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13 Pheasants & Allies Phasianidae
Crested Partridge Rollulus rouloul
Angola    20.04.1996     Birds Sheet   5500k
Brunei    21.04.1984     Forestry resources 4v set   1$
Brunei    30.12.1992     Birds   30s
Malaysia    09.09.1965     Birds   25c
Malaysia    02.12.1967     Stamp centenary, stamp on stamp   25c
Malaysia    01.12.1997     Stamp week 5v sheet   2$
North Borneo    01.02.1961     Definitives   5$
Sabah    01.07.1964     Overprint SABAH on North Borneo 1961.01   5$
Orange-necked Partridge Arborophila davidi
Vietnam    30.04.2001     Animals in Cat Tien national park 4v set   400d
Vietnam    01.04.2006     BirdLife International   2000d
Vietnam    01.04.2006     BirdLife International Sheet   2000d
Malayan Partridge Arborophila campbelli
Malaysia    22.01.2001     Quail and Partridges   50s
Snow Partridge Lerwa lerwa
Bhutan    30.11.2017     Pheasants of Bhutan Sheet   20n
Blood Pheasant Ithaginis cruentus
Bhutan    22.11.1989     Birds   3n
Bhutan    17.12.1999     Birds of the Himalayas Sheet   20n
Bhutan    30.11.2017     Pheasants of Bhutan Sheet   20n
Guinea    15.12.2008     Chinese birds   25000f
India    10.05.1996     Flora and fauna of Himalaya 4v set   5r
India    10.05.1996     Flora and fauna of Himalaya 4v sheet   5r
Marshall Islands    03.06.2008     Colourful birds of the world Sheet   42c
Western Tragopan Tragopan melanocephalus
India    28.04.1975     Indian birds   1r
India    16.03.2020     Natural sites 5v set   5r
India    16.03.2020     Natural sites 5v sheet   5r
Pakistan    15.09.1981     Wildlife protection   40p
Pakistan    15.09.1981     Wildlife protection   2r
Satyr Tragopan Tragopan satyra
Bhutan    20.01.1968     Bhutan pheasants   1c
Bhutan    20.01.1968     Bhutan pheasants   2n
Bhutan    20.09.1970     Animals 3-D stamps   85c
Bhutan    02.11.1970     Surcharge on 1968.01, 1968.03-4, 1969.01     20c
Bhutan    22.11.1989     Birds   25n
Bhutan    17.12.1999     Birds of the Himalayas Sheet   20n
Bhutan    17.12.2003     WWF Sheet   8n
Bhutan    30.11.2017     Pheasants of Bhutan   50n
India    06.11.2006     Himalayan lakes 5v set   5r
Nepal    13.04.1960     Definitives   5r
Blyth's Tragopan Tragopan blythii
Bhutan    01.09.1995     Singapore 95 Sheet   2n
Bhutan    17.12.2003     WWF Sheet   5n
Gambia    24.02.1997     Endangered species 20v sheet   1.50d
Guinea    15.12.2008     Chinese birds Sheet   5000f
Temminck's Tragopan Tragopan temminckii
Angola    20.04.1996     Birds Sheet   5500k
Antigua & Barbuda    16.02.2004     Ren Xiong Sheet   2.50$
China    06.06.1998     Shennongjia Nature Reserve 4v set   50f
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants p 13   25c
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants Sheet, p 13   25c
Vietnam    15.06.1979     Pheasants   12x
Cabot's Tragopan Tragopan caboti
China    01.02.2002     Chinese birds   80f
China    07.12.2002     Chinese birds Booklet   80f
China    28.02.2008     Birds Sheet   1.20y
China    05.11.2022     National park fauna 5v set   1.20y
Lesotho    27.04.1998     Fauna and flora of the world 20v sheet   1m
Tanzania    18.02.1999     Endangered species of the world 20v sheet   100s
Himalayan Monal Lophophorus impejanus
Afghanistan    26.04.1965     Birds   5a
Afghanistan    29.07.1973     Birds   8a
Angola    20.04.1996     Birds Sheet   5500k
Bhutan    20.01.1968     Bhutan pheasants   4c
Bhutan    23.04.1968     Bhutan pheasants   5n
Bhutan    01.07.1971     Surcharge on 1968.02, 1968.04     55c
Bhutan    19.04.1982     Birds   3n
Bhutan    17.12.1999     Birds of the Himalayas Sheet   20n
Bhutan    17.12.2003     WWF Sheet   15n
Bhutan    30.11.2017     Pheasants of Bhutan Sheet   20n
Comoro Islands    25.01.1999     Birds   200f
Hungary    22.02.1977     Peafowl and pheasants   4fo
India    28.04.1975     Indian birds   2r
India    31.05.2007     National parks (Bandipur, Kaziranga, Periyar) 5v strip   5r
Nepal    19.04.1959     Definitives   1r
Nepal    19.04.1959     Definitives   2r
Nepal    11.06.1968     King Mahendras 49th birthday   15p
Nepal    22.11.1979     International world pheasant association symposium   3.50r
Nepal    06.05.1985     Sagarmatha national park   10r
Pakistan    17.06.1979     Wildlife protection   20p
Pakistan    29.10.1997     Protect wildlife   2r
UN Geneva    07.09.2011     Endangered species   1f
Sclater's Monal Lophophorus sclateri
Bhutan    20.01.1968     Bhutan pheasants   2c
Bhutan    23.04.1968     Bhutan pheasants   4n
Bhutan    19.06.1970     Surcharge on 1968.02, 1968.04, 1969.01     20c
Chinese Monal Lophophorus lhuysii
China    15.11.2006     Birds definitives   40f
Koklass Pheasant Pucrasia macrolopha
Pakistan    17.06.1979     Wildlife protection   40p
Wild Turkey Meleagris gallopavo
Albania    25.11.1967     Domestic fowl 8v set   15q
Algeria    22.11.1990     Domestic animals 4v set   2.90d
Angola    07.04.2000     Animals of the world 6v sheet   3.50k
Azerbaijan    05.11.2012     Poultry 6v sheet   20g
Bulgaria    11.02.1991     Farm animals 11v set   5l
Burkina Faso    12.10.2011     Domestic birds 3v set   160f
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Saba) 2021 Sheet   99c
Cuba    12.12.1955     Christmas greetings   2c
Cuba    12.12.1955     Christmas greetings   4c
Cuba    15.06.2006     Domestic birds   15c
Cyprus    10.09.2009     Domestic fowl 4v set   0.34€
France    03.04.2020     Eggs Booklet, sa   *
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet   5d
Ghana    08.12.1993     Domestic animals 10v set   50c
Ghana    08.12.1993     Domestic animals 4v sheet   500c
Guinea    22.11.1999     Gamebirds Sheet   450f
Guinea-Bissau    21.09.1990     Lubrapex 90 3v set   800p
Guinea-Bissau    21.09.1990     Lubrapex 90   1500p
Hungary    25.03.2024     Poultry breeds 3v set   330fo
Korea, North    09.10.1979     Zoo animals   15c
Korea, North    09.10.1979     Zoo animals Sheet   15c
Libya    15.02.1983     Farm animals 16v sheet   25d
Malawi    08.10.2019     Domesticated birds 6v sheet   700k
Malawi    08.10.2019     Domesticated birds   450k
Mexico    18.03.1980     Mexican fauna   80c
Mexico    05.06.1994     Nature conservation 24v sheet   1.30p
Mexico    02.10.1996     Protect Mexican wildlife 24v sheet   1.80p
Mexico    02.10.1996     Protect Mexican wildlife 24v sheet   1.80p
Mexico    19.11.2002     50th anniversary of Mexico City International Airport 3v strip   6p
Moldova    23.08.2018     Poultry 4v set   15.50l
Morocco    30.05.2011     Turkey and plant 2v set   3.50d
Netherlands Antilles    12.12.2008     Birds Sheet   158c
New Zealand    01.09.1995     Farmyard animals 10v booklet, p 14x14½   45c
New Zealand    01.09.1995     SINGAPORE 95 5v sheet, p 12   45c
New Zealand    02.10.1995     Farmyard animals 10v booklet   40c
Nicaragua    25.08.1985     Domestic birds 6v set   6cor
Paraguay    15.06.1976     Domestic animals   3g
Rumania    19.01.2012     Flora and fauna II 4v set   60b
Rumania    18.08.2023     Poultry   9l
Russia (USSR)    01.07.1990     Poultry 3v set   15k
Rwanda    28.12.1978     Stock rearing year 8v set   15f
Sao Tome and Principe    04.02.2008     Naturalists, John Ray   95000d
Sao Tome and Principe    20.07.2016     American birds Sheet   31000d
Sharjah    1972     Birds   1r
St Vincent & Grenadines    19.05.2014     Farm animals Sheet   3.25$
Tanzania    23.06.2014     Farm animals Sheet   2000s
USA    05.05.1956     Wild life conservation 3v set   3c
USA    03.03.2005     Northeast deciduous forest 10v sheet, sa   37c
USA    16.08.2012     Flags of the nation 10v set, sa   *
Vietnam    15.09.1986     Domestic fowl 8v set   1d
Yemen (Arab Republic)    01.03.1982     World food day 6v set   60f
Ocellated Turkey Meleagris ocellata
Belize    03.09.1977     Birds   45c
Belize    03.09.1977     Birds Sheet   45c
Guatemala    14.06.1979     Wildlife conservation 5v set   1c
Mexico    02.10.1996     Protect Mexican wildlife 24v sheet   1.80p
Mexico    18.02.2002     Conservation 20v set, p 14x14¼   4.50p
Mexico    01.08.2003     Conservation 16v set, p 13x13¼     4.50p
Mexico    25.06.2004     Conservation p 13   4.50p
Mexico    18.12.2004     Conservation 14v set   6p
Mexico    2005     Conservation 8v set   6.50p
Mexico    2005     Conservation 6v set   6.50p
Mexico    2005     Conservation 12v set   10.50p
Ruffed Grouse Bonasa umbellus
Mongolia    20.09.1986     Birds   60m
Niger    20.04.2016     Alexander Wilson Sheet   825f
USA    26.06.1981     Wildlife habitats 4v set   18c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
Hazel Grouse Tetrastes bonasia
Belarus    03.01.2018     Chicks   M
Belarus    03.01.2018     Chicks Sheet with 2 sets   M
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat)    05.04.2021     Europa   3m
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat)    05.04.2021     Europa Sheet   3m
Bulgaria    31.03.1961     Birds   2l
Bulgaria    24.04.2019     Europa   2l
Bulgaria    24.04.2019     Europa Sheet   2l
Bulgaria    24.04.2019     Europa Booklet     2l
Bulgaria    24.04.2019     Europa Booklet     2l
Latvia    19.06.2020     Birds   1.27€
Luxembourg    07.12.1992     Endangered birds   14f
Mongolia    10.03.1991     Birds   60m
Rumania    04.11.2022     Gamebirds   6.50l
Russia (USSR)    25.12.1959     Russian wildlife   60k
Sharjah    27.07.1972     Birds   1r
Slovenia    27.05.2016     Birds sa   0.50€
Ukraine    06.08.2021     Birds of Ukraine Sheet   9h
Chinese Grouse Tetrastes sewerzowi
China    03.12.2021     Protected wildlife 8v sheet   80f
Sage Grouse Centrocercus urophasianus
Penrhyn Island    09.04.1985     Audubon   55c
Penrhyn Island    09.04.1985     Audubon   95c
Penrhyn Island    05.12.1990     Birdpex 90, surcharge on 1985.01     1.50$
Uganda    23.12.1985     Audubon   155s
Sharp-tailed Grouse Tympanuchus phasianellus
Canada    12.07.2016     Birds of Canada Sheet   *
Canada    12.07.2016     Birds of Canada Booklet, sa   *
Greater Prairie Chicken Tympanuchus cupido
Angola    20.04.1996     Birds Sheet   5500k
Canada    06.05.1980     Endangered wildlife 2v set   17c
Maldive Islands    09.10.1986     Audubon   14r
USA    19.05.2023     Endangered species 20v sheet, sa   *
White-tailed Ptarmigan Lagopus leucura
USA    28.08.2007     Alpine tundra 10v sheet, sa   41c
Willow Ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus
Belarus    22.03.2000     Birds in the Red Book   75r
Belarus    01.06.2020     Seasonal variations 6v set   M
Belarus    01.06.2020     Seasonal variations 6v set   H
Bhutan    29.11.1985     Audubon   1n
Canada    23.03.2005     Audubon   50c
Finland    05.09.2000     Animals sa   *
Ireland    05.10.1989     Game birds   24p
Ireland    05.10.1989     Game birds Sheet   24p
Newfoundland    24.06.1897     Anniversaries   12c
Norway    02.01.2009     Norwegian fauna 3v set   25k
Tanzania    15.11.1999     Fauna and flora 6v sheet   400s
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    02.07.2003     Arctic tundra 10v sheet, sa   37c
USA    02.07.2003     Arctic tundra 10v sheet, sa   37c
Ukraine    06.08.2021     Birds of Ukraine Sheet   9h
Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta
Andorra fr    07.04.1979     Nature protection   1.20f
Andorra fr    10.05.2019     Europa   1.30€
Canada    01.02.2001     Birds of Canada Sheet or strip   47c
Canada    01.02.2001     Birds of Canada Booklet, sa   47c
Canada    12.07.2016     Birds of Canada Sheet   *
Canada    12.07.2016     Birds of Canada Booklet, sa   *
Greenland    03.09.1987     Birds   5k
Greenland    16.10.2001     Christmas   4.50k
Greenland    16.10.2001     Christmas   4.75k
Greenland    16.10.2001     Christmas Booklet   4.50k
Greenland    16.10.2001     Christmas Booklet   4.75k
Greenland    21.06.2019     Europa   15k
Greenland    21.06.2019     Europa Booklet, sa   15k
Iceland    27.01.1965     Charity   3.50k
Iceland    27.01.1965     Charity   4.50k
Iceland    22.11.1967     Charity   5k
Iceland    04.11.2004     Christmas 2v set   45k
Iceland    04.11.2004     Christmas Booklet   45k
Iceland    29.10.2020     Christmas 2v seet, sa     *
Italy    04.12.2013     Birds of the Alps   0.70€
Japan    10.08.1963     Japanese birds   10y
Japan    09.10.1990     Gifu. Four seasons in Hida 4v set   62y
Japan    02.10.1995     New face value 4v set     80y
Japan    15.06.2011     Anniversary for local government law (Toyama) 5v sheet   80y
Japan    16.04.2013     Travel scenes 10v sheet   80y
Japan    15.05.2014     Rare wildlife in Japan 5v set   82y
Japan    23.09.2016     Natural monument 1 10v sheet   82y
Japan    22.11.2023     Winter greetings 10v sheet, sa   84y
Monaco    03.05.1982     Birds from Mercantour national park   1.40f
Mustique    14.08.2014     Animals of the tundra 9v sheet   2$
Russia    21.03.2007     Polar year 3v sheet   8r
Sharjah    1972     Birds   3r
St Pierre & Miquelon    04.03.1963     Birds   1f
Sweden    19.11.2009     Snow-white animals 3vx2 booklet   12k
Sweden    19.11.2009     Snow-white animals 3vx2 booklet   12k
Uganda    23.12.1985     Audubon   5s
Yugoslavia    08.05.1972     Birds   6.50d
Spruce Grouse Canachites canadensis
Bhutan    29.11.1985     Audubon   4n
Canada    22.05.1986     Birds of Canada   34c
Western Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus
Albania    20.04.1963     Birds   11l
Albania    06.10.1965     Hunting 6v set   10q
Albania    20.08.2003     Albanian birds Sheet   70l
Andorra fr    24.04.1971     Nature protection   80c
Andorra sp    04.07.2007     Birds   2.49€
Austria    20.05.1959     International hunting congress 4v set   1s
Austria    09.09.1982     Endangered animals 3v set   6s
Belarus    03.03.2020     Bird of the year Birdlife   P
Berlin, West    01.04.1965     Child welfare   40p
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat)    05.04.2021     Europa   3m
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat)    05.04.2021     Europa Sheet   3m
Bosnia Herzegovina (Rep Srpska)    19.09.2006     Fauna 2v set   0.50m
Bulgaria    31.03.1961     Birds   2s
Bulgaria    22.05.2013     Mantaritsa nature reserve   1.50l
Croatia    07.05.2021     Europa 2v set   3.30k
Czech Republic    31.08.2011     Sumava national park 4v sheet   10k
Estonia    30.03.2018     Bird of the year   0.65€
Finland    26.10.1951     Tuberculosis relief fund   7m
Finland    03.03.2003     Painting by Ferdinand von Wright sa   0.90€
Finland    08.09.2021     Finnish art classics 8v set, sa   *
Germany, West    01.04.1965     Child welfare   40p
Guinea    22.11.1999     Gamebirds Sheet   450f
Italy    04.12.2013     Birds of the Alps   0.70€
Kosovo    28.10.2016     Birds   0.90€
Kosovo    28.10.2016     Birds   1.30€
Liechtenstein    10.12.1946     Wild life   1.50f
Maldive Islands    09.09.1996     Fauna 9v sheet   7r
Moldova    14.08.2007     Birds   6.20l
Montenegro    09.05.2019     Europa   0.95€
Montenegro    09.05.2019     Europa   0.95€
Norway    18.02.1988     Norwegian fauna 2v set   2.90k
Norway    29.03.2006     Wild animals in Norway 5v set   8.50k
Poland    28.02.1970     Game birds   8.50z
Poland    21.05.1973     Hunting 8v set   2.70z
Rumania    28.03.1956     Wild life 12v set   1.75l
Rumania    12.12.1956     New colour imp   1.75l
Rumania    06.05.1985     Protected animals 8v set   4l
Rumania    25.03.1986     Intereuropeana 4v sheet   3l
Rumania    25.07.2011     Fauna from Rumanian nature reserves 4v set   5l
Rumania    25.07.2011     Fauna from Rumanian nature reserves 4v sheet   5l
Rumania    25.04.2019     Protected fauna 6v set   7l
Russia    12.03.1992     The Prioksko-Terrasny nature reserve   50k
Russia    10.07.1997     Wild animals of Russia 5v sheet   1000r
Russia    29.01.1999     Hunting 5v set   1r
Russia (USSR)    25.08.1975     Berezinsky and Stolby nature reserves 5v set   10k
Senegal    01.11.1978     Philexafrique   100f
Slovakia    07.05.2021     Europa   1.70€
Slovakia    07.05.2021     Europa Booklet, sa   1.70€
Slovenia    28.05.2021     Europa 2v set   1.37€
Spain    07.04.1988     Tourism 2v set   45p
Spain    01.04.2009     Flora and fauna Booklet, sa   0.43€
Sweden    20.05.1975     Capercaillie   1.70k
Sweden    17.03.2000     Forestry 2v strip   Brev
Switzerland    28.11.1968     Pro Juventute   10c
Switzerland    28.11.1968     Pro Juventute Booklet   10c
Tannu Tuva    04.04.1934     Air   10k
UN NY    10.05.1991     For a better environment Sheet   30c
Ukraine    29.09.2009     Gorgany game reserve 4v sheet   1.50h
Ukraine    06.08.2021     Birds of Ukraine Sheet   9h
Yugoslavia    25.05.1958     Yugoslav game birds   15d
Yugoslavia    11.12.1978     New year   4.90d
Yugoslavia    27.12.1978     New year Booklet   4.90d
Yugoslavia    14.11.1992     Nature protection   500d
Black-billed Capercaillie Tetrao urogalloides
Mongolia    01.03.1961     Mongolian birds   20m
Black Grouse Lyrurus tetrix
Austria    28.04.1978     International hunting exhibition   6s
Austria    06.02.1998     Hunting and the environment   9s
Belarus    14.05.2014     Biotopes of Belarus 2v sheet   P
Belgium    12.01.2013     Birds   *
Belgium    23.10.2017     Hoge Venen 10v sheet   1
Belgium    02.04.2024     Courtship behaviour Sheet   *
Berlin, West    01.04.1965     Child welfare   20p
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Bonaire) 2021 Sheet   99c
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (St Eustatius) 2021 Sheet   99c
Caribbean Netherlands    02.04.2022     Birds (Bonaire) 2022 Sheet   99c
Czech Republic    23.04.1998     Nature conservation 4v set   4.60k
Czech Republic    23.04.1998     Nature conservation Booklet, 3 Partridge + 2 Grouse   4.60k
Czech Republic    23.04.1998     Nature conservation Booklet, 2 Partridge + 3 Grouse   4.60k
Czech Republic    31.08.2011     Sumava national park 4v sheet   18k
Denmark    20.10.1994     Protected animals 5v set   9.50k
Estonia    03.04.2008     Bird of the year   5.50k
Germany, East    02.07.1959     Birds of the homeland   20p
Germany, West    01.04.1965     Child welfare   20p
Guinea-Bissau    26.03.2007     Birds   3000f
Korea, North    28.06.1992     Birds   60c
Korea, North    28.06.1992     Birds Sheet   60c
Latvia    19.02.2016     Museum exhibit   1.71€
Liechtenstein    07.03.1950     Wild life   30r
Liechtenstein    03.09.1990     Game birds   50r
Moldova    14.08.2007     Birds   2.50l
Monaco    03.05.1982     Birds from Mercantour national park   70c
Mongolia    10.03.1991     Birds   20m
Mongolia    03.02.1993     Birds Sheet   3t
Netherlands    14.09.2020     Birds of woods Sheet, sa   1
Poland    28.02.1970     Game birds   3.40z
Rumania    01.02.1960     Rumanian fauna 6v set   1.75l
Rumania    16.10.1987     Fauna of nature reservations 12v sheet   1l
Rumania    25.04.2019     Protected fauna 6v set   1.60l
Russia    29.01.1999     Hunting 5v set   2r
Russia (USSR)    28.03.1957     Russian wildlife 6v set   15k
Sharjah    27.07.1972     Birds   20d
Ukraine    06.08.2021     Birds of Ukraine Sheet   9h
Caucasian Grouse Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi
Azerbaijan    30.09.1994     WWF Sheet   50m
Azerbaijan    30.09.1994     WWF Sheet   80m
Azerbaijan    30.09.1994     WWF Sheet   100m
Azerbaijan    30.09.1994     WWF Sheet   120m
Azerbaijan    30.11.1995     Flora and fauna 7v set   500m
Azerbaijan    30.11.1995     Flora and fauna 7v set   1000m
Georgia    04.08.1995     Birds Sheet   15k
Georgia    15.10.2010     Birds   0.60l
Iran    13.04.1974     International wildlife protection conference 4v strip   8r
Turkey    12.07.2024     Phasianidae, birds     81l
Tibetan Partridge Perdix hodgsoniae
Bhutan    30.11.2017     Pheasants of Bhutan Sheet   20n
Grey Partridge Perdix perdix
Albania    20.04.1963     Birds   6.50l
Andorra sp    06.06.2006     Birds   2.39€
Austria    07.05.1999     Hunting and the environment   6.50s
Belarus    10.11.2010     Hunting dogs 3v set   1000r
Belarus    10.11.2010     Hunting dogs Sheet with 2 sets   1000r
Belgium    21.03.2005     Birds   0.60€
Bulgaria    30.06.1959     Birds   45s
Bulgaria    28.01.1967     Hunting 6v set   3s
Bulgaria    30.12.2021     Game birds   1l
Bulgaria    30.12.2021     Game birds Sheet   1l
Czech Republic    23.04.1998     Nature conservation 4v set   4.60k
Czech Republic    23.04.1998     Nature conservation Booklet, 3 Partridge + 2 Grouse   4.60k
Czech Republic    23.04.1998     Nature conservation Booklet, 2 Partridge + 3 Grouse   4.60k
Czechoslovakia    08.08.1955     Animals and insects 5v set   35h
Estonia    07.03.2013     Bird of the year   0.45€
Gambia    02.11.1987     Christmas 12v sheet   20b
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet   5d
Georgia    15.10.2010     Birds   0.40l
Germany, East    26.03.1968     Small game 6v set   15p
Great Britain    23.11.1977     Christmas 6v set   9p
Guernsey    20.11.1984     Christmas 12v sheet   5p
Guinea    22.11.1999     Gamebirds Sheet   450f
Hungary    30.12.1964     Hunting 10v set   40fi
Hungary    25.09.2021     Hunting 8v sheet   200fo
Isle of Man    12.10.1988     Christmas   31p
Laos    28.08.1986     Stockholmia 86   10k
Latvia    26.07.2021     Birds   1€
Luxembourg    06.12.1994     Endangered birds   14f
Luxembourg    26.08.2022     Birdpex 9 Sheet   0.80€
Macedonia    11.09.2002     Wildlife 4v set   6d
Netherlands    24.02.2020     Farmland birds Sheet, sa   1
Poland    28.02.1970     Game birds   7z
Poland    15.04.1986     Game 6v set   5z
Rumania    06.05.1985     Protected animals 8v set   1l
Rumania    04.11.2022     Gamebirds   4.50l
Rumania    12.03.2024     A.G.V.P.S., hunting dogs 4v set     5l
Russia (USSR)    06.12.1957     Russian wildlife   10k
Sharjah    1972     Birds   25d
Ukraine    06.08.2021     Birds of Ukraine Sheet   9h
Yugoslavia    14.03.2000     WWF Strip   10d
Yugoslavia    14.03.2000     WWF Strip   10d
Daurian Partridge Perdix dauurica
Tajikistan    01.02.1996     Birds Sheet with 2 of each   200r
Copper Pheasant Syrmaticus soemmerringii
Japan    01.12.1965     Definitives   80y
Japan    01.12.1971     Definitives "NIPPON"   80y
Japan    06.10.1978     International correspondence week   100y
Laos    29.06.1986     Pheasants   6k
Tanzania    26.08.1999     Birds of Japan Sheet   250s
Reeves's Pheasant Syrmaticus reevesii
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants p 13   15c
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants Sheet, p 13   15c
Laos    29.06.1986     Pheasants   4k
Rumania    22.05.2020     Pheasants   8.50l
Mikado Pheasant Syrmaticus mikado
China (Taiwan)    25.11.1967     Taiwan birds   8$
China (Taiwan)    17.11.1993     Taiwan birds Strip   5$
China (Taiwan)    17.11.1993     Taiwan birds Strip   5$
China (Taiwan)    17.11.1993     Taiwan birds Strip   5$
China (Taiwan)    17.11.1993     Taiwan birds Strip   5$
China (Taiwan)    07.03.2008     Pheasant   25$
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   4d
Elliot's Pheasant Syrmaticus ellioti
Vietnam    15.10.1997     Pheasants   400d
Mrs. Hume's Pheasant Syrmaticus humiae
Thailand    15.06.1988     Pheasants   7b
Golden Pheasant Chrysolophus pictus
Ajman    12.04.1971     Hiroshige   10d
Ajman    12.04.1971     Hiroshige   2r
Angola    20.04.1996     Birds Sheet   5500k
Argentina    01.09.1973     Paintings 3v set   15c
Burundi    21.12.2012     Pheasants Sheet   1180f
Burundi    21.12.2012     Pheasants Sheet   1190f
Burundi    21.12.2012     Pheasants Sheet   3000f
Burundi    21.12.2012     Pheasants Sheet   3000f
Burundi    21.12.2012     Pheasants   7500f
Centralafrica    10.11.2015     Hong Kong 2015 4v sheet   900f
China    25.01.1979     Golden Pheasant   4f
China    25.01.1979     Golden Pheasant   8f
China    25.01.1979     Golden Pheasant   45f
China    28.02.2008     Birds Sheet   1.20y
China (Taiwan)    08.10.2015     Ancient Chinese paintings Sheet   12$
China (Taiwan)    08.10.2015     Ancient Chinese paintings Sheet   70$
Colombia    12.03.1975     Colombian art 4v set   2p
Cuba    20.12.1967     Christmas   1c
Cuba    25.01.2001     Hong Kong 2001   10c
Cuba    15.06.2006     Domestic birds   50c
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   4d
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet   5d
Grenada    20.01.2014     Animals of China 4v sheet   3.25$
Japan    06.10.1998     International letter writing week 6v set   110y
Korea, North    10.05.1975     Paintings of Li Dynasty 5v set   15c
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants p 13   2c
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants Sheet, p 13   2c
Laos    29.06.1986     Pheasants   5k
Mongolia    24.12.2012     Birds   1000t
Nevis    21.10.2002     Japanese art 4v sheet   2$
Nevis    21.10.2002     Japanese art   5$
Pakistan    30.12.2016     Child art competition 8v set   8r
Rumania    22.05.2020     Pheasants   1.90l
Russia (USSR)    16.10.1968     Fauna 6v set   6k
Sao Tome and Principe    19.05.2008     Naturalists 6v sheet   10000d
Togo    30.08.2014     Birds Sheet   750f
Umm Al Qiwain    1972     Birds   1r
Upper Yafa    03.11.1967     Persian miniatures 5v set   30f
Lady Amherst's Pheasant Chrysolophus amherstiae
Angola    20.04.1996     Birds Sheet   5500k
China    09.05.1997     Pheasants   50f
Iran    04.10.2011     Philanippon 2011   5000r
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants p 13   5c
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants Sheet, p 13   5c
Laos    29.06.1986     Pheasants   3k
Rumania    22.05.2020     Pheasants   5l
Sierra Leone    29.11.1989     Endangered species of the world 8v set   70l
Sweden    09.05.1997     Pheasants   2k
Vietnam    15.10.1997     Pheasants   6000d
Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus
Afghanistan    01.08.1970     Wild birds   6a
Afghanistan    25.10.1985     Birds   8a
Ajman    12.04.1971     Hiroshige   2d
Albania    06.10.1965     Hunting 6v set   30q
Angola    20.04.1996     Birds   12000k
Austria    15.06.2011     Europa   90c
Azerbaijan    21.06.2000     Pheasants   2000m
Azerbaijan    27.12.2018     Gara-Yaz state reserve Sheet   0.3m
Belgium    14.06.2010     Birds   4.09€
Berlin, West    01.04.1965     Child welfare   15p
Bhutan    05.08.1969     Birds 3-D stamps   6n
Bhutan    05.08.1969     Birds Sheet, 3-D stamps   6n
Bhutan    10.08.1999     Prehistoric life 8v sheet   20n
Bhutan    15.11.1999     Dogs   70n
Bulgaria    31.03.1961     Birds   16s
Bulgaria    28.01.1967     Hunting 6v set   1s
Bulgaria    25.11.1993     Hunting 6v set   1l
Bulgaria    28.02.2007     100th birth anniversary of Emilian Stanev   0.55l
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Bonaire) 2021 Sheet   99c
Caribbean Netherlands    02.04.2022     Birds (St Eustatius) 2022 Sheet   99c
Centralafrica    15.12.2014     Birds Sheet   900f
China    09.05.1997     Pheasants   5.40y
China (Taiwan)    09.10.1969     Ancient painting of flowers and birds   1$
China (Taiwan)    09.10.1969     Ancient painting of flowers and birds   2.50$
Cuba    20.10.1970     Wildlife 7v set   3c
Czech Republic    04.10.2000     Hunting and gamekeeping 4v set   5k
Czech Republic    04.10.2000     Hunting and gamekeeping Booklet   5k
Czechoslovakia    20.06.1965     Dogs 6v set   60h
Czechoslovakia    17.08.1971     World hunting exhibition 6v set   20h
Dominica    26.07.1994     Philakorea 94 10v sheet     55c
Dubai    09.12.1968     Arabian Gulf birds   60d
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   4d
Georgia    04.08.1995     Birds Sheet   15k
Georgia    20.08.2019     Europa   2.40€
Georgia    20.08.2019     Europa Sheet   2.40€
Germany, East    26.03.1968     Small game 6v set   10p
Germany, East    17.11.1977     Hunting 6v set   20p
Germany, West    01.04.1965     Child welfare   15p
Guinea    22.11.1999     Gamebirds Sheet   450f
Guinea    03.06.2016     Dogs 4v sheet   10000f
Guyana    16.08.1994     Philakorea 1994 Sheet   35$
Hungary    30.12.1964     Hunting 10v set   20fi
Hungary    19.02.2004     Dogs 4v sheet   100fo
Hungary    25.09.2021     Hunting 8v sheet   200fo
Iran    06.03.1969     New year stamps 3v set   2r
Iran    17.03.1994     New year stamps   40r
Ireland    05.10.1989     Game birds   46p
Ireland    05.10.1989     Game birds Sheet   46p
Isle of Man    01.09.2009     Wildlife 6v set   54p
Isle of Man    01.09.2009     Wildlife 6v sheet   54p
Ivory Coast    01.11.1978     Philexafrique   100f
Korea, North    25.03.1960     Game preservation   10c
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants p 13   40c
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants Sheet, p 13   40c
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants Sheet, p 13   50c
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants p 13½   50c
Korea, North    28.06.1992     Birds   20c
Korea, North    28.06.1992     Birds Sheet   20c
Korea, North    10.06.2003     Animals 4v sheet   70w
Korea, North    10.06.2003     Animals 4v booklet   70w
Korea, South    15.03.1966     Korean birds   7w
Korea, South    15.03.1966     Korean birds   7w
Korea, South    27.11.2019     Falconry   380w
Korea, South    27.11.2019     Falconry Sheet   380w
Kyrgyzstan    04.02.1992     Sary-Chelek nature reserve   15k
Laos    29.06.1986     Pheasants   2k
Liberia    04.05.1998     The animals of Noahs Ark 25v sheet   15c
Liechtenstein    03.09.1990     Game birds   25r
Luxembourg    10.12.2002     Charity 4v set   0.59€
Manama    1970     Birds   30d
Moldova    17.05.1996     Birds   2.20l
Mongolia    21.12.1959     Mongolian fauna 7v set   10m
Mongolia    03.03.1991     London 90   7t
Mongolia    10.03.1991     Birds   40m
Mongolia    01.09.2001     Scouting and nature 5v sheet   450t
Mongolia    01.08.2003     Endangered species in Khangai zone 10v sheet   550t
Mongolia    16.05.2014     Red Book 4v set   400t
Mongolia    16.05.2014     Red Book 4v sheet   400t
Nicaragua    25.08.1985     Domestic birds 6v set   50c
Poland    28.02.1970     Game birds   60g
Poland    15.04.1986     Game 6v set   10z
Rio Muni    23.11.1965     Stamp day 3v set   50c
Rio Muni    23.11.1965     Stamp day 3v set   2.50p
Rumania    28.03.1956     Wild life 12v set   55b
Rumania    12.12.1956     New colour imp   55b
Rumania    24.04.2004     AGVPS, hunting 5v strip   16000l
Rumania    22.05.2020     Pheasants   12l
Rumania    12.03.2024     A.G.V.P.S., hunting dogs 4v set     4.60l
San Marino    28.01.1960     Birds   60l
San Marino    25.08.1962     Hunting 10v set   150l
Sao Tome and Principe    01.03.2003     Pheasant Sheet   1000d
Sao Tome and Principe    01.03.2003     Pheasant Sheet   2000d
Sao Tome and Principe    01.03.2003     Pheasant Sheet   3000d
Sao Tome and Principe    01.03.2003     Pheasant Sheet   5000d
Sao Tome and Principe    01.03.2003     Pheasant Sheet   6000d
Sao Tome and Principe    01.03.2003     Pheasant Sheet   15000d
Sao Tome and Principe    01.03.2003     Pheasant   38000d
Sao Tome and Principe    15.09.2014     Pheasants Sheet   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    15.09.2014     Pheasants Sheet   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    15.09.2014     Pheasants Sheet   25000d
Sao Tome and Principe    15.09.2014     Pheasants   96000d
Sierra Leone    17.05.2004     Beautiful birds of the world   5000l
St Helena    19.04.1982     Charles Darwin 4v set   25p
Sweden    09.05.1997     Pheasants   2k
Tajikistan    01.02.1996     Birds   600r
Tajikistan    27.12.2007     Birds   1.10s
Tajikistan    27.12.2007     Birds Sheet, stamps with coloured frames   1.10s
Turkey    05.06.2011     World environment day Sheet   1.30l
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    29.04.1988     Definitives Booklet   25c
USA    29.04.1988     Definitives Booklet   25c
USA    29.04.1988     Definitives Booklet   25c
USA    29.04.1988     Definitives Booklet   25c
USA    31.07.1998     Ring-necked Pheasant Coil, sa   20c
USA    31.07.1998     Ring-necked Pheasant Booklet   20c
USA    31.07.1998     Ring-necked Pheasant Booklet   20c
Ukraine    06.08.2021     Birds of Ukraine Sheet   9h
Uzbekistan    22.01.2015     Tashkent Zoo 3v set   1000s
Vietnam    15.06.1979     Pheasants   20x
Vietnam    15.10.1997     Pheasants   5000d
Yugoslavia    25.05.1958     Yugoslav game birds   20d
Green Pheasant Phasianus versicolor
China (Taiwan)    15.02.1984     Chinese classical poetry 4v set   18$
Cuba    17.07.2013     Tailandia 2013   65c
Gambia    17.04.2001     Philanippon 01 6v sheet   5d
Iran    04.10.2011     Philanippon 2011   5000r
Japan    10.01.1950     Air   16y
Japan    10.01.1950     Air   34y
Japan    10.01.1950     Air   59y
Japan    10.01.1950     Air   103y
Japan    10.01.1950     Air   144y
Japan    01.05.2007     Birds in Chugoku   80y
Japan    07.06.2017     Japanese paintings 10v sheet   82y
Micronesia    25.05.1989     Hiroshige   1$
Ras Al Khaima    02.09.1970     Expo 70 8v set     65d
Sharjah    02.01.1967     Japanese paintings 3v set   1r
Togo    16.11.2016     National bird of Japan   3300f
Cheer Pheasant Catreus wallichii
Nepal    17.09.1977     Birds   15p
Pakistan    17.06.1979     Wildlife protection   1r
Pakistan    27.09.1980     Overprint WORLD TOURISM... on 1979.01   1r
Tibetan Eared Pheasant Crossoptilon harmani
Marshall Islands    07.07.2015     Birds Sheet   49c
White Eared Pheasant Crossoptilon crossoptilon
Bhutan    20.01.1968     Bhutan pheasants   15c
Bhutan    23.04.1968     Bhutan pheasants   9n
Bhutan    01.07.1971     Surcharge on 1968.02, 1968.04     90c
Bhutan    22.11.1989     Birds   25n
Gambia    24.02.1997     Endangered species 20v sheet   1.50d
Germany, East    24.06.1980     Endangered animals 6v set   25p
Guinea    15.12.2008     Chinese birds Sheet   5000f
Jersey    12.03.1971     Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust 4v set   2p
Brown Eared Pheasant Crossoptilon mantchuricum
Ajman    27.04.1971     Tropical Asiatic birds Sheet   40d
Burkina Faso    25.06.1996     Endangered birds   750f
China    21.02.1989     Brown Eared Pheasant   8f
China    21.02.1989     Brown Eared Pheasant   50f
China    25.02.2000     Protected wildlife 10v sheet   1y
Lesotho    27.04.1998     Fauna and flora of the world 20v sheet   1m
Tanzania    18.02.1999     Endangered species of the world 20v sheet   100s
Edwards's Pheasant Lophura edwardsi
Vietnam    15.06.1979     Pheasants   30x
Vietnam    01.04.2006     BirdLife International   800d
Vietnam    01.04.2006     BirdLife International Sheet   800d
Swinhoe's Pheasant Lophura swinhoii
China (Taiwan)    08.08.1979     Taiwan birds   2$
China (Taiwan)    20.02.2014     Conservation of birds Sheet   5$
China (Taiwan)    20.02.2014     Conservation of birds Sheet   5$
China (Taiwan)    20.02.2014     Conservation of birds Sheet   10$
China (Taiwan)    20.02.2014     Conservation of birds Sheet   12$
China (Taiwan)    20.02.2014     Conservation of birds   25$
Bulwer's Pheasant Lophura bulweri
Brunei    01.11.2001     WWF   30s
Brunei    01.11.2001     WWF   30s
Brunei    01.11.2001     WWF   30s
Brunei    01.11.2001     WWF   30s
Malaysia    11.03.1986     Protected wildlife of Malaysia p 13¼   40c
Malaysia    11.03.1986     Protected wildlife of Malaysia p 12     40c
Kalij Pheasant Lophura leucomelanos
Bhutan    20.01.1968     Bhutan pheasants   8c
Bhutan    20.01.1968     Bhutan pheasants   7n
Bhutan    02.11.1970     Surcharge on 1968.01, 1968.03-4, 1969.01     20c
Bhutan    17.12.1999     Birds of the Himalayas Sheet   20n
Bhutan    17.12.2003     WWF Sheet   2n
Bhutan    30.11.2017     Pheasants of Bhutan Sheet   20n
Burma    16.04.1964     Burmese birds   2k
Burma    1966     Overprint with Burmese letters size 15 mm on 1964.01   2k
Burma    01.07.1968     Burmese birds Changed format   2k
Burma    01.07.1968     Overprint with Burmese letters on 1968.01   2k
Nevis    21.10.2002     Japanese art 4v sheet   2$
Pakistan    17.06.1979     Wildlife protection   25p
Thailand    15.06.1988     Pheasants   3b
Silver Pheasant Lophura nycthemera
Ajman    27.04.1971     Tropical Asiatic birds Sheet   3r
China    18.02.1995     Mount Dinghu 4v set   2.30y
Georgia    04.08.1995     Birds Sheet   15k
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants p 13   10c
Korea, North    05.05.1976     Pheasants Sheet, p 13   10c
Laos    29.06.1986     Pheasants   1k
Paraguay    18.11.1972     Paintings   25c
Sao Tome and Principe    15.09.2014     Pheasants Sheet   25000d
Thailand    15.06.1988     Pheasants   6b
Vietnam    15.06.1979     Pheasants   40x
Crestless Fireback Lophura erythrophthalma
Malaysia    22.07.2000     Birds of Malaysia   1r
Siamese Fireback Lophura diardi
Cuba    17.07.2013     Tailandia 2013   10c
Korea, North    08.05.2015     Joint issue with Thailand   10w
Korea, North    08.05.2015     Joint issue with Thailand Booklet   10w
Surinam    19.06.2013     Thailand 2013 6v set   5.50$
Thailand    01.02.1967     Thai birds   1b
Thailand    08.05.2015     Thailand - Korea N diplomatic relations   3b
Vietnam    15.06.1979     Pheasants   12x
Vietnam    15.10.1997     Pheasants   3000d
Vietnam, North    15.10.1963     Birds   20x
Malayan Crested Fireback Lophura rufa
Thailand    15.06.1988     Pheasants   2b
Thailand    15.06.1988     Pheasants Booklet   2b
Bornean Crested Fireback Lophura ignita
Malaysia    11.03.1986     Protected wildlife of Malaysia p 13¼   20c
Malaysia    11.03.1986     Protected wildlife of Malaysia p 12     20c
Imperial Pheasant Lophura imperialis
Vietnam    15.10.1997     Pheasants   14000d
Vietnamese Pheasant Lophura hatinhensis
Vietnam    01.04.2006     BirdLife International   3000d
Vietnam    01.04.2006     BirdLife International Sheet   3000d
Vietnamese Crested Argus Rheinardia ocellata
Vietnam    15.06.1979     Pheasants   60x
Vietnam    01.04.2006     BirdLife International   8000d
Vietnam    01.04.2006     BirdLife International Sheet   8000d
Malaysian Crested Argus Rheinardia nigrescens
Malaysia    28.12.1989     National park 2v set   1$
Malaysia    22.07.2000     Birds of Malaysia   30c
Malaysia    22.07.2000     Birds of Malaysia   2r
Great Argus Argusianus argus
Brunei    21.04.1984     Forestry resources 4v set   1$
Brunei    30.12.1992     Birds   1$
Guinea    05.11.2007     John Gould   25000f
Hungary    22.02.1977     Peafowl and pheasants   3fo
Indonesia    05.11.1994     Flora and fauna day 10v sheet   150r
Indonesia    05.11.2008     Flora and fauna 11v sheet   2500r
Indonesia    15.07.2009     Indonesian birds Sheet   2500r
Indonesia    28.10.2009     Jipex 2009 Sheet   2500r
Labuan    1894     Overprint LABUAN on North Borneo 1894.01     5c
Labuan    24.09.1896     Overprint 1846 JUBILEE 1896 on 1894.01     5c
Labuan    1897     Overprint LABUAN on North Borneo 1897.01   5c
Labuan    19.07.1899     Surcharge on 1897.01 "4 CENTS"     4c
Labuan    23.02.1900     Overprint LABUAN on North Borneo 1897.01   5c
Labuan    1901     Overprint POSTAGE DUE on 1900.01     5c
Labuan    1904     Surcharge on 1897.01 "4 cents"     4c
Laos    29.06.1986     Pheasants   50c
Malaysia    09.09.1965     Birds   2$
Malaysia    11.03.1986     Protected wildlife of Malaysia p 13¼   40c
Malaysia    11.03.1986     Protected wildlife of Malaysia p 12     40c
Malaysia    22.07.2000     Birds of Malaysia   50c
North Borneo    1894     Definitives   5c
North Borneo    01.08.1895     Overprint POSTAGE DUE on 1894.01     5c
North Borneo    1897     Definitives Malay inscriptions   5c
North Borneo    22.07.1899     Surcharge on 1897.01     4c
North Borneo    1901     Overprint POSTAGE DUE on 1897.01   5c
North Borneo    08.10.1901     Overprint BRITISH PROTECTORATE on 1897.01     5c
North Borneo    1902     Overprint POSTAGE DUE on 1901.02 Vertical overprint     5c
North Borneo    1904     Overprint POSTAGE DUE on 1901.02 Horizontal overprint     5c
North Borneo    1904     Surcharge on 1897.01     4c
Singapore    20.03.2002     William Farquhar collection Sheet   *
Singapore    20.03.2002     William Farquhar collection Sheet, sa   *
Congo Peafowl Afropavo congensis
Belgium    23.06.1962     Birds of Antwerp Zoo   6f
Burundi    31.03.1965     Birds   3f
Burundi    16.04.1965     Birds   10f
Burundi    10.06.1965     Birds Gold border   10f
Burundi    1967     Overprint REPUBLIQUE DU BURUNDI on 1965.01-4   10f
Burundi    1967     Overprint REPUBLIQUE DU BURUNDI on 1965.01-4     10f
Burundi    30.05.1979     Birds   8f
Burundi    07.09.1979     Birds     31f
Burundi    02.06.1980     Birds Brown border     45f
Burundi    1980     Birds Grey-green border     45f
Centralafrica    12.07.2001     Congo Peacock   1500f
Centralafrica    20.12.2011     Peacocks Sheet   650f
Centralafrica    20.12.2011     Peacocks Sheet   650f
Centralafrica    20.12.2011     Peacocks Sheet   650f
Centralafrica    20.12.2011     Peacocks Sheet   650f
Centralafrica    20.12.2011     Peacocks   2400f
Congo (Kinshasa)    20.04.1963     Protected birds   4f
Gambia    15.04.1993     Birds of Africa Sheet   2d
Gambia    24.02.1997     Endangered species 20v sheet   1.50d
Guinea    30.08.2011     Peafowls Sheet   10000f
Guinea    30.08.2011     Peafowls Sheet   10000f
Hungary    22.02.1977     Peafowl and pheasants   1fo
Korea, North    10.05.1990     Peafowl   10c
Liberia    28.08.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   25$
Rumania    17.05.2019     Peafowls   1.80l
Rumania    17.05.2019     Peafowls   1.80l
Surinam    01.03.2023     Peafowls   D
Togo    28.09.2011     The Congo bassin 4v sheet   750f
Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus
Armenia    26.03.2019     Gulbenkian, joint issue with Portugal 2v set   230d
Australia    04.07.1996     Childrens book counsil 4v set   45c
Bahrain    05.06.2003     World environment day 12v sheet   100f
Bangladesh    17.07.1984     Dhaka Zoo   2t
Barbados    22.05.2000     Definitives 14v set   3$
Bhutan    14.10.2002     Year of eco tourism   90n
Bosnia Herzegovina    27.03.2020     Peacock   2m
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Bonaire) 2021 Sheet   99c
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Bonaire) 2021 Sheet   99c
Centralafrica    25.02.2014     Nehru 4v sheet   900f
Centralafrica    20.05.2014     Peafowls Sheet   750f
Centralafrica    20.05.2014     Peafowls Sheet   750f
Centralafrica    20.05.2014     Peafowls   2650f
Ceylon    05.02.1966     Birds of Ceylon   15c
Ceylon    05.02.1966     Birds of Ceylon Sheet, imp   15c
Ceylon    1967     Exhibition 1967 Sheet, imp   15c
China    13.04.2004     Peafowl   80f
China    13.04.2004     Peafowl   80f
China (Taiwan)    09.10.1990     Childrens drawings 4v set   3$
China (Taiwan)    30.10.1991     Peacocks paintings   5$
China (Taiwan)    30.10.1991     Peacocks paintings   20$
China (Taiwan)    30.10.1991     Peacocks paintings   20$
Comoro Islands    28.07.2011     Peafowls Sheet   500f
Comoro Islands    28.07.2011     Peafowls Sheet   500f
Comoro Islands    28.07.2011     Peafowls Sheet   500f
Comoro Islands    28.07.2011     Peafowls   2500f
Cuba    15.06.2006     Domestic birds   75c
Cuba    29.11.2012     Philatelic cup 6v set   65c
Cuba    17.07.2013     Tailandia 2013   1p
Czech Republic    26.01.2005     Portal with peacock   7.50k
Czech Republic    30.01.2008     Portal with peacock   10k
Czech Republic    27.10.2011     Portal with peacock   A
France    28.09.2015     Expressions 12v booklet, sa   *
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet   5d
Georgia    04.08.1995     Birds Sheet   15k
Guinea    28.09.2007     Peafowl and fruit Sheet   20000f
Guinea    28.09.2007     Peafowl and fruit   25000f
Guinea    30.08.2011     Peafowls Sheet   10000f
Guinea    30.08.2011     Peafowls Sheet   5000f
Guinea    30.08.2011     Peafowls Sheet   15000f
Guinea    30.08.2011     Peafowls Sheet   25000f
Guinea    30.08.2012     Gandhi 3v sheet   20000f
Guinea-Bissau    26.03.2007     Birds   3000f
Guyana    01.07.1997     Hong Kong 97 Sheet   80$
Hungary    22.02.1977     Peafowl and pheasants   40fi
Hungary    09.10.2001     Mosaic   10fo
India    14.11.1973     Indipex 73 3v set   2r
India    14.11.1973     Indipex 73 Sheet with 4 designs, imp   2r
India    03.12.2015     Zoological survey of India   25r
India    03.12.2015     Zoological survey of India Sheet   25r
India    12.08.2016     Independence day, tourism   25r
India    25.01.2017     Nature India 6v set   5r
India    25.01.2017     Nature India 6v set   5r
India    25.01.2017     Nature India 6v sheet   5r
India    25.01.2017     Nature India 6v sheet   5r
India    30.12.2017     Joint issue with PNG   25r
India    30.12.2017     Joint issue with PNG Sheet   25r
India    02.11.2023     Diplomatic relations with Mauritius     25r
India    02.11.2023     Diplomatic relations with Mauritius     25r
Ireland    06.04.2023     Sean OCasey 3v set, sa   N
Israel    05.12.2007     Noahs ark 6v sheet   2.25s
Israel    14.05.2008     Noahs ark Prestige booklet, sa   2.25s
Jaipur    14.03.1931     Investiture of maharaja 12v set   2½a
Japan    23.05.2007     Japan-India friendship year 10v sheet   80y
Japan    18.08.2017     Traditional Japanese design 2x5v sheet, sa   82y
Japan    23.04.2021     Greetings, celebration designs sa   94y
Japan    23.04.2021     Greetings, celebration designs sa   94y
Jersey    05.03.2019     Birds   82p
Korea, North    10.05.1990     Peafowl   20c
Korea, North    10.05.1990     Peafowl   70c
Korea, North    03.08.2017     Bandung 2017   50w
Liberia    30.07.2013     Birds of the world   280$
Macau    29.07.1987     Fans 4v set   1p
Macau    09.10.2018     Birdsongs and spring flowers 4v set   5.50p
Mauritius    02.11.2023     Diplomatic relations with India   16r
Mauritius    02.11.2023     Diplomatic relations with India   16r
Moldova    18.05.2013     Chisinau Zoo   5.75l
Mongolia    12.02.2000     Millennium, Charles Darwin 17v sheet   400t
Mongolia    24.12.2012     Birds   1000t
Netherlands    15.05.2001     Dutch art 10v sheet   80c
Netherlands Antilles    02.03.1994     Birds   95c
Niger    20.04.2015     Peafowl Sheet   825f
Niger    20.04.2015     Peafowl Sheet   825f
Niger    20.04.2015     Peafowl Sheet   825f
Niger    20.04.2015     Peafowl   3000f
Niuafo'ou    14.01.2016     FIPIC 4v set   6.50$
Niuafo'ou    14.01.2016     FIPIC 4v sheet   6.50$
Pakistan    31.03.1976     Wildlife protection   20p
Pakistan    31.03.1976     Wildlife protection   3r
Papua New Guinea    30.12.2017     Joint issue with India   1.50k
Papua New Guinea    30.12.2017     Joint issue with India Sheet   1.50k
Paraguay    04.02.1974     Famous paintings   30c
Portugal    26.03.2019     Gulbenkian, joint issue with Armenia 2v set   0.53€
Rumania    26.04.1999     Birds   3700l
Rumania    17.05.2019     Peafowls   8.50l
Rumania    17.05.2019     Peafowls   8.50l
Rumania    17.05.2019     Peafowls   12l
Rumania    17.05.2019     Peafowls   12l
Rumania    09.06.2023     World Environment Day   11l
Russia (USSR)    12.12.1973     Foreign paintings in soviet galleries 7v set   4k
Sao Tome and Principe    15.09.1992     Birds   200d
Sao Tome and Principe    12.09.2016     Stamps on stamps 4v sheet   31000d
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Peacocks Sheet   6000l
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Peacocks Sheet   6000l
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Peacocks Sheet   6000l
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Peacocks   24000l
St Vincent    20.01.1989     Walt Disney cartoon characters 8v set     3c
St Vincent & Grenadines    15.11.2000     The wonderful world of birds   5$
St Vincent & Grenadines    09.02.2011     Animals of India 7v sheet   1.85$
Surinam    01.03.2023     Peafowls   90$
Sweden    15.05.1991     Skansen   2.40k
Tajikistan    01.09.2022     Iram Garden 2x4v sheet   10s
Tajikistan    01.09.2022     Iram Garden 2x4v sheet   10s
Thailand    07.04.2016     Songkran festival 8v sheet   5b
Togo    10.04.2014     Nehru 4v sheet   750f
Togo    16.11.2016     National bird of India   3300f
Tunisia    25.12.1979     Flora and fauna 4v set   30m
Turkey    15.10.2020     Fractals in nature 4v set   6.50l
Turkey    15.08.2023     Peacock   15l+0.25l
USA    05.06.2015     Flannery OConnor sa   *
Uganda    02.10.1995     Domestic animals 16v sheet   200s
Vatican City    17.11.2016     Jubilee of mercy 2v set   0.95€
Yemen (Kingdom)    25.09.1969     Birds   1/2b
Green Peafowl Pavo muticus
Burma    16.04.1964     Burmese birds   5k
Burma    1966     Overprint with Burmese letters size 15 mm on 1964.01   5k
Burma    01.07.1968     Burmese birds Changed format   5k
Burma    01.07.1968     Overprint with Burmese letters on 1968.01   5k
Centralafrica    20.05.2014     Peafowls Sheet   750f
Centralafrica    20.05.2014     Peafowls Sheet   750f
China    13.04.2004     Peafowl   6y
China    03.12.2021     Protected wildlife 8v sheet   1.30y
China (Taiwan)    20.06.1973     Spring morning in the Han Palace 7v set   1$
China (Taiwan)    07.03.2008     Taipei 2008   9$
China (Taiwan)    07.03.2008     Taipei 2008 Sheet   9$
Comoro Islands    28.07.2011     Peafowls Sheet   500f
Comoro Islands    28.07.2011     Peafowls Sheet   500f
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   4d
Guinea    28.09.2007     Peafowl and fruit Sheet   2000f
Guinea    28.09.2007     Peafowl and fruit Sheet   7500f
Guinea    28.09.2007     Peafowl and fruit   25000f
Guinea    28.09.2007     Peafowl and fruit   25000f
Guinea    30.08.2011     Peafowls Sheet   10000f
Guinea    30.08.2011     Peafowls Sheet   10000f
Hungary    09.07.1971     Japanese colour prints 8v set   60fi
Hungary    22.02.1977     Peafowl and pheasants   60fi
Indonesia    21.10.2016     Philataipei   10000r
Japan    06.10.1975     International correspondence week   50y
Japan    24.01.2022     Birds 10v sheet, sa   84y
Laos    10.07.2000     Peacocks   700k
Laos    10.07.2000     Peacocks   1000k
Laos    10.07.2000     Peacocks   1800k
Laos    10.07.2000     Peacocks   3500k
Laos    10.07.2000     Peacocks   10000k
Micronesia    25.03.2002     Japanese art   2$
Niger    20.04.2015     Peafowl Sheet   825f
Rumania    17.05.2019     Peafowls   5l
Rumania    17.05.2019     Peafowls   5l
Rwanda    24.08.1970     Expo 70 8v set   20c
Sierra Leone    23.10.2015     Peacocks Sheet   6000l
Surinam    01.03.2023     Peafowls   90$
Thailand    09.08.2008     Peacocks   10b
Thailand    09.08.2008     Peacocks   10b
Thailand    09.08.2008     Peacocks Sheet   10b
Thailand    09.08.2008     Peacocks Sheet   10b
UN Geneva    04.12.1998     Schonbrunn palace Booklet   30c
UN Geneva    01.02.2001     Endangered species 4v set   90c
UN NY    04.12.1998     Schonbrunn palace 2v set   60c
UN NY    04.12.1998     Schonbrunn palace Booklet   11c
UN Vienna    04.12.1998     Schonbrunn palace Booklet   1s
Vietnam    15.06.1979     Pheasants   1d
Chestnut-necklaced Partridge Tropicoperdix charltonii
Malaysia    22.01.2001     Quail and Partridges Sheet   2r
Crimson-headed Partridge Haematortyx sanguiniceps
Malaysia    22.01.2001     Quail and Partridges Sheet   2r
Sri Lanka Spurfowl Galloperdix bicalcarata
Angola    20.04.1996     Birds Sheet   5500k
Sri Lanka    13.12.1979     Birds   1r
Sri Lanka    13.12.1979     Birds Sheet   1r
Palawan Peacock-Pheasant Polyplectron napoleonis
Gambia    24.02.1997     Endangered species 20v sheet   1.50d
Nicaragua    15.04.1995     Exotic birds Sheet   2cor
Philippines    05.06.1989     Environment month 2v strip   1p
Philippines    08.11.1994     Aseanpex 94 Sheet   2p
Bornean Peacock-Pheasant Polyplectron schleiermacheri
Indonesia    05.11.1995     Flora and fauna day 10v sheet   150r
Indonesia    05.11.2009     Flora and fauna 11v sheet   2500r
UN Vienna    19.04.2012     Endangered species 4v set   0.70€
Malayan Peacock-Pheasant Polyplectron malacense
Malaysia    11.03.1986     Protected wildlife of Malaysia p 13¼   20c
Malaysia    11.03.1986     Protected wildlife of Malaysia p 12     20c
Malaysia    21.01.2009     Unique birds of Malaysia   30s
Malaysia    11.05.2013     Wonders of Malaysian forests 5v sheet, sa   1r
Malaysia    23.08.2016     Flora & fauna 7v sheet, sa   60s
Singapore    20.03.2002     William Farquhar collection Sheet   *
Singapore    20.03.2002     William Farquhar collection Sheet, sa   *
Germain's Peacock-Pheasant Polyplectron germaini
Vietnam    15.06.1979     Pheasants   50x
Vietnam    15.10.1997     Pheasants   8000d
Vietnam    01.04.2006     BirdLife International   5000d
Vietnam    01.04.2006     BirdLife International Sheet   5000d
Grey Peacock-Pheasant Polyplectron bicalcaratum
Bhutan    07.12.1968     Rare birds   4c
Bhutan    07.12.1968     Rare birds   50c
Bhutan    29.01.1969     Rare birds   4n
Bhutan    19.06.1970     Surcharge on 1968.02, 1968.04, 1969.01     20c
Bhutan    02.11.1970     Surcharge on 1968.01, 1968.03-4, 1969.01     20c
Cuba    17.07.2013     Tailandia 2013   35c
Hungary    22.02.1977     Peafowl and pheasants   6fo
Singapore    12.09.2013     Joint issue with Vietnam   *
Singapore    12.09.2013     Joint issue with Vietnam Sheet   *
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world 4v sheet   900f
Vietnam    12.09.2013     Joint issue with Singapore   10500d
Mountain Peacock-Pheasant Polyplectron inopinatum
Bhutan    17.12.1999     Birds of the Himalayas   100n
Malaysia    22.07.2000     Birds of Malaysia   20c
Green Junglefowl Gallus varius
Indonesia    08.08.2011     Joint issue with Malaysia 8v sheet   2500r
Indonesia    08.08.2011     Joint issue with Malaysia 4x4v sheet   2500r
Malaysia    08.08.2011     Joint issue with Indonesia 8v sheet   90s
Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus
Algeria    22.11.1990     Domestic animals 4v set   3.30d
Bahamas    17.05.2005     Key West 4v set   65c
Bangladesh    31.08.1994     Birds p 13¾x14½   6t
Bangladesh    31.08.1994     Birds Sheet, p 14½   6t
Belarus    05.05.2009     Poultry   3000r
Belgium    30.08.2021     Tricolor in nature 5v sheet   2
Bhutan    01.09.1995     Singapore 95 Sheet   10n
Bhutan    07.12.2000     INDEPEX 2000 4v sheet   8n
Bhutan    09.02.2005     Rooster Sheet   15n
Bhutan    09.02.2005     Rooster Sheet   20n
Bhutan    19.02.2015     Lunar year animals 12v sheet   10n
Bophuthatswana    12.02.1993     Poultry 4v set   90c
Bulgaria    10.05.2002     Domestic fowl races 4v set   0.10l
Burkina Faso    12.10.2011     Domestic birds 3v set   265f
Burundi    04.10.1991     Animals 6v set, p 14     10f
Burundi    04.10.1991     Animals 6v sheet, p 13¼     10f
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Bonaire) 2021 Sheet   99c
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Saba) 2021 Sheet   99c
Cuba    25.01.2001     Hong Kong 2001   65c
Cuba    15.06.2006     Domestic birds   5c
Curacao    28.01.2017     Year of the Rooster   66c
Curacao    28.01.2017     Year of the Rooster   121c
Curacao    28.01.2017     Year of the Rooster   179c
Curacao    28.01.2017     Year of the Rooster Sheet   500c
Curacao    28.01.2017     Year of the Rooster Sheet   500c
Curacao    28.01.2017     Year of the Rooster Sheet   500c
Dominica    26.07.1994     Philakorea 94 10v sheet     55c
East Timor    28.11.2005     Anniversary 4v set   50c
Falkland Islands    28.10.2005     H C Andersen 4v set   45p
Fiji    22.05.2001     Jungle Fowl of Fiji Sheet   2$
Fiji    22.05.2001     Jungle Fowl of Fiji Sheet   2$
France    31.07.2015     Animals are watching us 12v booklet, sa   *
France    15.11.2015     French cocks   0.68€
France    15.11.2015     French cocks 4v sheet   0.68€
France    15.11.2015     French cocks 2v sheet   0.68€
France    27.02.2016     French cocks 12v booklet, sa   *
France    03.04.2020     Eggs Booklet, sa   *
French Polynesia    14.08.1993     Taipei 93   46f
French Polynesia    27.01.2017     Year of the Rooster   140f
Germany, East    23.01.1979     Domestic fowl races 6v set   35p
Guinea-Bissau    21.09.1990     Lubrapex 90 3v set   500p
Guinea-Bissau    21.09.1990     Lubrapex 90   1500p
Hong Kong    30.01.2005     Year of the rooster 4v set   1.40$
Hong Kong    30.01.2005     Year of the rooster 4v sheet   1.40$
Hong Kong    30.01.2005     Year of the rooster 2v sheet   50$
Hong Kong    15.06.2006     Chinese idioms 4v set   3$
Hong Kong    15.06.2006     Chinese idioms 4v sheet   3$
Hong Kong    22.01.2011     Twelve lunar year animals 12v sheet   1.40$
Hungary    04.04.2023     Poultry breeds 4v set   250fo
India    02.09.1996     World poultry congress   5r
Indonesia    05.11.1998     Flora and fauna day 10v sheet   500r
Indonesia    05.11.2009     Flora and fauna 11v sheet   2500r
Indonesia    08.08.2011     Joint issue with Malaysia 8v sheet   2500r
Indonesia    08.08.2011     Joint issue with Malaysia 4x4v sheet   2500r
Indonesia    21.01.2017     Year of the Rooster   3000r
Indonesia    21.01.2017     Year of the Rooster   3000r
Indonesia    21.01.2017     Year of the Rooster   3000r
Indonesia    21.01.2017     Year of the Rooster Sheet with 2 sets   3000r
Indonesia    21.01.2017     Year of the Rooster Sheet with 2 sets   3000r
Indonesia    21.01.2017     Year of the Rooster Sheet with 2 sets   3000r
Indonesia    21.01.2017     Year of the Rooster   10000r
Iran    06.03.1971     New year stamps   1r
Iraq    22.03.2016     Farm pets 4v set   1000d
Iraq    22.03.2016     Farm pets   1500d
Japan    06.10.1973     International correspondence week   50y
Khor Fakkan    20.03.1965     Overprint Khor Fakkan on Sharjah 1965.01   40n
Khor Fakkan    20.03.1965     Overprint Khor Fakkan on Sharjah 1965.01   2r
Korea, North    10.05.1975     Paintings of Li Dynasty 5v set   30c
Korea, North    05.10.1988     Paintings by O Un Byol 5v set   15c
Korea, North    06.03.2016     Domesticated birds   30w
Korea, North    06.03.2016     Domesticated birds 2x3v sheet   30w
Korea, North    06.03.2016     Domesticated birds Booklet   30w
Kyrgyzstan    21.03.2005     Year of the rooster   3s
Kyrgyzstan    14.01.2012     Oriental lunar calendar 12v sheet   25s
Laos    13.04.2005     Year of the rooster   2000k
Laos    13.04.2005     Year of the rooster   7500k
Latvia    11.01.2022     Domestic animals 4v set, sa   1.56€
Macau    18.01.1993     Year of the cock   5p
Macau    18.01.1993     Year of the cock Booklet   5p
Macau    15.12.1995     Chinese calendar 12v sheet   1.50p
Malaysia    08.08.2011     Joint issue with Indonesia 8v sheet   90s
Malaysia    16.02.2015     Farm animals 3v set   1.20r
Mali    25.04.1994     Birds   200f
Micronesia    13.07.2015     Birds of Micronesia Sheet   1$
Moldova    23.08.2018     Poultry 4v set   5.75l
Mongolia    02.01.2017     Year of the Rooster   650t
Mongolia    02.01.2017     Year of the Rooster   650t
Montserrat    29.05.1991     Domestic birds 4v set   1.50$
Montserrat    03.07.1992     Overprint OHMS on 1991.01     1.50$
New Zealand    01.09.1995     Farmyard animals 10v booklet, p 14x14½   45c
New Zealand    01.09.1995     SINGAPORE 95 5v sheet, p 12   45c
New Zealand    02.10.1995     Farmyard animals 10v booklet   40c
New Zealand    12.01.2005     Farmyard animals   2$
New Zealand    12.01.2005     Farmyard animals 6v strip   2$
New Zealand    12.01.2005     Farmyard animals 2v sheet   2$
Niuafo'ou    09.02.2005     Year of the rooster 4v sheet   80s
Niuafo'ou    09.02.2005     Year of the rooster 4v sheet   1$
Palau    05.04.1997     Palaus avian environment 12v sheet   20c
Palau    26.01.2005     Lunar new year Sheet   50c
Palau    26.01.2005     Lunar new year Sheet   50c
Palau    26.01.2005     Lunar new year Sheet   50c
Palau    26.01.2005     Lunar new year Sheet   50c
Paraguay    18.11.1972     Paintings     12.45g
Penrhyn Island    24.12.2011     Christmas   90c
Penrhyn Island    24.12.2011     Christmas Sheet   90c
Penrhyn Island    24.12.2011     Christmas Sheet of 3 sets   90c
Philippines    27.11.1992     Year of the cock 2v set   2p
Philippines    27.11.1992     Year of the cock 2v sheet   2p
Philippines    18.02.1994     Hong Kong 94, stamp on stamp 2v set   2p
Philippines    09.09.2004     Lunar year animals 12v sheet   6p
Philippines    09.09.2004     Lunar year animals 6v sheet   6p
Rumania    17.01.2012     Flora and fauna I 6v set   1.20l
Rumania    18.08.2023     Poultry   3.10l
Rumania    18.08.2023     Poultry   4.70l
Serbia    17.11.2014     Fables 4v set   46d
Serbia    27.01.2017     Year of the Rooster   23d
Serbia    27.01.2017     Year of the Rooster   74d
Sharjah    20.02.1965     Birds   40n
Sharjah    20.02.1965     Birds   2r
Sharjah    1972     Birds   1r
Sierra Leone    23.02.2005     Year of the rooster Sheet with 2 of each   600l
Sierra Leone    23.02.2005     Year of the rooster Sheet with 2 of each   600l
Singapore    12.09.2013     Joint issue with Vietnam   2$
Singapore    12.09.2013     Joint issue with Vietnam Sheet   2$
Slovenia    18.09.2003     Farm animals   368t
St Vincent & Grenadines    23.02.1998     Dogs of the world 6v sheet   1.10$
St Vincent & Grenadines    19.05.2014     Farm animals Sheet   3.25$
Sweden    21.03.2012     Domestic fowl races 4v booklet, sa   Brev
Tanzania    23.06.2014     Farm animals Sheet   2000s
Tanzania    23.06.2014     Farm animals Sheet   2000s
Tanzania    23.06.2014     Farm animals Sheet   2000s
Thailand    10.06.2003     Poultry 4v set   3b
Thailand    10.06.2003     Poultry 4v sheet   3b
Thailand    31.07.2003     LANKA PHILEX 2003 4v sheet   3b
Thailand    17.01.2004     Hem Vejakorns paintings 4v set   3b
Thailand    17.01.2004     Hem Vejakorns paintings 4v sheet   3b
Thailand    24.11.2005     Siamese roosters 4v set   3b
Togo    15.06.2015     Louis Pasteur 4v sheet   1000f
Togo    16.11.2016     National bird of France   3300f
Tonga    09.02.2005     Year of the rooster 4v sheet   80s
Tonga    09.02.2005     Year of the rooster 4v sheet   1p
Turkey    24.10.2019     Roosters 2v set   5.50l
Tuvalu    02.03.1988     Birds   5c
Tuvalu    22.02.1989     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1988.01     5c
Tuvalu    31.08.1994     SINGPEX 94   5c
Uruguay    30.07.2001     Domestic fowl races 4v set   11p
Vanuatu    02.03.2005     Lapita people 4v sheet   110v
Vatican City    04.05.2017     Saint Peter and Saint Paul 2v set   0.95€
Vietnam    12.09.2013     Joint issue with Singapore   2000d
Vietnam    25.08.2021     Vietnamese domestic fowl races 4v set   4000d
Yemen (Arab Republic)    05.05.1966     Domestic animals 6v set     ¼b
Sri Lanka Junglefowl Gallus lafayettii
Ceylon    05.02.1966     Birds of Ceylon   60c
Ceylon    05.02.1966     Birds of Ceylon Sheet, imp   60c
Ceylon    1967     Exhibition 1967 Sheet, imp   60c
Paraguay    15.06.1976     Domestic animals   1g
Sri Lanka    24.05.2018     Wild animals 3v set   100r
Sri Lanka    24.05.2018     Wild animals 3v sheet   100r
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world 4v sheet   900f
Latham's Francolin Peliperdix lathami
Ivory Coast    21.05.1966     Birds   90f
Ivory Coast    01.11.1978     Philexafrique   100f
Liberia    18.02.1977     Liberian birds   5c
Crested Francolin Ortygornis sephaena
Namibia    18.05.2018     Francolins   ZoneA
Tunisia    28.06.2003     Parks 4v set   200m
Zimbabwe    07.07.1992     Birds   1.16$
Grey Francolin Ortygornis pondicerianus
Oman    15.12.2002     Birds in Oman Sheet   50b
Chinese Francolin Francolinus pintadeanus
Vietnam, North    15.10.1963     Birds   12x
Black Francolin Francolinus francolinus
Comoro Islands    25.01.1999     Birds   200f
Cyprus    25.06.1979     Flora and fauna 4v set   50m
Cyprus (Turkish)    31.07.1989     Wildlife 4v set   700l
Iraq    19.01.1968     Iraqi birds   40f
Israel    15.12.2020     Steinhardt Museum 3v set   4.10s
Jordan    01.02.2009     Birds   50p
Nepal    29.12.2016     Birds sa   25r
Pakistan    30.09.1975     Wildlife protection   20p
Pakistan    30.09.1975     Wildlife protection   2.25r
Syria    27.09.2002     Birds Strip   5£
Turkey    03.12.1979     Wildlife conservation 5v set   5l
Turkey    12.07.2024     Phasianidae, birds     29l
Turkmenistan    13.04.2017     Fauna sa   T
Painted Francolin Francolinus pictus
Sri Lanka    27.09.2003     Resident birds of Sri Lanka Sheet   4.50r
Coqui Francolin Campocolinus coqui
Ghana    13.03.2023     Coqui Francolin Sheet   14c
Ghana    13.03.2023     Coqui Francolin Sheet   14c
Ghana    13.03.2023     Coqui Francolin Sheet   14c
Ghana    13.03.2023     Coqui Francolin Sheet   14c
Ghana    13.03.2023     Coqui Francolin Sheet   14c
Ghana    13.03.2023     Coqui Francolin   30c
Namibia    18.05.2018     Francolins   ZoneB
Schlegel's Francolin Campocolinus schlegelii
Centralafrica    17.11.1981     Birds   90f
Ring-necked Francolin Scleroptila streptophora
Fernando Po    08.07.1964     Birds   15c
Fernando Po    08.07.1964     Birds   70c
Fernando Po    08.07.1964     Birds   3p
Orange River Francolin Scleroptila gutturalis
Namibia    18.05.2018     Francolins   inlreg
Tibetan Snowcock Tetraogallus tibetanus
Bhutan    30.11.2017     Pheasants of Bhutan Sheet   20n
Tajikistan    01.02.1996     Birds Sheet with 2 of each   200r
Caucasian Snowcock Tetraogallus caucasicus
Russia (USSR)    26.07.1973     Caucasus and Voronezh nature reserves 5v set   4k
Caspian Snowcock Tetraogallus caspius
Georgia    15.10.2010     Birds   0.50l
Turkey    12.07.2024     Phasianidae, birds     175l
Himalayan Snowcock Tetraogallus himalayensis
Afghanistan    29.07.1973     Birds   12a
Angola    20.04.1996     Birds Sheet   5500k
Kyrgyzstan    31.12.1998     Fauna 8v sheet   1000t
Kyrgyzstan    05.03.2011     Reserves and national parks 9v sheet   60s
Sand Partridge Ammoperdix heyi
Jordan    05.10.1968     Game protection 9v set   20f
King Quail Synoicus chinensis
Angola    20.04.1996     Birds Sheet   5500k
Malaysia    22.01.2001     Quail and Partridges   30s
Sao Tome and Principe    29.12.2015     Stamps on stamps 4v sheet   31000d
Blue Quail Synoicus adansonii
Ghana    14.10.1991     The birds of Ghana Sheet   100c
Malawi    19.02.1975     Birds With wmk   3t
Malawi    01.10.1975     Birds No wmk     3t
Sierra Leone    29.01.1980     Birds   15c
Sierra Leone    21.12.1981     Imprint 1981 on 1980.01   15c
Sierra Leone    11.10.1982     Imprint 1982 on 1980.01   15c
Sierra Leone    01.10.1983     Imprint 1983 on 1980.01     15c
Common Quail Coturnix coturnix
Afghanistan    01.08.1970     Wild birds   2a
Albania    31.08.1965     Migratory birds   1.50l
Azerbaijan    05.11.2012     Poultry 6v sheet   60g
Belgium    12.06.2023     Birds   *
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat)    01.11.2009     Birds of Hutovo Blato   1.50m
Bulgaria    30.12.2021     Game birds   1l
Bulgaria    30.12.2021     Game birds Sheet   1l
Cape Verde Islands    07.06.2010     Nature reserve Monte Gordo 6v set   40e
Centralafrica    10.03.1999     Birds of Africa   500f
Italy    15.11.1996     Christmas 2v set   750l
Luxembourg    26.08.2022     Birdpex 9 Sheet   0.80€
Rumania    10.09.1965     Migratory birds   5b
Sierra Leone    15.11.1984     Christmas   20c
Ukraine    06.08.2021     Birds of Ukraine Sheet   9h
Uzbekistan    30.03.2017     Birds definitives   200s
Uzbekistan    22.02.2018     Birds definitives   3500s
Uzbekistan    05.02.2020     Birds definitives   1600s
Japanese Quail Coturnix japonica
China (Taiwan)    14.07.1976     Famous Chinese paintings on moon 4v set   10$
Korea, North    25.07.1980     Definitives   10c
Laos    30.09.1988     Birds   10k
St Vincent & Grenadines    12.07.2001     Japanese paintings 10v set   1.10$
Harlequin Quail Coturnix delegorguei
Botswana    04.08.1997     Birds   20t
Botswana    13.05.2014     Birds   10t
Malawi    19.02.1975     Birds With wmk   8t
Sao Tome and Principe    19.04.1992     The Pope 24v set   250d
Sao Tome and Principe    19.04.1992     The Pope 24v set   250d
Sao Tome and Principe    19.04.1992     The Pope 24v set   250d
Sao Tome and Principe    19.04.1992     The Pope 24v set   250d
Barbary Partridge Alectoris barbara
Gibraltar    29.10.1960     Definitives   2s
Gibraltar    11.10.1989     New coinage 4v sheet   4p
Gibraltar    30.05.1991     WWF   13p
Gibraltar    20.10.2010     Bird definitives   59p
Gibraltar    05.02.2019     Europa   1.66£
Gibraltar    05.02.2019     Europa   1.66£
Gibraltar    05.02.2019     Europa Sheet   1.66£
Gibraltar    05.02.2019     Europa Sheet   1.66£
Guinea-Bissau    20.05.2013     Bird art   2000f
Libya    10.02.1965     Birds   40m
Libya    01.04.1982     Birds   95d
Morocco    01.12.1987     Birds   2d
Morocco    15.08.2005     Birds, previous illustrations in new format Booklet, sa   2.50d
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world Sheet   900f
Tunisia    20.03.1966     Birds of Tunisia   200m
Arabian Partridge Alectoris melanocephala
Afghanistan    21.03.1961     Agriculture day 10v set   2p
Afghanistan    21.03.1961     Agriculture day 10v set   175p
Fujeira    30.05.1969     Birds   1.25r
Oman    01.07.1982     Flora and fauna   100b
Saudi Arabia    18.03.1992     Birds Sheet   150h
Saudi Arabia    14.07.1992     Birds Sheet     75h
Saudi Arabia    01.03.1993     Birds Sheet     100h
Saudi Arabia    06.11.1994     Birds Sheet     25h
Saudi Arabia    06.11.1994     Birds Sheet     50h
Yemen (Arab Republic)    30.01.1965     Birds   ½b
Yemen (Arab Republic)    05.03.1966     Overprint Prevention of…. on 1965.01     ½b
Yemen (PDR)    22.12.1971     Birds 4v set   40f
Yemen (PDR)    22.12.1971     Birds 4v set   65f
Yemen Republic (combined)    15.10.1995     World environmental protection day   50r
Yemen Republic (combined)    14.10.1996     Birds   70r
Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa
Afghanistan    25.10.1985     Birds   25a
Angola    20.04.1996     Birds Sheet   5500k
Gibraltar    02.11.2022     Christmas 6v set   30p
Guernsey    02.11.2006     Christmas 12v set   22p
Ifni    10.06.1960     Child welfare 4v set   35c
Ireland    17.11.1987     Christmas 3v set   21p
Isle of Man    19.10.2017     Christmas 12v set   1st
Isle of Man    19.10.2017     Christmas 12v set, sa   1st
Lebanon    15.03.1965     Birds   17.50p
Mauritania    07.09.1963     Postage due, birds   20f
Penrhyn Island    24.12.2011     Christmas   30c
Penrhyn Island    24.12.2011     Christmas Sheet   30c
Penrhyn Island    24.12.2011     Christmas Sheet of 3 sets   30c
Portugal    28.06.2021     Hunting in Portugal   0.54€
San Marino    28.01.1960     Birds   5l
Spain    24.05.1971     Spanish fauna 5v set   5p
Spain    03.05.2018     Toledo sa   A
Chukar Partridge Alectoris chukar
Afghanistan    05.06.1972     Afghan flora and fauna 4v set   10a
Azerbaijan    29.09.2019     Europa   0.6m
Azerbaijan    29.09.2019     Europa Booklet   0.6m
Azerbaijan    29.09.2019     Europa Booklet   0.6m
Bulgaria    28.01.1967     Hunting 6v set   2s
Bulgaria    27.12.1985     Hunting dogs 7v set   5s
Cyprus (Turkish)    31.07.1989     Wildlife 4v set   100l
Iran    06.03.1972     New year stamps   1r
Iran    17.03.1994     New year stamps   40r
Jordan    05.10.1968     Game protection 9v set   10f
Jordan    13.10.2017     Birds native to Jordan Sheet   30p
Kyrgyzstan    31.12.1998     Fauna 8v sheet   1000t
Oman    20.12.2016     Fauna Sheet   200b
Pakistan    31.01.2003     National philatelic exhibition Karachi   4r
Pakistan    31.03.2009     National enviroment year 4v set   5r
Pakistan    30.12.2016     Child art competition 8v set   8r
St Helena    19.04.1982     Charles Darwin 4v set   25p
St Helena    26.08.1993     Birds   3p
St Helena    11.11.2015     Definitives   15p
St Helena    11.11.2015     Definitives Sheet   15p
Syria    18.04.1978     Birds   60p
Tajikistan    19.11.2013     Birds 4v set   2s
Tajikistan    15.12.2018     Nature reserve 2x4v sheet   3s
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world 4v sheet   900f
Turkey    05.06.2011     World environment day Sheet   1.30l
USA    10.11.1971     Christmas 2v set   8c
Ukraine    06.08.2021     Birds of Ukraine Sheet   9h
Uzbekistan    06.08.2018     Zaminsky nature reserve 8v sheet   3200s
Rock Partridge Alectoris graeca
Bosnia Herzegovina    20.04.2005     Fauna 2v set   2m
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat)    16.06.2003     Fauna   2m
Bulgaria    30.06.1959     Birds   60s
Christmas Island    20.10.1977     Christmas 12v sheet, no wmk   10c
Christmas Island    27.01.1978     Christmas 12v sheet, with wmk     10c
Greece    16.06.1970     Nature conservation year 4v set   6d
Guinea    22.11.1999     Gamebirds Sheet   450f
Macedonia    11.09.2002     Wildlife 4v set   36d
Macedonia    10.05.2016     Europa 2v set   50d
Marshall Islands    28.09.2012     Christmas 12v sheet   45c
Monaco    03.05.1982     Birds from Mercantour national park   80c
Switzerland    01.04.2009     Birds From singels sheets, sa   140c
Switzerland    01.04.2009     Birds From set sheet, sa   140c
Yugoslavia    25.05.1958     Yugoslav game birds   50d
Yugoslavia    11.12.1978     New year   3.40d
Yugoslavia    27.12.1978     New year Booklet   3.40d
Yugoslavia    15.05.1991     Beograd 91   20d
Yugoslavia    14.03.2000     WWF Strip   10d
Yugoslavia    14.03.2000     WWF Strip   10d
Philby's Partridge Alectoris philbyi
Yemen Republic (combined)    14.10.1996     Birds   50r
Manipur Bush Quail Perdicula manipurensis
India    05.10.2006     Endangered birds of India   5r
India    05.10.2006     Endangered birds of India 4v sheet   5r
India    05.10.2006     Endangered birds of India Booklet   5r
Himalayan Quail Ophrysia superciliosa †
Mozambique    30.04.2012     Extinct birds Sheet   16m
Hartlaub's Spurfowl Pternistis hartlaubi
Namibia    15.02.2007     Biodiversity of Namibia 12v set   nonst.
Namibia    15.11.2008     Biodiversity of Namibia, yellow paper 12v set   nonst.
Namibia    15.02.2012     Definitives   10c
Mount Cameroon Spurfowl Pternistis camerunensis
Cameroun    10.08.1982     Birds "REPUBLIQUE UNIE DU"   10f
Cameroun    20.03.1986     Birds "REPUBLIQUE DU"   10f
Handsome Spurfowl Pternistis nobilis
Sierra Leone    27.05.2016     Bwindi Impenetrable national park 4v sheet   6000l
Erckel's Spurfowl Pternistis erckelii
Eritrea    16.03.1998     Birds Sheet   3n
Djibouti Spurfowl Pternistis ochropectus
Djibouti    25.04.1989     Birds   35f
Djibouti    2012     Fauna 4v sheet   125f
French Territory of Afars & Issas    03.11.1972     Birds   500f
Red-billed Spurfowl Pternistis adspersus
Liberia    26.12.2007     Birds of Africa Sheet   45$
Namibia    18.05.2018     Francolins   stand
Double-spurred Spurfowl Pternistis bicalcaratus
Burkina Faso    2001     Birds   590f
Gambia    04.11.1963     Birds   2s6d
Gambia    18.02.1965     Overprint INDEPENDENCE on 1963.01   2s6d
Morocco    05.12.1974     Moroccan animals 2v set   25f
Nigeria    24.10.1984     Rare birds   45k
Senegal    01.12.1982     Birds   80f
Scaly Spurfowl Pternistis squamatus
Centralafrica    09.02.1971     African tales 5v set   5f
Harwood's Spurfowl Pternistis harwoodi
Ethiopia    04.01.1985     Birds   5c
Swainson's Spurfowl Pternistis swainsonii
Namibia    18.05.2018     Francolins   postc
Yellow-necked Spurfowl Pternistis leucoscepus
Guinea-Bissau    05.05.2008     Boars and birds Sheet   500f
Turkmenistan    01.06.2008     Fauna, hologram 7v set, sa   T
Turkmenistan    01.06.2008     Fauna, hologram 7v set, sa   T
Turkmenistan    01.06.2008     Fauna, hologram 7v set, sa   T
Turkmenistan    02.07.2009     Fauna 7v set   T
Red-necked Spurfowl Pternistis afer
Ascension    26.04.1976     Birds   15p
Ascension    12.08.1996     Birds   12p
Ascension    05.02.2008     Animals 12v set   5£
Malawi    19.02.1975     Birds With wmk   5t
Mali    20.10.1995     Birds of the world Sheet   150f
Mozambique    30.07.1980     Birds   2.50m
Zimbabwe    24.07.2001     African folklore 6v set   16$
Zimbabwe    24.07.2001     African folklore 6v sheet   16$
