delta of Moldova   19.50l
Rumania    01.09.2023     Picturesque Romania 6v set     2.50l
Rumania    01.09.2023     Picturesque Romania Sheet with 3x2.50l   2.50l
Rumania    01.09.2023     Picturesque Romania 6v sheet   2.50l
Ryukyu Islands    08.11.1960     National census   3c
Senegal    09.02.1974     Djoudj national park   4f
Senegal    09.11.1987     Basse Casamance national park 6v set   300f
Singapore    03.10.2006     Greetings, joint issue with Japan 6v set   1$
Singapore    03.10.2006     Greetings, joint issue with Japan 6v sheet   1$
Singapore    31.10.2014     Tourism 5v set   1.30$
Singapore    15.11.2023     Bird Paradise Park   1.15$
Spain    20.05.2010     Nature reserves 3v set   0.45€
United Arab Emirates    04.11.2010     Seabirds Sheet   2d
Dimorphic Egret Egretta dimorpha
British Indian Ocean Territory    01.02.1971     Aldabra nature reserve 4v set   1.50r
French Antarctic Territory    02.01.2020     Aigrette Dimorphe   1.55€
Seychelles    12.02.1997     Overprint HONG KONG 97 on Zil Elw Sesel 1983.01   1.50r
Zil Elwannyen Sesel    13.07.1983     Birds   2r
Zil Elwannyen Sesel    1985     Imprint 1985 on 1983.01   2r
Zil Elwannyen Sesel    1988     Imprint 1988 on 1983.01     2r
Zil Elwannyen Sesel    1990     Imprint 1990 on 1983.01   2r
Western Reef Heron Egretta gularis
Comoro Islands    05.09.2009     Herons Sheet   350f
Djibouti    12.02.1991     Birds   15f
Fujeira    30.05.1969     Birds   2.50r
Guinea-Bissau    30.09.2001     Water birds Strip   150f
Guinea-Bissau    30.09.2001     Water birds Sheet   100f
Laos    24.08.1990     New Zealand 1990   60k
Lesotho    20.08.2007     Beautiful birds   15m
Liberia    10.04.1937     Definitives   5c
Liberia    1944     Surcharge on 1937.01     4c
Mauritania    1994     Birds of Banc dArguin   30u
Mauritania    24.10.2011     Birds of Banc dArguin   220u
Saudi Arabia    18.03.1992     Birds Sheet   150h
Saudi Arabia    14.07.1992     Birds Sheet     75h
Saudi Arabia    01.03.1993     Birds Sheet     100h
Saudi Arabia    06.11.1994     Birds Sheet     25h
Saudi Arabia    06.11.1994     Birds Sheet     50h
Senegal    11.12.1989     National parks   180f
Senegal    23.03.1992     National parks: Saloum, Djoudj, Niokolo-Koba, Basse Casamance   10f
Senegal    27.02.1995     Kalissaye national park   290f
Sierra Leone    26.09.2011     Seabirds of West Africa Sheet   4000l
Togo    18.12.2015     Herons Sheet   950f
Uganda    08.01.1991     Fauna of Ugandas wetlands 16v sheet   70s
Yemen (Arab Republic)    30.01.1965     Birds   ¼b
Yemen (Arab Republic)    05.03.1966     Overprint Prevention of…. on 1965.01     ¼b
Pied Heron Egretta picata
Papua New Guinea    26.01.2005     Coastal birds   5.20k
White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae
Fiji    27.01.2005     Herons of Fiji Strip   1$
Micronesia    04.09.2009     Birds of the Pacific   98c
New Caledonia    06.06.2015     Herons Sheet   110f
New Zealand    02.10.2019     Tuia 250: Michel Tuffery 5v set   1.30$
New Zealand    02.10.2019     Tuia 250: Michel Tuffery 5v sheet   1.30$
Papua New Guinea    26.01.2005     Coastal birds   75t
Tonga    06.02.2012     Definitives White frames   2.50p
Tonga    06.02.2012     Definitives Sheet, no white frames   2.50p
Tonga    2014     Definitives overprinted OFFICIAL   2.50p
White-backed Night Heron Calherodius leuconotus
Kenya    06.02.1984     Rare birds of Kenya   70c
Sierra Leone    24.09.1990     Wildlife 18v sheet   25l
White-eared Night Heron Oroanassa magnifica
Vietnam    15.05.2011     Animals in Ba Be national park 4v set   3500d
Striated Heron Butorides striata
Botswana    03.07.1978     Birds   35t
Botswana    01.09.1981     Surcharge on 1978.01   25t
British Indian Ocean Territory    28.02.1975     Birds   1r
British Indian Ocean Territory    03.05.1990     Birds   30p
British Indian Ocean Territory    21.06.2004     Birds definitives   1.10£
Centralafrica    25.02.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   440f
Comoro Islands    12.03.1971     Birds   15f
Comoro Islands    05.09.2009     Herons Sheet   350f
Fiji    25.07.1995     Birds   31c
Fiji    13.06.1997     Birds Booklet   31c
Fiji    27.01.2005     Herons of Fiji Strip   1$
Fiji    24.03.2011     Surcharge xxx 2.5mm   2c
Fiji    24.03.2011     Surcharge xxx 2.5mm   5c
Fiji    04.05.2011     Surcharge xxx 2.5mm   20c
Fiji    20.05.2011     Surcharge xxx 2.5mm   4c
Fiji    06.06.2011     Surcharge xxx 2.5mm   1c
Fiji    08.07.2011     Surcharge xxx 2.5mm   3c
Fiji    12.07.2012     Surcharge xxx 2.5mm   40c
Fiji    2014     Surcharge   50c
French Polynesia    09.12.2016     Birds   80f
French Polynesia    09.12.2016     Birds Sheet   80f
Malaysia    25.06.2015     Herons   70s
Maldive Islands    26.07.1977     Birds   10r
Maldive Islands    05.07.1993     Birds Sheet   3.50r
Maldive Islands    01.04.1999     Nature wonderland 6v set   3r
Maldive Islands    08.04.2002     Birds of the Maldives Sheet   5r
Mozambique    17.06.2002     Birds of Africa   50000m
Namibia    07.07.2016     Herons   6.05$
Paraguay    18.12.2012     UN environment protection program   3000g
Philippines    22.02.1999     Migratory birds Sheet   5p
Seychelles    27.02.1979     Birds   2r
Seychelles    26.10.1979     Fauna 20r booklet   2r
Seychelles    29.02.1980     Birds 20r booklet   2r
Singapore    16.08.1994     Herons   50c
South Africa    05.06.1997     Waterbirds, Ilsapex 98 Sheet, p 14¼x14   *
South Africa    1997     Waterbirds Booklet, p 14x14   *
Surinam    16.11.1998     Birds   3800g
Surinam    30.12.2020     Nature   5$
Tanzania    18.02.1999     Birds of the world   1500s
Togo    28.09.2011     Mangroves of Central Africa 4v sheet   750f
Vanuatu    02.05.2012     Birds definitives   1000v
Vanuatu    02.05.2012     Birds definitives Sheet   1000v
Venda    16.07.1993     Herons   45c
Venda    16.07.1993     Herons Sheet   45c
Green Heron Butorides virescens
Anguilla    30.09.1985     Birds   10$
Anguilla    22.05.1986     Overprint AMERIPEX 1986 on 1985.04, 1985.06     10$
Anguilla    13.06.1987     Overprint CAPEX 87 on 1985.04, 1986.01     10$
Anguilla    04.09.1987     Overprint 20 YEARS OF on 1985.03-4, 1985.06, 1986.01     10$
Anguilla    14.12.1987     Overprint 40TH WEDDING on 1985.03-4, 1986.01   10$
Antigua & Barbuda    17.04.2000     Stamp Show 2000 Sheet   1.20$
Antigua & Barbuda    04.11.2009     Birds Sheet   2.50$
Bahamas    04.02.1991     Birds   5c
Bahamas    24.02.2004     Harrold & Wilson Ponds 6v set   25c
Barbados    07.08.1979     Birds   12c
Belize    09.11.2020     Definitives   30c
British Virgin Islands    03.07.1985     Birds of the British Virgin Islands   40c
British Virgin Islands    10.02.1986     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1985.01   40c
British Virgin Islands    15.05.1990     Birds   25c
Caribbean Netherlands    15.09.2016     Birds of Bonaire Sheet   0.88$
Caribbean Netherlands    19.06.2018     Birds of Bonaire Sheet   99c
Cayman Islands    27.07.1988     Herons   5c
Dominica    28.06.1976     Wild birds   2c
Dominica    20.01.1987     Birds of Dominica p 15   10c
Dominica    31.08.1989     Imprint 1989 on 1987.01 p 14     10c
Dominica    1990     Birds of Dominica p 12     10c
Dominica    20.01.1991     Birds of Dominica p 12½x11½     10c
Gambia    15.07.1985     Audubon   1.50d
Grenada    06.06.1989     Birds p 14   10c
Grenada    1993     Birds p 11½x12½     10c
Grenadines (G)    26.10.2011     Birds of the world Sheet   2.50$
Grenadines (St V)    24.04.1974     Overprint GRENADINES OF on St Vincent 1970.01   1c
Montserrat    28.05.1984     Birds   90c
Montserrat    12.04.1985     Overprint OHMS on 1984.01   90c
Montserrat    06.04.1987     Surcharge on 1984.01   1.50$
Montserrat    29.11.1987     Royal wedding anniversary "Edingburgh"   5c
Montserrat    18.12.1987     Royal wedding anniversary "Edinburgh"   5c
Netherlands    02.01.2025     Birds of Saint Eustatius Sheet, sa     1
Netherlands Antilles    12.12.2008     Birds Sheet   158c
Nevis    30.03.1995     Waterbirds   80c
Niger    30.11.2014     Waterbirds Sheet   750f
St Vincent    12.01.1970     Birds Chalk-surfaced paper   1c
St Vincent    09.08.1971     Birds Glazed paper     1c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 4 of each, Kingstown Harbour     1c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 4 of each, Indian Bay     1c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 4 of each, St Mary's R C Church     1c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 4 of each, St George's Cathedral     1c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 4 of each, View of the interior     1c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 4 of each, Sunset over Young Island     1c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 5 of each, Kingstown Harbour   1c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 5 of each, Indian Bay   1c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 5 of each, St Mary's R C Church   1c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 5 of each, St George's Cathedral   1c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 5 of each, View of the interior   1c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 5 of each, Sunset over Young Island   1c
St Vincent    07.02.1985     Audubon   15c
St Vincent    02.05.1995     Birds Sheet   75c
St Vincent & Grenadines    07.04.1997     Birds of the sea   90c
St Vincent & Grenadines    31.12.2015     Birds Sheet   3.25$
Forest Bittern Zonerodius heliosylus
Papua New Guinea    28.01.1998     Birds heads 1998   1k
Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides
Azerbaijan    24.11.2010     Ecology of the Caspian Sea   60g
Bulgaria    07.04.1981     Birds   5s
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Bonaire) 2021 Sheet   99c
Centralafrica    25.02.2000     Birds of Africa   300f
France    10.02.2020     Animals of the world 12v booklet, sa   *
Gambia    08.05.1995     Birds Sheet   3d
Georgia    04.08.1995     Birds Sheet   15k
Hungary    14.06.1959     Water birds   2fo
Iran    16.03.2002     New year stamps 2 strips   500r
Kazakhstan    24.11.2010     Ecology of the Caspian Sea   140t
Namibia    07.07.2016     Herons   7$
Rumania    06.07.2012     Ramsar   2.10l
Rumania    03.02.2021     Delta of Moldova   2l
Sao Tome and Principe    29.12.2015     Birds of Sao Tome and Principe Sheet   31000d
Serbia    09.05.2019     Europa   100d
Sierra Leone    26.09.2011     Seabirds of West Africa   10000l
Uganda    05.05.1995     Waterfowl and wetland birds of Uganda Sheet   200s
Yugoslavia    22.06.2001     European nature protection   30d
Indian Pond Heron Ardeola grayii
Bangladesh    15.07.2000     Water birds   6t
Maldive Islands    08.04.2002     Birds of the Maldives Sheet   7r
Maldive Islands    15.12.2014     Wading birds and insect Sheet   20r
Chinese Pond Heron Ardeola bacchus
Cocos Islands    26.02.2008     Visiting birds   50c
Sao Tome and Principe    20.07.2016     Asian birds   96000d
Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis
Angola    27.04.1996     Angolan fauna 12v sheet   5100k
Antigua & Barbuda    04.11.2009     Birds   5$
Ascension    11.10.1994     Christmas 5v set   30p
Ascension    15.06.1998     Migratory birds   35p
Bahamas    24.02.2004     Harrold & Wilson Ponds 6v set   15c
Barbados    07.08.1979     Birds   10c
Belgian Congo    15.10.1959     Wild animals 12v set   20c
Biafra    1968     Overprint SOVEREIGN BIAFRA on Nigeria 1966.01-02   1£
Bophuthatswana    05.01.1983     Pilanesberg nature reserve 4v set   8c
Botswana    01.07.1982     Birds   7t
Botswana    03.08.1987     Animals 20v set   12t
Botswana    27.04.1990     Surcharge on 1987.02   50t
Botswana    09.03.1992     Surcharge on 1987.02   8t
Botswana    09.03.1992     Surcharge on 1987.02   10t
Botswana    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   5p
Botswana    11.10.2004     SAPOA   5p
Botswana    23.11.2023     Hippopotamus 3v set   10p
Botswana    23.11.2023     Hippopotamus 3v sheet   10p
British Indian Ocean Territory    21.06.2004     Birds definitives   26p
British Virgin Islands    03.07.1985     Birds of the British Virgin Islands   3$
British Virgin Islands    10.02.1986     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1985.01   3$
British Virgin Islands    28.10.1987     Imprint 1987 on 1985.01   3$
Bulgaria    07.04.1981     Birds   13s
Burkina Faso    2001     Birds   170f
Burundi    26.08.2021     Fauna 5v set   1690f
Cameroun    20.09.1979     Endangered animals 5v set   100f
Cape Juby    02.10.1944     Overprint CABO JUBY on Sp Morocco 1944.01   1c
Cape Juby    02.10.1944     Overprint CABO JUBY on Sp Morocco 1944.01     30c
Cape Verde Islands    19.07.2003     Herons and egrets   42e
Centralafrica    14.11.1983     WWF 4v set   40f
Centralafrica    03.04.1998     Boy scouts association 8v sheet   300f
Chad    01.08.2000     Rhinoceros 4v sheet with 2 of each   375f
China (Taiwan)    03.02.2000     24 seasonal periods - spring 6v strip   5$
Comoro Islands    05.09.2009     Herons Sheet   350f
Congo (Kinshasa)    30.06.1960     Overprint CONGO on Belgian Congo 1959.01     20c
Congo (Kinshasa)    1964     Surcharge on 1960.01   1f
Congo (Kinshasa)    1964     Overprint REPUBLIQUE... on Belgian Congo 1959.01   1f
Congo (Kinshasa)    16.08.2000     Birds of Congo   3f
Czechoslovakia    03.11.1976     Dvurkralove wildlife park 6v set   20h
Dominica    15.04.1995     Birds Sheet   65c
France    09.11.2015     UNESCO   0.95€
Gambia    04.11.1963     Birds   1½d
Gambia    18.02.1965     Overprint INDEPENDENCE on 1963.01   1½d
Gambia    15.09.2014     National parks of Africa 2v sheet   75d
Ghana    28.02.2000     Wildlife 8v sheet   1200c
Grenadines (St V)    11.05.1978     Birds and their eggs   15c
Grenadines (St V)    01.07.1980     Birds and their eggs "1980"   15c
Guinea    08.09.1998     Animals in danger of extinction 6v sheet   450f
Guinea    20.03.2015     Buffalos 4v sheet   15000f
Guinea-Bissau    25.06.2003     African animals 6v sheet   350f
Guinea-Bissau    15.03.2005     Fauna, Schweitzer 6v sheet   400f
Guinea-Bissau    15.03.2005     Fauna, Schweitzer 6v sheet   400f
Guinea-Bissau    18.02.2015     Endangered animals 4v sheet   800f
Guinea-Bissau    24.04.2015     Rhinoceroses 4v sheet   850f
Isle of Man    13.09.2013     A journey through Africa 4v sheet   75p
Israel    05.12.2007     Hula nature reserve   2.25s
Israel    05.12.2007     Hula nature reserve Booklet, sa   2.25s
Israel    14.05.2008     Hula nature reserve Prestige booklet, sa   2.25s
Ivory Coast    14.05.2001     Abokouamé 4v set   50f
Ivory Coast    14.05.2001     Abokouamé 4v set   100f
Ivory Coast    14.05.2001     Abokouamé 4v set   400f
Katanga    19.09.1960     Overprint KATANGA on Belgian Congo 1959.01   20c
Lesotho    05.04.1988     Birds   1m
Lesotho    1991     Imprint 1989 on 1988.01     1m
Liberia    26.06.1975     Albert Schweitzer 6v set   5c
Liberia    19.08.1996     Birds Sheet   25c
Liberia    15.09.2001     African wildlife 12v sheet   10$
Liberia    26.05.2003     Surcharge on 1996.02 Sheet   15$
Liberia    19.04.2019     African Buffalo 4v sheet   250$
Malagasy    23.12.1986     Birds   450f
Malawi    04.02.1981     Wildlife 4v set   20t
Malawi    24.08.1987     Hippopotamus 4v set   1k
Malawi    24.08.1987     Hippopotamus 4v sheet   1k
Malawi    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   15k
Malawi    04.06.2018     Malawi indigenous birds   450k
Maldive Islands    15.12.2014     Wading birds and insect   60r
Marshall Islands    16.09.1999     Birds of the Marshall Islands   3.20$
Marshall Islands    29.05.2002     Tropical island birds Sheet   37c
Marshall Islands    03.06.2008     Colourful birds of the world Sheet   42c
Mayotte    01.04.1998     Birds of Mayotte   30f
Montserrat    18.05.1981     Montserrat National Trust   65c
Montserrat    28.05.1984     Birds   5c
Montserrat    12.04.1985     Overprint OHMS on 1984.01   5c
Montserrat    01.04.2009     Birds of Montserrat Sheet   2.75$
Mozambique    24.09.1999     Mammals 6v sheet   6500m
Mozambique    20.09.2002     WWF 4v set   19000m
Mozambique    20.09.2002     WWF 4v sheet   19000m
Mozambique    25.06.2013     Elephants Sheet   16m
Mozambique    25.06.2013     Elephants Sheet   16m
Mozambique    25.06.2013     Elephants Sheet   92m
Mozambique    25.06.2013     Elephants Sheet   92m
Mozambique    25.06.2013     Elephants   175m
Namibia    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   3.40$
Namibia    07.07.2016     Herons   stand.
Nicaragua    31.10.1994     Nicaraguan forest fauna 16v sheet   2cor
Niger    15.11.1968     Birds "Postes 1968"   50f
Niger    31.07.1972     Birds "Postes 1972"   50f
Niger    1978     Birds "Postes 1978"   50f
Niger    1996     Birds "Postes 1996" at top     35f
Niger    1996     Birds "Postes 1996" at the bottom   35f
Niger    1997     Birds "Postes 1997"   35f
Niger    1998     Birds     35f
Niger    30.11.2014     Waterbirds Sheet   750f
Nigeria    02.05.1966     Definitives   1£
Nigeria    08.06.1999     FEPA 4v set   30n
Palau    14.07.2011     Seabirds Sheet   98c
Rwanda    28.04.1965     The national park at the Kagera river 10v set   40c
Rwanda    20.03.1972     Akagera national park 10v set   1f
Sierra Leone    18.05.1999     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Sierra Leone    10.03.2008     Surcharge on 1999.05 Sheet   2800l
South Africa    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   12.05r
Southern Rhodesia    15.04.1953     Cecil Rhodes 5v set   1d
Spanish Morocco    02.10.1944     Agricultural scenes   1c
Spanish Morocco    02.10.1944     Agricultural scenes     30c
Sri Lanka    02.12.2016     Unseen Sri Lanka 12v set   25r
Sri Lanka    02.12.2016     Unseen Sri Lanka 12v sheet   25r
Sri Lanka    02.12.2016     Unseen Sri Lanka 4v sheet   25r
St Kitts    05.02.1981     Birds   50c
St Kitts    05.02.1981     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1981.01   50c
Swaziland    11.10.2004     SAPOA   1.35e
Swaziland    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   1.90e
Tanzania    30.06.1993     Wildlife at a watering hole in Tanzania 12v sheet   100s
Tanzania    09.10.1997     Tourist attractions of East Africa 4v set   410s
Tanzania    30.04.2002     The big five 5v sheet   250s
Tanzania    30.04.2002     The big five 5v sheet   250s
Tanzania    22.04.2003     Animal giants 5v set   500s
Tanzania    30.04.2004     Tanzania northern circuit 6v set   800s
Tanzania    2014     The big five 5v sheet   1800s
Togo    01.06.2015     Rhinoceros   2500f
Trinidad & Tobago    17.12.1990     Birds Script wmk   10$
Trinidad & Tobago    18.02.1994     Hong Kong 94     10$
Trinidad & Tobago    14.10.1998     Birds Block wmk     10$
Tristan da Cunha    20.11.1989     Vagrant birds   10p
Turks & Caicos Islands    02.10.2000     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   60c
Uganda    03.12.1979     Wildlife   10s
Uganda    03.12.1979     Wildlife   20s
Uganda    19.12.1983     New face value   1000s
Uganda    21.08.1985     Audubon   155s
Uganda    22.07.1987     Flora and fauna   150s
Uganda    25.09.1992     Wildlife 8v set   3000s
Upper Volta    01.11.1978     Philexafrique   100f
Yugoslavia    29.12.1981     Paintings of animals 4v set   8d
Zaire    1997     Rhinoceros 4v sheet   40000z
Zambia    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   750k
Zimbabwe    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   5000$
Zimbabwe    20.02.2007     Birds of Zimbabwe   100$
Zimbabwe    20.02.2007     Birds of Zimbabwe Sheet   100$
Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus
Hong Kong    18.10.2005     Fishing village 4v set   1.40$
Hong Kong    18.10.2005     Fishing village 4x4v sheet   1.40$
Japan    29.01.1993     Water birds   62y
Kampuchea    02.02.1984     Birds   10s
Laos    01.08.2001     Philanippon 01 With Philanippon emblem   800k
Laos    01.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet, no emblem on stamps   800k
Maldive Islands    26.07.1977     Birds   95l
Maldive Islands    05.07.1993     Birds Sheet   3.50r
Maldive Islands    13.09.2000     Birds of the tropics   25r
Maldive Islands    08.04.2002     Birds of the Maldives Sheet   5r
Maldive Islands    22.12.2003     Birds in Maldives   1r
Palau    18.04.1991     Birds   95c
Palau    20.02.2002     Birds   5c
Portugal    18.10.2005     Fishing village 4v set   0.30€
Russia (USSR)    18.08.1976     Water birds   1k
Vietnam, North    12.10.1972     Vietnamese birds   30x
Great Egret Ardea alba
Argentina    17.07.1993     Paintings of birds by Axel Amuchastegui Sheet   38c
Aruba    17.11.2010     Birds   200c
Australia    26.01.1988     Arrival of first fleet in 1788 5v strip   37c
Australia    10.04.1997     Kakadu wetlands   10$
Australia    10.04.1997     Kakadu wetlands   10$
Australia    29.05.1997     Pacific 97   10$
Australia    23.10.1998     Italia 98   10$
Australia    01.08.2001     PhilaNippon 01   10$
Austria    11.07.2003     World cultural heritage: Lake Neusiedler   1€
Austria    27.05.2022     Landscape 4v sheet   0.85€
Bahamas    24.02.2004     Harrold & Wilson Ponds 6v set   65c
Barbuda    16.06.1980     Birds   10$
Belarus    13.03.2008     Bird of the year BirdLife   1050r
Bermuda    28.03.1985     Audubon   40c
Bhutan    17.10.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   15n
Bolivia    21.08.2007     Birds of Cochabamba   4b
Brazil    05.06.1984     Mato Grosso Strip   65cr
Brazil    09.07.1984     Marajo Island water buffaloes 3v strip   65cr
Brazil    10.12.1988     Brapex VII 3v sheet   400cz
Brazil    30.09.1995     Lubrapex 95   84c
Brazil    30.09.1995     Lubrapex 95 (Rio Tiete) Sheet   1.50r
Brazil    12.12.2000     Border arbitration anniversary   0.40r
Brazil    20.11.2001     Pantanal 10v booklet, sa   0.55r
Brazil    02.10.2002     Mercosur   1r
Bulgaria    07.04.1981     Birds   25s
Burkina Faso    10.01.2000     Peter Pan 16v sheet   90f
Burundi    24.12.2008     Flora and fauna 5v set   810f
Cambodia    05.12.2005     Birds Sheet   200r
Cambodia    08.11.2006     Birds   5400r
Caribbean Netherlands    15.09.2016     Birds of Bonaire Sheet   0.88$
Caribbean Netherlands    19.06.2018     Birds of Bonaire Sheet   99c
Centralafrica    20.11.2014     Waterbirds Sheet   750f
Chad    28.09.1971     Birds   1000f
China (Taiwan)    24.04.2020     Taijiang national park 4v set   8$
Christmas Island    26.01.1988     Arrival of first fleet 5v strip   37c
Cocos Islands    26.01.1988     Arrival of first fleet 5v strip   37c
Colombia    01.02.2002     Colombian nature richness Sheet   2300p
Colombia    24.07.2010     Guainia 12v sheet   600p
Colombia    27.04.2017     Cesar 12v sheet   100p
Comoro Islands    12.03.1971     Birds   5f
Comoro Islands    25.01.1999     Protection of the worlds environment 4v sheet   375f
Comoro Islands    05.09.2009     Herons Sheet   350f
Comoro Islands    05.09.2009     Herons   3000f
Comoro Islands    14.12.2009     Indian Ocean birds Sheet   500f
Comoro Islands    28.07.2011     Wading birds Sheet   500f
Comoro Islands    28.07.2011     Wading birds   2500f
Congo (Brazzaville)    24.10.2001     Herons and storks   90f
Cook Islands    20.12.2018     Birds of prey White frames   4.50$
Cook Islands    20.12.2018     Birds of prey Sheet, part frames     4.50$
Cook Islands    20.12.2018     Birds of prey Sheet, no frames     4.50$
Cuba    06.06.2011     Flora and fauna 6v set   75c
Dominica    15.04.1995     Birds Sheet   65c
Dominica    10.01.2005     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   2$
Dubai    09.12.1968     Arabian Gulf birds   60d
Ecuador    27.05.1961     Los Rios province   2s
El Salvador    28.09.1993     Birds   80c
El Salvador    04.09.2009     Tourism 8v set   0.05$
Equatorial Guinea    15.12.1983     Christmas 2v set   80b
Fiji    27.01.2005     Herons of Fiji Strip   1$
France    11.02.2022     Animals at dusk 12v booklet, sa   *
French West Africa    24.03.1947     Definitives   100f
Fujeira    22.09.1964     Definitives   5n
Fujeira    14.11.1964     Definitives   1.50r
Fujeira    16.08.1965     Definitives   75n
Fujeira    14.10.1965     Official stamps   1r
Fujeira    1967     Surcharge on 1964.01-2     5d
Fujeira    1967     Surcharge on 1964.01-2     1.50r
Fujeira    1967     Surcharge on 1965.01     75d
Fujeira    1967     Surcharge on 1965.02-3     1r
Gabon    12.10.1971     Birds   30f
Gambia    08.05.1995     Birds   2d
Gambia    01.08.1999     Seabirds Sheet   4d
Gambia    17.04.2001     Philanippon 01 12v set   4d
Grenada    12.04.1999     Australia 99 12v sheet   75c
Grenadines (G)    26.04.1999     Flora and fauna 9v sheet   1$
Grenadines (G)    28.03.2001     Ducks and waterfowl of the Caribbean   6$
Guyana    04.08.1994     Daniel and the lions 25v sheet   20$
Hong Kong    18.07.2006     Attractions 18v set   1.40$
Hong Kong    18.07.2006     Attractions 18v set   1.40$
Hungary    16.03.1952     Birds   2.50fo
Hungary    14.06.1959     Water birds   40fi
Hungary    11.11.1980     Protected birds   20fo
Hungary    10.10.1989     Pro philatelia, stamp on stamp   50fo
Hungary    12.08.1996     Naturexpo 96 4v set   13fo
Hungary    09.05.2019     Europa 2x2v sheet   400fo
Iraq    11.01.2011     International year of biodiversity 4v set   500d
Iraq    11.01.2011     International year of biodiversity   1000d
Korea, North    05.02.1991     Endangered birds   30c
Korea, North    05.02.1991     Endangered birds Sheet   30c
Korea, North    10.08.1998     Embroidery 4v set, p 12   10c
Korea, North    10.08.1998     Embroidery Booklet   10c
Korea, North    10.08.1998     Embroidery 5v sheet, p 12x12½   10c
Korea, North    15.04.2010     Kim Il Sung 4v set   30w
Laos    01.08.2001     Philanippon 01 With Philanippon emblem   3400k
Laos    01.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet, no emblem on stamps   3400k
Lesotho    28.06.1999     Birds of the world   8m
Liberia    1906     Definitives   20c
Liberia    1906     Overprint OS and new colour on 1906.01     20c
Liberia    19.08.1996     Birds Sheet   25c
Liberia    09.03.1998     Sea creatures 16v sheet   20c
Liberia    15.10.1998     The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 25v sheet   15c
Liberia    26.05.2003     Surcharge on 1996.02 Sheet   15$
Liberia    30.07.2013     Birds of the world Sheet   85$
Maldive Islands    17.02.1992     Birds   25l
Maldive Islands    13.09.2000     Birds of the tropics Sheet   10r
Marshall Islands    07.07.2015     Birds Sheet   49c
Mauritania    03.04.1967     Birds   200f
Mexico    06.08.1998     Conservation of marine animals 25v sheet   2.30p
Mexico    18.02.2002     Conservation 20v set, p 14x14¼   30p
Mexico    2005     Conservation 12v set   5p
Mexico    2005     Conservation 4v set   1p
Mexico    2006     Conservation 10v set   6.50p
Moldova    05.05.1999     Europa   25b
Moldova    18.12.2003     Red Book of Moldova   2l
Moldova    18.12.2003     Red Book of Moldova Sheet   2l
Montserrat    02.07.1970     Birds Chalk-surfaced paper   4c
Mustique    01.08.2011     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   2.50$
Netherlands    22.02.2021     De Onlanden 10v sheet, sa   1
Nevis    28.05.1991     Birds of Nevis   6$
Nevis    01.09.1995     Marine life 16v sheet   50c
Nevis    21.05.2010     Birds of Nevis   5$
New Zealand    02.08.1961     Health stamps   2d
New Zealand    02.08.1961     Health stamps 2 sheets   2d
New Zealand    01.05.1996     Marine wildlife 6v sheet   1$
New Zealand    18.05.1996     CHINA 96 2v sheet   1$
New Zealand    05.08.2009     Tiki tour 24v sheet   50c
New Zealand    01.08.2018     Predator free 2050   1.20$
New Zealand    01.08.2018     Predator free 2050 Sheet   1.20$
New Zealand    21.09.2018     Macao 2018, Predator free 2050 Sheet   1.20$
New Zealand    28.11.2018     Thailand 2018, Predator free 2050 Sheet   1.20$
New Zealand    02.10.2019     Tuia 250: Michel Tuffery 5v set   1.30$
New Zealand    02.10.2019     Tuia 250: Michel Tuffery 5v sheet   1.30$
Nicaragua    30.03.1999     Wildlife protection 9v sheet   2.50cor
Nicaragua    09.10.2007     Environment protection 4v set   4.50cor
Nicaragua    30.08.2012     Rio San Juan 6v sheet   50cor
Niger    10.09.2014     Castles Sheet   750f
Niue    04.08.1986     Stampex 86   40c
Panama    2001     Palacio de las Garzas   5c
Panama    2001     Palacio de las Garzas   5c
Panama    2001     Palacio de las Garzas   5c
Panama    2001     Palacio de las Garzas   5c
Papua New Guinea    25.01.2008     Protected birds Sheet   5.35k
Paraguay    20.11.2012     New energy   1400g
Peru    23.04.1999     Fauna of Peruvian rain forest   5s
Peru    28.09.2007     Regional flora and fauna   2s
Peru    28.09.2007     Regional flora and fauna   2s
Poland    30.11.2020     Polish birds Sheet   3.30z
Rumania    24.12.1957     Fauna of the Danube Delta 8v set   10b
Rumania    20.12.1968     Fauna of nature reservations 8v set   55b
Rumania    28.02.2009     Birds of the Danube Delta   2.10l
Rumania    28.02.2009     Birds of the Danube Delta Sheet   2.10l
Russia (USSR)    16.10.1968     Fauna 6v set   6k
Russia (USSR)    22.12.1988     Definitives Recess printing   50k
Russia (USSR)    25.12.1989     Definitives Offset printing   50k
Sao Tome and Principe    15.11.1991     Exhibition 12v set   25d
Sao Tome and Principe    15.06.1993     Birds   500d
Senegal    09.02.1974     Djoudj national park   4f
Serbia & Montenegro    31.01.2005     Protected animal species Strip   16.50d
Solomon Islands    15.03.2013     Birds Sheet   5$
Somalia    04.09.1959     Somali water birds   2s
Somalia    01.11.1968     Birds   35c
St Vincent    02.05.1995     Birds Sheet   75c
St Vincent & Grenadines    31.12.2015     Great Egret I Sheet   3.25$
St Vincent & Grenadines    31.12.2015     Great Egret I Sheet   3.25$
St Vincent & Grenadines    31.12.2015     Great Egret I Sheet   3.25$
St Vincent & Grenadines    31.12.2015     Great Egret I Sheet   3.25$
St Vincent & Grenadines    31.12.2015     Great Egret I   10$
St Vincent & Grenadines    31.12.2015     Birds Sheet   3.25$
St Vincent & Grenadines    31.12.2015     Great Egret II 3x2v sheet   3.15$
St Vincent & Grenadines    31.12.2015     Great Egret II 3x2v sheet   3.15$
St Vincent & Grenadines    31.12.2015     Great Egret II   10$
Surinam    17.02.2016     Birds Sheet   2.75$
Tanzania    18.02.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   370s
Togo    28.10.1957     Definitives "REPUBLIQUE AUTONOME DU TOGO"   500f
Togo    15.01.1959     Definitives "REPUBLIQUE DU TOGO"   500f
Togo    28.12.2006     Aquatic birds Sheet   450f
Togo    28.09.2011     Mangroves of Madagascar 4v sheet   750f
Togo    18.12.2015     Herons Sheet   950f
Tristan da Cunha    06.11.2022     Vagrant species   1£
UN NY    21.04.2005     Natures wisdom 2v set   80c
USA    04.10.2006     Southern Florida wetland 10v sheet, sa   39c
USA    23.07.2009     Gulf Coast lighthouses 5v set, sa   44c
USA    07.03.2017     WPA posters 2x10v booklet, sa   *
USA    07.03.2017     WPA posters 2x10v booklet, sa   *
USA    22.01.2023     Florida Everglades   9.65$
Uganda    26.02.2014     Waterbirds Sheet   2500s
Ukraine    26.10.2004     Dunai Sheet   80k
Ukraine    18.06.2008     Crimean nature reserve 4v sheet   1h
Union Is    29.08.2022     Great Egret Sheet   3$
Union Is    29.08.2022     Great Egret Sheet   3$
Union Is    29.08.2022     Great Egret Sheet   4$
Union Is    29.08.2022     Great Egret Sheet   4$
Union Is    29.08.2022     Great Egret Sheet   5$
Union Is    29.08.2022     Great Egret Sheet   5$
Union Is    29.08.2022     Great Egret   14$
Venezuela    31.07.1998     Expo 98 10v sheet   350b
Zaire    01.10.1985     Audubon   5z
Zaire    23.04.1994     Surcharge on 1985.01   50k
Medium Egret Ardea intermedia
India    15.07.1975     Definitives   50p
Laos    01.08.2001     Philanippon 01 With Philanippon emblem   700k
Laos    01.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet, no emblem on stamps   700k
Liberia    14.01.1994     Birds of Liberia Sheet   1$
Palau    14.07.2011     Seabirds Sheet   98c
Tanzania    30.06.1993     Wildlife at a watering hole in Tanzania 12v sheet   100s
Tokelau    16.08.1994     Philakorea 94   2$
Tokelau    16.08.1994     Philakorea 94   2$
Upper Volta    26.10.1979     Protected birds   25f
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea
Aland    14.01.2005     Newly immigrated birds   4€
Albania    30.09.1961     Albanian birds   7.50l
Austria    29.09.1953     Air   10s
Austria    18.06.1999     Europa   7s
Azores    22.04.2009     Lakes   2.50€
Azores    05.11.2009     Lakes, in yearbook 2009 Prestige booklet   2.50€
Belarus    10.09.1996     Ducks and wading birds Sheet   400r
Belarus    03.01.2018     Chicks   H
Belarus    03.01.2018     Chicks Sheet with 2 sets   H
Belgium    23.03.2015     Animals in movement 10v sheet   1
Bosnia Herzegovina    20.04.2017     Fauna   2.50m
British Indian Ocean Territory    28.02.1975     Birds   60c
Bulgaria    06.05.1988     Birds   8s
Cambodia    02.05.1964     Birds   12r
Cambodia    09.09.1972     Overprint XXe JEUX OLYMPIQUES on 1964.01 5v set   12r
Cambodia    15.11.1972     Overprint SECOURS AUX VICTIMES on 1964.01 5v set   12r
Cape Verde Islands    19.07.2003     Herons and egrets   27e
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (St Eustatius) 2021 Sheet   99c
Caribbean Netherlands    02.04.2022     Birds (Saba) 2022 Sheet   99c
Centralafrica    10.03.1999     Birds of Africa Sheet   490f
Centralafrica    20.05.2014     Seabirds Sheet   900f
Chad    01.11.1978     Philexafrique   100f
Comoro Islands    05.09.2009     Herons Sheet   350f
Comoro Islands    28.07.2011     Wading birds Sheet   500f
Congo (Brazzaville)    24.10.2001     Herons and storks   120f
Croatia (Serbian Krajina)    15.06.1993     Definitives   10000d
Croatia (Serbian Krajina)    01.11.1993     Overprint A on 1993.01   10000d
Cuba    25.01.2001     Hong Kong 2001   15c
Czechoslovakia    24.10.1960     Water birds   60h
Czechoslovakia    28.04.1983     Nature protection 6v set   3.60k
Czechoslovakia    18.12.1985     Stamp day   1k
Dominica    15.05.2001     Japanese paintings 5v sheet   1.65$
France    20.06.1981     Conservation of littoral regions   1.60f
France    11.02.2008     Coronellis globes   0.85€
France    11.02.2008     Coronellis globes   0.85€
Gabon    16.04.1997     UNESCO 50 years 8v sheet   225f
Gambia    16.07.2001     Animals of Africa 6v sheet   8d
Germany, East    26.06.1959     Nature preservation 5v set   5p
Guernsey    16.10.1990     Christmas Sheet   10p
Guernsey    17.02.2021     Bird definitives   1£
Guinea-Bissau    26.03.2007     Birds   3000f
Guinea-Bissau    05.05.2008     Sea elephants and herons Sheet   500f
Guinea-Bissau    05.05.2008     Sea elephants and herons   3000f
Guinea-Bissau    26.05.2015     Waterbirds Sheet   800f
Hungary    14.06.1959     Water birds   1fo
Iraq    15.09.1976     Birds   50f
Iraq    15.09.1976     Inscription OFFICIAL on 1976.01   50f
Iraq    11.01.2011     International year of biodiversity   1000d
Ireland    01.01.2002     Birds   50c
Isle of Man    15.02.1983     Birds   12p
Italy    11.03.1995     Birds   600l
Japan    26.05.2021     Afforestation in Shimane 5v set   84y
Jersey    21.08.1999     Seabirds and waders   65p
Jersey    21.08.1999     Seabirds and waders Sheet   65p
Korea, North    30.12.1965     Wading birds   40c
Korea, North    05.02.1991     Endangered birds   20c
Korea, North    05.02.1991     Endangered birds Sheet   20c
Kyrgyzstan    13.08.2009     Chyngyz Aitmatov 8v sheet   45s
Laos    01.08.2001     Philanippon 01 With Philanippon emblem   3100k
Laos    01.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet, no emblem on stamps   3100k
Lebanon    11.09.1946     Definitives   10p
Lebanon    11.09.1946     Definitives   12.50p
Lebanon    11.09.1946     Definitives   25p
Lebanon    11.09.1946     Definitives   50p
Lebanon    11.09.1946     Definitives   100p
Liberia    14.01.1994     Birds of Liberia Sheet   1$
Liberia    01.07.1997     Fauna and flora   2$
Liberia    20.12.1999     Legends, Tarzan 9v sheet   15$
Liechtenstein    03.09.2018     Bird eyes   1f
Macedonia    14.09.2000     Birds   10d
Malawi    15.02.1971     Currency   3t
Malawi    15.02.1971     Currency   8t
Malawi    15.02.1971     Currency   15t
Malawi    15.02.1971     Currency   30t
Malawi    10.11.2003     Birds of Africa   180k
Malaysia    25.06.2015     Herons   80s
Maldive Islands    26.07.1977     Birds   5l
Maldive Islands    09.08.1990     Birds   18r
Maldive Islands    17.02.1992     Birds   50l
Maldive Islands    05.07.1993     Birds Sheet   3.50r
Maldive Islands    08.04.2002     Birds of the Maldives Sheet   7r
Maldive Islands    22.12.2003     Birds in Maldives   25r
Maldive Islands    15.12.2014     Wading birds and insect Sheet   20r
Maldive Islands    08.09.2016     Ancient Egyptian art 4v sheet   22r
Marshall Islands    07.07.2015     Birds Sheet   49c
Mauritania    07.09.1963     Postage due, birds   15f
Mauritania    1994     Birds of Banc dArguin   30u
Moldova    29.03.2018     Padurea Domneasca nature reserve 4v set   1.75l
Mongolia    03.02.1993     Birds Sheet   40t
Mongolia    01.02.2003     Birds and mushrooms   400t
Morocco    25.09.2014     Lakes   8.40d
Mozambique    17.06.2002     Birds of Africa   10000m
Namibia    01.07.2002     Rivers 5v set   3.50$
Niger    01.03.2013     Herons Sheet   750f
Niger    01.03.2013     Herons Sheet   750f
Niger    01.03.2013     Herons   2500f
Niger    25.06.2014     Waterbirds Sheet   750f
Niger    13.10.2014     Hippopotamuses 4v sheet   750f
Poland    05.06.1964     Birds   90g
Poland    30.11.2020     Polish birds Sheet   3.30z
Rumania    23.01.2004     Birds of the Danube Delta Sheet   16000l
Russia (USSR)    12.09.1990     Nature conservation   20k
Senegal    22.04.1978     Saloum Delta national park   15f
Senegal    22.04.1978     Saloum Delta national park   150f
Senegal    23.03.1992     National parks: Saloum, Djoudj, Niokolo-Koba, Basse Casamance   125f
Senegal    12.11.2001     National parks 4v set   125f
Senegal    15.11.2014     Lakes and rivers 2v set   100f
Serbia    21.06.2023     European nature protection 2v set   48d
Singapore    16.08.1994     Herons   1$
Singapore    22.10.2003     Garden city 4v set   1$
Spain    02.11.2017     Soria sa   A
Spanish Sahara    15.10.1959     Birds   25c
Spanish Sahara    15.10.1959     Birds   1p
Spanish Sahara    15.10.1959     Birds   3p
Sri Lanka    27.09.2003     Resident birds of Sri Lanka Sheet   4.50r
Swaziland    02.01.1976     Birds   20c
Sweden    23.08.1996     Isbladskarret 4v booklet   7.50k
Turkmenistan    01.06.2008     Fauna, hologram 7v set, sa   O
Turkmenistan    01.06.2008     Fauna, hologram 7v set, sa   O
Turkmenistan    01.06.2008     Fauna, hologram 7v set, sa   O
Turkmenistan    02.07.2009     Fauna 7v set   O
Uganda    27.03.1996     Wildlife of Uganda   2000s
Ukraine    28.12.1999     Zoogeographic endowment fund 6v sheet   40k
Vietnam    20.11.1983     Birds   50x
Zambia    27.10.1999     Flora and fauna 12v sheet   700k
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias
Anguilla    13.11.1980     Christmas   22c
Anguilla    13.11.1980     Christmas Sheet   22c
Antigua & Barbuda    25.03.1985     Audubon   1.50$
Antigua & Barbuda    01.03.1988     Birds of Antigua   10c
Barbados    06.08.1985     Audubon   75c
Barbuda    18.07.1985     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1985.01   1.50$
Barbuda    04.07.1988     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1988.01   10c
Belize    01.03.1990     Birds and butterflies   30c
Canada    22.05.1986     Birds of Canada   34c
Canada    31.05.1997     Confederation Bridge 2v set   45c
Canada    22.05.2010     Wildlife photography contest Booklet, sa   57c
Canada    22.05.2010     Wildlife photography contest 5v sheet   57c
Canouan    28.02.2011     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   2.50$
Canouan    30.09.2015     Birds Sheet   3.15$
Caribbean Netherlands    16.02.2024     Birds of Saba Sheet   150c
Colombia    19.11.2010     Valle del Cauca 6v sheet   4000p
Cuba    29.08.1956     Birds   50c
Cuba    15.06.1993     Brasiliana 93   5c
Curacao    12.03.2012     Sea birds Sheet   500c
Dominica    18.06.1986     Audubon   60c
Ecuador    30.11.2009     Charles Darwin 9v sheet   1$
El Salvador    28.09.1993     Birds   2.20col
Grenada    06.06.1989     Birds p 14   5c
Grenada    1993     Birds p 11½x12½     5c
Grenadines (G)    09.11.1979     Marine wildlife 8v set   75c
Grenadines (G)    05.09.1995     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   1$
Grenadines (G)    09.09.2016     Crabs and birds of the Caribbean 6v sheet   3.25$
Guinea-Bissau    16.04.1985     Audubon   20p
Jamaica    22.01.1988     Jamaican birds   5$
Lesotho    20.08.2007     Beautiful birds Sheet   6m
Marshall Islands    15.12.2016     National parks 10v sheet   49c
Mexico    15.12.2010     Great Blue Heron   11.50p
Mozambique    10.05.2016     Waterbirds Sheet   66m
Nevis    19.03.1985     Local hawks and herons   3$
Nevis    28.05.1991     Birds of Nevis Sheet   40c
Nevis    21.05.2010     Birds of Nevis   30c
Niger    28.05.2016     Waterbirds   2500f
Palau    21.02.2006     Birds   39c
Sierra Leone    21.08.2015     Waterbirds Sheet   5500l
St Pierre & Miquelon    23.04.2001     Great Blue Heron   15f
St Vincent & Grenadines    01.04.1993     Migratory birds   1$
St Vincent & Grenadines    01.08.2009     Seabirds Sheet   2.50$
St Vincent & Grenadines    15.01.2010     Overprint Haiti Earthquake.. on 2009.02 Sheet   2.50$
St Vincent & Grenadines    31.12.2015     Birds Sheet   3.15$
St Vincent & Grenadines    21.03.2023     Great Blue Heron Sheet   4.50$
St Vincent & Grenadines    21.03.2023     Great Blue Heron Sheet   4.50$
St Vincent & Grenadines    21.03.2023     Great Blue Heron Sheet   4.50$
St Vincent & Grenadines    21.03.2023     Great Blue Heron Sheet   4.50$
St Vincent & Grenadines    21.03.2023     Great Blue Heron Sheet   4.50$
St Vincent & Grenadines    21.03.2023     Great Blue Heron   14$
Tanzania    18.02.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   370s
Tanzania    15.11.1999     Fauna and flora 6v sheet   400s
Turks & Caicos Islands    02.08.1995     Birds   80c
Turks & Caicos Islands    02.10.2000     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   60c
UN NY    20.06.2003     International year of freshwater 2v strip   37c
USA    05.12.1947     Everglades national park   3c
USA    26.06.1981     Wildlife habitats 4v set   18c
USA    04.04.2002     Greetings 50v sheet, sa   34c
USA    25.10.2002     Greetings 50v sheet, sa   37c
USA    27.05.2006     Wonders of America 40v sheet, sa   39c
USA    16.04.2010     Flags of the nation 10v set, sa   44c
USA    02.06.2016     National parks 16v sheet, sa   *
USA    07.03.2017     WPA posters 2x10v booklet, sa   *
USA    07.03.2017     WPA posters 2x10v booklet, sa   *
USA    22.01.2023     Florida Everglades   9.65$
Venezuela    19.12.1968     Conservation of natural resources   20c
Zambia    27.10.1999     Flora and fauna 10v set   500k
Cocoi Heron Ardea cocoi
Antigua & Barbuda    21.09.1998     Undersea wildlife 12v sheet   75c
Barbuda    16.06.2000     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1998.01 12v sheet   75c
Bolivia    21.01.1939     Definitives     40c
Bolivia    21.01.1939     Definitives     45c
Bolivia    23.08.2007     Birds of Pando   10.50b
Brazil    21.12.1987     Gabriel Soares de Sousa   7cz
Brazil    20.11.2001     Pantanal 10v booklet, sa   0.55r
Guyana    30.05.2012     Birds of South America Sheet   160$
Surinam    14.02.1971     Air service anniversary   15c
Surinam    17.02.2016     Birds Sheet   3.25$
Uruguay    20.02.1968     Birds   2p
Purple Heron Ardea purpurea
Bahrain    22.05.1993     Water birds Sheet   150f
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat)    19.11.1997     Fauna and flora 2v set   1k
Botswana    04.08.1997     Birds   1.25p
Cameroun    15.06.1983     Birds   50f
Cape Verde Islands    19.07.2003     Herons and egrets   10e
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Bonaire) 2021 Sheet   99c
Congo (Brazzaville)    22.05.1978     Birds   75f
Congo (Brazzaville)    24.10.2001     Herons and storks   205f
Congo (Kinshasa)    16.08.2000     Birds of Congo Sheet   9f
Croatia    22.03.2004     WWF Strip   5k
Croatia    22.03.2004     WWF Strip   5k
Croatia    22.03.2004     WWF Strip   5k
Croatia    22.03.2004     WWF Strip   5k
Czechoslovakia    20.02.1967     Water birds   60h
French Territory of Afars & Issas    21.11.1975     Birds   60f
Georgia    04.08.1995     Birds Sheet   15k
Ghana    19.06.1995     Fauna and flora 6v set   5000c
Greece    15.10.1979     Endangered birds   6d
Guinea-Bissau    05.05.2008     Sea elephants and herons Sheet   500f
Hungary    14.06.1959     Water birds   30fi
Hungary    03.01.1977     Birds of Hortobagy national park   1fo
Iraq    15.09.1976     Birds   50f
Iraq    15.09.1976     Inscription OFFICIAL on 1976.01   50f
Israel    13.02.1963     Birds   1£
Kampuchea    05.05.1987     Capex 87   3r
Kuwait    01.12.1973     Birds and hunting equipment   25f
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds of Africa Sheet   25$
Macedonia    14.09.2000     Birds   20d
Malagasy    18.04.1988     Endangered species 2v set   550f
Malagasy    18.04.1988     Endangered species 2v sheet   550f
Malagasy    18.04.1988     Endangered species   550f
Malagasy    28.09.1993     Overprint 75eme... on 1988.01   550f
Malagasy    28.09.1993     Overprint 75eme... on 1988.03   550f
Malawi    13.11.1968     Birds   1£
Malaysia    03.02.2005     Migratory birds   50s
Maldive Islands    08.02.2007     Birds   30r
Montserrat    11.11.2011     Fauna of China 4v sheet   1.10$
Netherlands    12.06.2023     Wieden 10v sheet, sa   1
Netherlands Antilles    26.03.1997     Birds   75c
Ras Al Khaima    10.05.1967     Arab paintings 7v set   10d
Rumania    25.07.2011     Fauna from Rumanian nature reserves 4v set   4.50l
Rumania    25.07.2011     Fauna from Rumanian nature reserves 4v sheet   4.50l
Senegal    27.02.1995     Kalissaye national park   100f
Sierra Leone    25.06.1988     Birds   65l
Sierra Leone    26.09.2011     Seabirds of West Africa Sheet   4000l
Singapore    16.08.1994     Herons   75c
Slovenia    31.05.2019     Europa   1.45€
South Africa    05.06.1997     Waterbirds, Ilsapex 98 Sheet, p 14¼x14   *
South Africa    1997     Waterbirds Booklet, p 14x14   *
Tanzania    18.02.1999     Birds of the world   1500s
Togo    18.12.2015     Herons Sheet   950f
Uganda    09.10.1992     Birds   50s
Upper Volta    13.05.1971     Muslim miniatures 2v set   100f
Venda    16.07.1993     Herons   85c
Venda    16.07.1993     Herons Sheet   85c
Vietnam    20.11.1983     Birds   50x
Zambia    20.12.1999     Definitives   250k
White-bellied Heron Ardea insignis
Bhutan    28.08.2014     Flora and fauna of Bhutan   50n
Bhutan    11.11.2015     Conservation 8v sheet   30n
Bhutan    11.11.2015     Conservation 8v sheet   15n
Bhutan    11.11.2015     Conservation Sheet   50n
Great-billed Heron Ardea sumatrana
Cambodia    05.12.2005     Birds Sheet   400r
Cambodia    05.12.2005     Birds Sheet   1000r
Black-headed Heron Ardea melanocephala
Botswana    03.07.1978     Birds   45t
Congo (Brazzaville)    23.12.1992     Birds   200f
Congo (Brazzaville)    1998     Overprint AUTORISÉ on 1992.01, 1993.04, 1996.01   200f
Congo (Kinshasa)    30.07.2013     Herons Sheet   500f
Congo (Kinshasa)    30.07.2013     Herons Sheet   500f
Congo (Kinshasa)    30.07.2013     Herons   500f
Ghana    14.10.1991     The birds of Ghana Sheet   100c
Guinea    27.08.2001     Philanippon 01   200f
Guinea-Bissau    05.05.2008     Sea elephants and herons Sheet   500f
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
South Africa    05.06.1997     Waterbirds, Ilsapex 98 Sheet, p 14¼x14   *
South Africa    1997     Waterbirds Booklet, p 14x14   *
Swaziland    02.01.1976     Birds   5c
Tanzania    20.03.1989     Fauna and flora 8v set   150s
Togo    18.12.2015     Herons   3000f
Venda    16.07.1993     Herons   1.05r
Venda    16.07.1993     Herons Sheet   1.05r
Goliath Heron Ardea goliath
Angola    24.10.1984     Birds   16k
Botswana    10.03.2015     Okavango 4v set   8p
Botswana    10.03.2015     Okavango 4v sheet   8p
Burundi    28.08.1996     Birds at Lake Rwihinda   120f
Centralafrica    25.02.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   485f
Comoro Islands    14.12.2009     Indian Ocean birds   3000f
Congo (Kinshasa)    30.07.2013     Herons Sheet   500f
Congo (Kinshasa)    30.07.2013     Herons Sheet   500f
Congo (Kinshasa)    30.07.2013     Herons   500f
Djibouti    12.02.1991     Birds   20f
Gambia    01.07.2002     Year of eco tourism 6v sheet   9d
Gambia    27.03.2018     Birds of The Gambia Sheet   85d
Ghana    14.10.1991     The birds of Ghana Sheet   100c
Ghana    13.06.1994     Birds of Ghana   2000c
Guinea    29.08.2002     Philanippon 01 Sheet   950f
Guinea    05.11.2007     J J Audubon, Alexander Wilson, John Gould Sheet with 2 sets   2000f
Guinea-Bissau    05.05.2008     Sea elephants and herons Sheet   500f
Liberia    19.08.1996     Birds Sheet   25c
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds of Africa   100$
Liberia    26.05.2003     Surcharge on 1996.02 Sheet   15$
Madagascar    12.02.1999     Birds   4000f
Mali    15.02.1965     Birds   500f
Namibia    24.07.2006     Rivers of Namibia   reg.
Namibia    07.07.2016     Herons   postc.
Niger    01.03.2013     Herons Sheet   750f
Paraguay    11.10.2004     Upaep   6000g
Rwanda    30.06.1975     Aquatic birds   50c
Uganda    12.09.1989     Wildlife at waterhole 20v sheet   30s
Uganda    03.09.1990     Wild birds of Uganda   300s
Zambia    29.08.1995     Christmas 4v set   450k
Zimbabwe    24.06.2003     Definitives 4v set   500$
