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Bird stamps from Nicaragua

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   3   8   10   11   13   21   30   32   42   52   55   57   59   67   68   70   73   74   75   78   80   83   88   90   92   94   98   102   103   104   105   107   108   112   116   122   123   124   125   166   170   215   220   223   249   250   252   253  

Face value | Family number | English name | Scientific name
1967.01   Ruben Dario   8v set   
75c     8     Mute Swan    Cygnus olor     

1970.01   12.08.1970   Apollo 11   6v set   
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus
35c     78     Bald Eagle    Haliaeetus leucocephalus     
40c     78     Bald Eagle    Haliaeetus leucocephalus     = 35c
60c     78     Bald Eagle    Haliaeetus leucocephalus     = 35c
75c     78     Bald Eagle    Haliaeetus leucocephalus     = 35c
1$     78     Bald Eagle    Haliaeetus leucocephalus     = 35c
2$     78     Bald Eagle    Haliaeetus leucocephalus     = 35c

1971.01   15.10.1971   Nicaraguan birds      
Montezuma Oropendola Psarocolius montezuma Turquoise-browed Motmot Eumomota superciliosa White-throated Magpie-Jay Calocitta formosa Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus forficatus Spot-breasted Oriole Icterus pectoralis Veracruz Wren Campylorhynchus rufinucha Great Kiskadee Pitangus sulphuratus Red-legged Honeycreeper Cyanerpes cyaneus Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon
10c     249     Montezuma Oropendola    Psarocolius montezuma     
15c     92     Turquoise-browed Motmot    Eumomota superciliosa     
20c     166     White-throated Magpie-Jay    Calocitta formosa     
25c     122     Scissor-tailed Flycatcher    Tyrannus forficatus     
30c     249     Spot-breasted Oriole    Icterus pectoralis     
35c     215     Veracruz Wren    Campylorhynchus rufinucha     
40c     122     Great Kiskadee    Pitangus sulphuratus     
75c     253     Red-legged Honeycreeper    Cyanerpes cyaneus     
1cor     249     Great-tailed Grackle    Quiscalus mexicanus     
2cor     90     Belted Kingfisher    Megaceryle alcyon     

1972.01   13.11.1972   INTERPOL   12v set   
Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus
15c     104     Gyrfalcon    Falco rusticolus     

1976.01   Rare stamps, stamp on stamp   12v set   W Australia 1854.01
Black Swan Cygnus atratus
2c     8     Black Swan    Cygnus atratus     

1979.01   06.04.1979   Flowers   6v set   
Broad-tailed Hummingbird Selasphorus platycercus
50c     21     Broad-tailed Hummingbird    Selasphorus platycercus     

1981.01   18.05.1981   Wipa 1981      
Resplendent Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno
10cor     83     Resplendent Quetzal    Pharomachrus mocinno     MS

1981.02   30.11.1981   Birds      
Lineated Woodpecker Dryocopus lineatus Keel-billed Toucan Ramphastos sulfuratus Finsch's Parakeet Psittacara finschi Scarlet Macaw Ara macao Slaty-tailed Trogon Trogon massena Violet Sabrewing Campylopterus hemileucurus Lesson's Motmot Momotus lessonii
50c     102     Lineated Woodpecker    Dryocopus lineatus     
1.20cor     98     Keel-billed Toucan    Ramphastos sulfuratus     
1.80cor     107     Finsch's Parakeet    Psittacara finschi     
2cor     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     
3cor     83     Slaty-tailed Trogon    Trogon massena     
4cor     21     Violet Sabrewing    Campylopterus hemileucurus     
6cor     92     Lesson's Motmot    Momotus lessonii     

1985.01   25.08.1985   Domestic birds   6v set   
Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris Swan Goose Anser cygnoides Wild Turkey Meleagris gallopavo
50c     13     Common Pheasant    Phasianus colchicus     
1cor     11     Helmeted Guineafowl    Numida meleagris     
2cor     8     Swan Goose    Anser cygnoides     
6cor     13     Wild Turkey    Meleagris gallopavo     

1986.01   10.02.1986   Birds      
Crimson Topaz Topaza pella Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush Catharus aurantiirostris Venezuelan Troupial Icterus icterus Painted Bunting Passerina ciris Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush Catharus frantzii Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus Great Kiskadee Pitangus sulphuratus
1cor     21     Crimson Topaz    Topaza pella     
3cor     223     Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush    Catharus aurantiirostris     
3cor     249     Venezuelan Troupial    Icterus icterus     
5cor     252     Painted Bunting    Passerina ciris     
10cor     223     Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush    Catharus frantzii     
21cor     80     Great Horned Owl    Bubo virginianus     
75cor     122     Great Kiskadee    Pitangus sulphuratus     

1989.01   05.02.1989   Tourism   7v set   
Turquoise-browed Motmot Eumomota superciliosa Not identified Not identified
20cor     92     Turquoise-browed Motmot    Eumomota superciliosa     
50cor          Not identified    Not identified     

1989.02   01.07.1989   Brasiliana 89      
Anhinga Anhinga anhinga Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus Turquoise-browed Motmot Eumomota superciliosa Painted Whitestart Myioborus pictus Great Antshrike Taraba major Tropical Royal Flycatcher Onychorhynchus coronatus White-flanked Antwren Myrmotherula axillaris
100cor     67     Anhinga    Anhinga anhinga     
200cor     78     Swallow-tailed Kite    Elanoides forficatus     
600cor     92     Turquoise-browed Motmot    Eumomota superciliosa     
1000cor     250     Painted Whitestart    Myioborus pictus     
2000cor     116     Great Antshrike    Taraba major     
3000cor     125     Tropical Royal Flycatcher    Onychorhynchus coronatus     
5000cor     116     White-flanked Antwren    Myrmotherula axillaris     

1989.03   01.07.1989   Brasiliana 89      
Yellow-headed Amazon Amazona oratrix
9000cor     107     Yellow-headed Amazon    Amazona oratrix     MS

1990.01   01.01.1990   New Zealand '90      
Little Spotted Kiwi Apteryx owenii South Island Takahe Porphyrio hochstetteri Red-crowned Parakeet Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae Weka Gallirallus australis Kagu Rhynochetos jubatus Kea Nestor notabilis Kakapo Strigops habroptila
5c     3     Little Spotted Kiwi    Apteryx owenii     
5c     30     South Island Takahe    Porphyrio hochstetteri     
10c     108     Red-crowned Parakeet    Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae     
20c     30     Weka    Gallirallus australis     
30c     55     Kagu    Rhynochetos jubatus     
60c     105     Kea    Nestor notabilis     
70c     105     Kakapo    Strigops habroptila     

1990.02   01.01.1990   New Zealand '90      
Black Swan Cygnus atratus
1.50cor     8     Black Swan    Cygnus atratus     MS

1991.01   01.02.1991   Birds      
Turquoise-browed Motmot Eumomota superciliosa Collared Trogon Trogon collaris Broad-billed Motmot Electron platyrhynchum Wire-tailed Manakin Pipra filicauda Paradise Tanager Tangara chilensis Black-spotted Bare-eye Phlegopsis nigromaculata Resplendent Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno
50c     92     Turquoise-browed Motmot    Eumomota superciliosa     
75c     83     Collared Trogon    Trogon collaris     
1cor     92     Broad-billed Motmot    Electron platyrhynchum     
1.50cor     124     Wire-tailed Manakin    Pipra filicauda     
1.75cor     253     Paradise Tanager    Tangara chilensis     
2.25cor     116     Black-spotted Bare-eye    Phlegopsis nigromaculata     
2.25cor     83     Resplendent Quetzal    Pharomachrus mocinno     

1991.02   01.02.1991   Birds      
Spotted Antbird Hylophylax naevioides Crimson-rumped Toucanet Aulacorhynchus haematopygus
7.50cor     116     Spotted Antbird    Hylophylax naevioides     MS
7.50cor     98     Crimson-rumped Toucanet    Aulacorhynchus haematopygus     MS

1991.03   07.08.1991   Rainforest is life   20v sheet   

Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
Yellow-headed Amazon  Amazona oratrix Keel-billed Toucan  Ramphastos sulfuratus Scarlet Macaw  Ara macao Resplendent Quetzal  Pharomachrus mocinno Chestnut-headed Oropendola  Psarocolius wagleri Violet Sabrewing  Campylopterus hemileucurus White-necked Jacobin  Florisuga mellivora
2.25cor     107     Yellow-headed Amazon    Amazona oratrix     
2.25cor     98     Keel-billed Toucan    Ramphastos sulfuratus     
2.25cor     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     
2.25cor     83     Resplendent Quetzal    Pharomachrus mocinno     
2.25cor     249     Chestnut-headed Oropendola    Psarocolius wagleri     
2.25cor     21     Violet Sabrewing    Campylopterus hemileucurus     
2.25cor     21     White-necked Jacobin    Florisuga mellivora     

1991.04   01.11.1991   Philanippon 91   7v set   
Red-crowned Crane Grus japonensis
1.50cor     32     Red-crowned Crane    Grus japonensis     

1992.01   12.11.1992   Save the tropical rainforest   16v sheet   

Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
Rivoli's Hummingbird  Eugenes fulgens Harpy Eagle  Harpia harpyja Keel-billed Toucan  Ramphastos sulfuratus Resplendent Quetzal  Pharomachrus mocinno Whooping Motmot  Momotus subrufescens Blue-and-yellow Macaw  Ara ararauna Scarlet Tanager  Piranga olivacea
1.50cor     21     Rivoli's Hummingbird    Eugenes fulgens     
1.50cor     78     Harpy Eagle    Harpia harpyja     
1.50cor     98     Keel-billed Toucan    Ramphastos sulfuratus     
1.50cor     83     Resplendent Quetzal    Pharomachrus mocinno     
1.50cor     92     Whooping Motmot    Momotus subrufescens     
1.50cor     107     Blue-and-yellow Macaw    Ara ararauna     
1.50cor     252     Scarlet Tanager    Piranga olivacea     

1994.01   28.01.1994   Tropical forest flora and fauna   12v sheet   
Sparkling-tailed Woodstar Tilmatura dupontii Ornate Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus ornatus Lovely Cotinga Cotinga amabilis
2cor     21     Sparkling-tailed Woodstar    Tilmatura dupontii     
2cor     78     Ornate Hawk-Eagle    Spizaetus ornatus     
2cor     123     Lovely Cotinga    Cotinga amabilis     

1994.02   31.10.1994   Nicaraguan forest fauna   16v sheet   

Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
Black-crowned Night Heron  Nycticorax nycticorax Scarlet Macaw  Ara macao Western Cattle Egret  Bubulcus ibis Black Vulture  Coragyps atratus Red-legged Honeycreeper  Cyanerpes cyaneus Plain Chachalaca  Ortalis vetula Anhinga  Anhinga anhinga Black-bellied Whistling Duck  Dendrocygna autumnalis
2cor     70     Black-crowned Night Heron    Nycticorax nycticorax     
2cor     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     
2cor     70     Western Cattle Egret    Bubulcus ibis     
2cor     75     Black Vulture    Coragyps atratus     
2cor     253     Red-legged Honeycreeper    Cyanerpes cyaneus     
2cor     10     Plain Chachalaca    Ortalis vetula     
2cor     67     Anhinga    Anhinga anhinga     
2cor     8     Black-bellied Whistling Duck    Dendrocygna autumnalis     

1994.03   31.10.1994   Nicaraguan forest fauna      
Anhinga Anhinga anhinga
15cor     67     Anhinga    Anhinga anhinga     MS

1994.04   20.12.1994   WWF   Strip   
Highland Guan Penelopina nigra Highland Guan Penelopina nigra Highland Guan Penelopina nigra Highland Guan Penelopina nigra
50c     10     Highland Guan    Penelopina nigra     
1cor     10     Highland Guan    Penelopina nigra     
2.50cor     10     Highland Guan    Penelopina nigra     
3cor     10     Highland Guan    Penelopina nigra     

1994.05   20.12.1994   WWF      
Highland Guan Penelopina nigra
15cor     10     Highland Guan    Penelopina nigra     MS

1995.01   15.04.1995   Exotic birds   Sheet   

Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
Greater Bird-of-paradise  Paradisaea apoda Helmeted Woodpecker  Celeus galeatus Long-tailed Broadbill  Psarisomus dalhousiae Montezuma Oropendola  Psarocolius montezuma Black-capped Kingfisher  Halcyon pileata White-throated Magpie-Jay  Calocitta formosa Red-and-green Macaw  Ara chloropterus Eastern Rosella  Platycercus eximius Palawan Peacock-Pheasant  Polyplectron napoleonis Red-legged Seriema  Cariama cristata Hoatzin  Opisthocomus hoazin Abyssinian Roller  Coracias abyssinicus
2cor     170     Greater Bird-of-paradise    Paradisaea apoda     
2cor     102     Helmeted Woodpecker    Celeus galeatus     
2cor     112     Long-tailed Broadbill    Psarisomus dalhousiae     
2cor     249     Montezuma Oropendola    Psarocolius montezuma     
2cor     90     Black-capped Kingfisher    Halcyon pileata     
2cor     166     White-throated Magpie-Jay    Calocitta formosa     
2cor     107     Red-and-green Macaw    Ara chloropterus     
2cor     108     Eastern Rosella    Platycercus eximius     
2cor     13     Palawan Peacock-Pheasant    Polyplectron napoleonis     
2cor     103     Red-legged Seriema    Cariama cristata     
2cor     74     Hoatzin    Opisthocomus hoazin     
2cor     88     Abyssinian Roller    Coracias abyssinicus     

1995.02   15.04.1995   Exotic birds      
Helmeted Woodpecker Celeus galeatus
10cor     102     Helmeted Woodpecker    Celeus galeatus     MS

1995.03   09.10.1995   Fauna   9v sheet   
Scarlet Macaw Ara macao
2.50cor     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     

1995.04   09.10.1995   Fauna      
Ornate Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus ornatus
15cor     78     Ornate Hawk-Eagle    Spizaetus ornatus     MS

1999.01   26.03.1999   Fauna of Central America   12v sheet   
King Vulture Sarcoramphus papa
2cor     75     King Vulture    Sarcoramphus papa     

1999.02   26.03.1999   Fauna of Central America   12v sheet   
Red-fan Parrot Deroptyus accipitrinus White-throated Toucan Ramphastos tucanus
2cor     107     Red-fan Parrot    Deroptyus accipitrinus     
2cor     98     White-throated Toucan    Ramphastos tucanus     

1999.03   30.03.1999   Wildlife protection   9v sheet   
Not identified Not identified
2.50cor          Not identified    Not identified     

1999.04   30.03.1999   Wildlife protection   9v sheet   
Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna Keel-billed Toucan Ramphastos sulfuratus Great Egret Ardea alba
2.50cor     107     Blue-and-yellow Macaw    Ara ararauna     
2.50cor     98     Keel-billed Toucan    Ramphastos sulfuratus     
2.50cor     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     

1999.05   25.05.1999   Seabirds of the world   Sheet   

Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
Pitt Shag  Phalacrocorax featherstoni Guanay Cormorant  Leucocarbo bougainvillii Australasian Darter  Anhinga novaehollandiae Spotted Shag  Phalacrocorax punctatus Little Black Cormorant  Phalacrocorax sulcirostris Brown Pelican  Pelecanus occidentalis
6cor     68     Pitt Shag    Phalacrocorax featherstoni     
6cor     68     Guanay Cormorant    Leucocarbo bougainvillii     
6cor     67     Australasian Darter    Anhinga novaehollandiae     
6cor     68     Spotted Shag    Phalacrocorax punctatus     
6cor     68     Little Black Cormorant    Phalacrocorax sulcirostris     
6cor     73     Brown Pelican    Pelecanus occidentalis     

1999.06   25.05.1999   Seabirds of the world      
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua
12cor     59     Gentoo Penguin    Pygoscelis papua     MS

1999.07   25.05.1999   Penguins      
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus Yellow-eyed Penguin Megadyptes antipodes
5cor     59     Southern Rockhopper Penguin    Eudyptes chrysocome     
5.50cor     59     Magellanic Penguin    Spheniscus magellanicus     
6cor     59     Chinstrap Penguin    Pygoscelis antarcticus     
7.50cor     59     Yellow-eyed Penguin    Megadyptes antipodes     

1999.08   25.05.1999   Penguins      
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus
12cor     59     King Penguin    Aptenodytes patagonicus     MS

1999.09   14.06.1999   Flora and fauna of the tropics   4v set   
Bananaquit Coereba flaveola Black Skimmer Rynchops niger
6cor     253     Bananaquit    Coereba flaveola     
7.50cor     52     Black Skimmer    Rynchops niger     

1999.10   14.06.1999   Flora and fauna of the tropics   12v sheet   
White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus Brown Trembler Cinclocerthia ruficauda Rufous-throated Solitaire Myadestes genibarbis Blue-headed Hummingbird Riccordia bicolor
5cor     57     White-tailed Tropicbird    Phaethon lepturus     
5cor     57     White-tailed Tropicbird    Phaethon lepturus     
5cor     220     Brown Trembler    Cinclocerthia ruficauda     
5cor     223     Rufous-throated Solitaire    Myadestes genibarbis     
5cor     21     Blue-headed Hummingbird    Riccordia bicolor     

1999.11   14.06.1999   Flora and fauna of the tropics      
Ringed Kingfisher Megaceryle torquata
10cor     90     Ringed Kingfisher    Megaceryle torquata     MS

2000.01   23.08.2000   Birds of America      
Lovely Cotinga Cotinga amabilis Rufous-tailed Jacamar Galbula ruficauda Blue Grosbeak Passerina caerulea Blue-capped Motmot Momotus coeruliceps
5cor     123     Lovely Cotinga    Cotinga amabilis     
7.50cor     94     Rufous-tailed Jacamar    Galbula ruficauda     
10cor     252     Blue Grosbeak    Passerina caerulea     
12.50cor     92     Blue-capped Motmot    Momotus coeruliceps     

2000.02   23.08.2000   Birds of America   Sheet   

Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
Scarlet Macaw  Ara macao Yellow-headed Amazon  Amazona oratrix Green Kingfisher  Chloroceryle americana Ruby-throated Hummingbird  Archilochus colubris Resplendent Quetzal  Pharomachrus mocinno Keel-billed Toucan  Ramphastos sulfuratus Bananaquit  Coereba flaveola Golden-olive Woodpecker  Colaptes rubiginosus Painted Bunting  Passerina ciris Black-collared Hawk  Busarellus nigricollis
3cor     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     
3cor     107     Yellow-headed Amazon    Amazona oratrix     
3cor     90     Green Kingfisher    Chloroceryle americana     
3cor     21     Ruby-throated Hummingbird    Archilochus colubris     
3cor     83     Resplendent Quetzal    Pharomachrus mocinno     
3cor     98     Keel-billed Toucan    Ramphastos sulfuratus     
3cor     253     Bananaquit    Coereba flaveola     
3cor     102     Golden-olive Woodpecker    Colaptes rubiginosus     
3cor     252     Painted Bunting    Passerina ciris     
3cor     78     Black-collared Hawk    Busarellus nigricollis     

2000.03   23.08.2000   Birds of America      
Emerald Toucanet Aulacorhynchus prasinus Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon
25cor     98     Emerald Toucanet    Aulacorhynchus prasinus     MS
25cor     90     Belted Kingfisher    Megaceryle alcyon     MS

2001.01   27.11.2001   Nicaraguan wildlife in danger of extinction   6v sheet   
Yellow-throated Toucan Ramphastos ambiguus Yellow-naped Amazon Amazona auropalliata Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris
5cor     98     Yellow-throated Toucan    Ramphastos ambiguus     
6.50cor     107     Yellow-naped Amazon    Amazona auropalliata     
8cor     78     Roadside Hawk    Rupornis magnirostris     

2002.01   12.09.2002   5th centenary of the discovery of Nicaragua      
Scarlet Macaw Ara macao
12cor     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     MS

2004.01   28.09.2004   Birds of Nicaragua      
Yellow-eared Toucanet Selenidera spectabilis Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Crested Caracara Caracara plancus Social Flycatcher Myiozetetes similis
5cor     98     Yellow-eared Toucanet    Selenidera spectabilis     
6.50cor     70     Black-crowned Night Heron    Nycticorax nycticorax     
7.50cor     104     Crested Caracara    Caracara plancus     
10cor     122     Social Flycatcher    Myiozetetes similis     

2005.01   12.12.2005   Europa anniversary   4v set   
Red-lored Amazon Amazona autumnalis
14cor     107     Red-lored Amazon    Amazona autumnalis     

2005.02   12.12.2005   Europa anniversary   4v sheet, imp   2005.01
Red-lored Amazon Amazona autumnalis
14cor     107     Red-lored Amazon    Amazona autumnalis     

2007.01   09.10.2007   Environment protection   4v set   
Great Egret Ardea alba White-chinned Sapphire Chlorestes cyanus Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus
4.50cor     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
11.50cor     21     White-chinned Sapphire    Chlorestes cyanus     
13.50cor     42     Black-necked Stilt    Himantopus mexicanus     

2011.01   01.09.2011   Preserve the polar regions and glaciers      
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri
50.50cor     59     Emperor Penguin    Aptenodytes forsteri     MS

2012.01   30.08.2012   Rio San Juan   6v sheet   
Steely-vented Hummingbird Saucerottia saucerottei Great Egret Ardea alba
14cor     21     Steely-vented Hummingbird    Saucerottia saucerottei     
50cor     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     

Link to map, opens in new window
Location: Central America
Population: 5.7 million
Climate: tropical in lowlands, cooler in highlands
Terrain: extensive Atlantic coastal plains rising to central interior mountains; narrow Pacific coastal plain interrupted by volcanoes

Birds: 699 species. 1 endemic.

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