Eurasian Eagle-Owl Bubo bubo |
Afghanistan |
03.07.1968 |
Wild birds
| 6a |
Aland |
01.03.1996 |
| 2.40m |
Aland |
01.03.1996 |
| 2.40m |
Aland |
01.03.1996 |
| 2.40m |
Aland |
01.03.1996 |
| 2.40m |
Albania |
20.08.2003 |
Albanian birds Sheet
| 70l |
Azerbaijan |
01.12.2001 |
Owls Sheet
| 1000m |
Azerbaijan |
01.12.2001 |
| 1000m |
Belarus |
22.12.2008 |
Owls BirdLife
| 500r |
Belarus |
22.12.2008 |
Owls BirdLife Sheet with 2 sets
| 500r |
Belarus |
30.11.2023 |
Birds of Belarus - Strigiformes
| H |
Belarus |
30.11.2023 |
Birds of Belarus - Strigiformes Sheet
| H |
Belgium |
19.04.2004 |
| 4€ |
Belgium |
23.03.2015 |
Animals in movement 10v sheet
| 1 |
Bosnia Herzegovina |
15.12.2008 |
Nature 6v set
| 5m |
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat) |
01.11.2008 |
Birds of Hutovo Blato
| 1.50m |
Bulgaria |
28.08.1980 |
European nature conservation year Sheet
| 43s |
Bulgaria |
06.05.1988 |
| 42s |
Bulgaria |
30.05.2009 |
| 0.10l |
Burundi |
21.12.2012 |
Owls Sheet
| 3000f |
Caribbean Netherlands |
02.04.2022 |
Birds (Bonaire) 2022 Sheet
| 99c |
Centralafrica |
15.12.2015 |
Owls Sheet
| 750f |
Centralafrica |
18.07.2016 |
Owls Sheet
| 900f |
China |
22.03.1995 |
| 10f |
Comoro Islands |
28.07.2011 |
Owls Sheet
| 500f |
Cook Islands |
14.07.1992 |
Endangered wildlife
| 1.15$ |
Cook Islands |
30.04.2001 |
Overprint Suwarrow Sanctuary on 1992.01-2 12v set
| 80c |
Croatia |
27.07.2022 |
| A |
Cuba |
01.06.2008 |
Owls and butterflies
| 15c |
Czech Republic |
02.09.2009 |
Krivoklatsko biosphere reserve 4v sheet
| 14k |
Czech Republic |
02.09.2015 |
European owls Sheet
| 25k |
Czechoslovakia |
18.09.1986 |
| 50h |
Finland |
25.09.1956 |
Tuberculosis relief fund
| 20m |
Finland |
04.09.1998 |
Stamp day, owls Sheet
| 3m |
Finland |
04.09.1998 |
Stamp day, owls Sheet
| 3m |
France |
15.04.1972 |
Nature conservation 2v set
| 65c |
Georgia |
26.02.1996 |
Birds Sheet
| 15t |
Germany |
10.04.2008 |
Seebach bird protection 100 years
| 45c |
Germany, East |
02.07.1959 |
Birds of the homeland
| 15p |
Germany, East |
18.05.1982 |
Protected birds
| 35p |
Gibraltar |
26.09.2007 |
Prehistoric wildlife of Gibraltar 5v set
| 40p |
Gibraltar |
26.09.2007 |
Prehistoric wildlife of Gibraltar Prestige booklet
| 40p |
Gibraltar |
15.02.2008 |
Bird definitives
| 5p |
Gibraltar |
02.11.2013 |
Bird definitives overprint
| 28p |
Gibraltar |
25.09.2020 |
Owls Sheet
| 2£ |
Gibraltar |
20.02.2024 |
Birds of prey Sheet | 60p |
Grenada |
21.12.2015 |
Owls Sheet
| 3.25$ |
Guinea |
15.09.2013 |
Owls Sheet
| 20000f |
Guinea |
20.10.2014 |
Raptors Sheet
| 10000f |
Guinea |
20.08.2015 |
| 35000f |
Guinea |
03.06.2016 |
Owls Sheet
| 10000f |
Guinea-Bissau |
01.04.2001 |
Owls, Rotary Sheet
| 400f |
Guinea-Bissau |
01.04.2001 |
Owls, Rotary Sheet
| 400f |
Guinea-Bissau |
15.05.2003 |
Owls, Jambore Tailandia 2003 Sheet
| 500f |
Guinea-Bissau |
15.12.2004 |
Owls and windmills Sheet
| 450f |
Guinea-Bissau |
05.08.2008 |
Owls Sheet
| 450f |
Guinea-Bissau |
16.07.2012 |
Owls Sheet
| 500f |
Guinea-Bissau |
12.12.2014 |
| 3000f |
Guinea-Bissau |
26.05.2015 |
Owls Sheet
| 850f |
Guinea-Bissau |
26.05.2015 |
Owls Sheet
| 850f |
Guyana |
08.06.1993 |
| 600$ |
Guyana |
08.06.1993 |
| 600$ |
Hungary |
18.11.1962 |
Birds of prey
| 30fi |
Hungary |
28.12.1984 |
| 8fo |
Kazakhstan |
07.06.2001 |
| 30t |
Korea, North |
05.01.1992 |
Birds of prey
| 10c |
Korea, North |
05.01.1992 |
Birds of prey Sheet
| 10c |
Korea, North |
02.09.2001 |
Animal protection Sheet
| 1.30w |
Korea, North |
02.09.2001 |
Animal protection Booklet
| 1.30w |
Korea, North |
02.09.2001 |
Animal protection
| 1.30w |
Korea, South |
05.06.1999 |
Protection of endangered species
| 340w |
Kyrgyzstan |
22.05.2018 |
| 150s |
Kyrgyzstan |
22.05.2018 |
Birds Sheet
| 150s |
Kyrgyzstan |
06.12.2023 |
Red Book of Kyrgyzstan 3v set
| 145s |
Latvia |
18.06.2010 |
| 98s |
Liberia |
04.01.1999 |
Birds of prey Sheet
| 50c |
Liberia |
05.01.2015 |
African birds of prey Sheet
| 125$ |
Lithuania |
02.10.2004 |
Owls in the Red Book
| 1.30l |
Luxembourg |
08.03.1999 |
| 32f |
Luxembourg |
26.08.2022 |
Birdpex 9
| 1.05€ |
Moldova |
31.10.1998 |
| 25b |
Moldova |
07.05.2011 |
| 5.40l |
Moldova |
07.05.2011 |
Europa Booklet
| 5.40l |
Moldova |
28.05.2021 |
| 11l |
Moldova |
28.05.2021 |
Europa 2x2v sheet
| 11l |
Monaco |
15.02.1993 |
Birds of prey in Mercantour national park
| 4f |
Mongolia |
26.05.1992 |
Birds Sheet
| 3t |
Mongolia |
06.07.2017 |
| 300t |
Mongolia |
06.07.2017 |
Owls Sheet
| 300t |
Mozambique |
24.09.1999 |
Birds and insects 6v sheet
| 6000m |
Mozambique |
30.10.2012 |
Tadas Ivanauskas Sheet
| 16m |
Mozambique |
15.06.2015 |
Owls Sheet
| 46m |
Mozambique |
15.01.2016 |
Owls Sheet
| 66m |
Nepal |
31.12.2013 |
Chitrakar 2v set
| 10r |
Netherlands |
28.03.2011 |
University of Utrecht 10v sheet
| 1 |
Netherlands |
13.06.2022 |
Sint-Pietersberg 10v sheet, sa
| 1 |
Niger |
02.09.1998 |
Raptors Sheet
| 300f |
Niger |
10.09.2014 |
Castles Sheet
| 750f |
Niger |
13.10.2014 |
Owls Sheet
| 750f |
Niger |
20.04.2015 |
| 3000f |
Niger |
28.05.2016 |
Owls Sheet
| 750f |
North Macedonia |
07.05.2021 |
| 144d |
Norway |
02.01.2015 |
Wildlife in Norway sa
| 31k |
Poland |
30.11.1960 |
| 50g |
Poland |
10.07.2001 |
CITES 6v set
| 1z |
Poland |
23.10.2015 |
Owls Sheet
| 2.35z |
Portugal |
09.10.1993 |
| 70e |
Portugal |
26.02.2002 |
Birds of Portugal
| 0.43€ |
Portugal |
26.02.2002 |
Birds of Portugal Booklet, sa
| 0.54€ |
Portugal |
26.02.2002 |
Birds of Portugal sa
| 0.54€ |
Portugal |
16.10.2007 |
Tapada de Mafra 5v set
| 1€ |
Rarotonga |
20.12.2018 |
Birds of prey White frames
| 40c |
Rarotonga |
20.12.2018 |
Birds of prey Sheet, part frames | 40c |
Rarotonga |
20.12.2018 |
Birds of prey Sheet, no frames | 40c |
Rumania |
20.03.1967 |
Birds of prey
| 20b |
Rumania |
05.10.2018 |
Birds records
| 8.50l |
Rumania |
12.05.2022 |
Nocturnal birds
| 6.50l |
Rumania |
12.05.2022 |
Nocturnal birds Sheet | 6.50l |
Russia (USSR) |
08.02.1990 |
| 20k |
Sao Tome and Principe |
2004 |
Sir Peter Scott 9v sheet
| 7000d |
Sao Tome and Principe |
08.08.2014 |
Owls Sheet
| 25000d |
Sierra Leone |
29.11.1989 |
Endangered species of the world 8v set
| 50l |
Sierra Leone |
29.08.2016 |
Owls Sheet
| 6000l |
Slovakia |
04.07.1994 |
| 7k |
Solomon Islands |
28.11.2014 |
Owls Sheet
| 7$ |
Spain |
20.10.2014 |
Protected fauna 4v set
| 0.92€ |
St Vincent & Grenadines |
13.02.2001 |
Owls of the world
| 10c |
Sweden |
12.05.1969 |
Albert Engstrøm Coil
| 35ø |
Sweden |
12.05.1969 |
Albert Engstrøm Coil
| 55ø |
Sweden |
12.05.1969 |
Albert Engstrøm Booklet | 35ø |
Sweden |
12.05.1969 |
Albert Engstrøm Booklet | 35ø |
Sweden |
12.05.1969 |
Albert Engstrøm Booklet | 55ø |
Sweden |
12.05.1969 |
Albert Engstrøm Booklet | 55ø |
Sweden |
22.08.1989 |
Eagle Owl
| 30k |
Tajikistan |
02.07.2019 |
| 5.80s |
Tajikistan |
15.12.2020 |
Predators from the Red Book of Tajikistan 4v set
| 12.70s |
Tajikistan |
15.12.2020 |
Predators from the Red Book of Tajikistan 2v sheet
| 17.60s |
Tajikistan |
15.12.2020 |
Predators from the Red Book of Tajikistan 2v sheet
| 20s |
Tajikistan |
01.07.2023 |
| 10s |
Tajikistan |
01.07.2023 |
| 10s |
Tajikistan |
01.07.2023 |
| 10s |
Togo |
15.02.2011 |
Owls Sheet
| 750f |
Togo |
30.06.2014 |
Global warming 4v sheet
| 750f |
Togo |
22.04.2015 |
| 2500f |
Uganda |
25.11.2013 |
Stamp on stamp Sheet
| 2500s |
Uganda |
25.11.2013 |
Stamp on stamp Sheet
| 2500s |
Ukraine |
20.06.2003 |
Owls Sheet
| 45k |
Uzbekistan |
28.12.2012 |
Chatkal nature reserve 4v set
| 1000s |
Yugoslavia |
08.05.1972 |
| 5d |