Rock Sparrow Petronia petronia White-winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis Cape Sparrow Passer melanurus Russet Sparrow Passer cinnamomeus Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis Italian Sparrow Passer italiae House Sparrow Passer domesticus Iago Sparrow Passer iagoensis Desert Sparrow Passer simplex Sudan Golden Sparrow Passer luteus 230 Weavers, Widowbirds Ploceidae 231 Waxbills, Munias & Allies Estrildidae 232 Indigobirds, Whydahs Viduidae 234 Accentors Prunellidae 235 Wagtails, Pipits Motacillidae 236 Przevalski's Finch Urocynchramidae 237 Finches, Euphonias Fringillidae 238 Longspurs, Snow Buntings Calcariidae 239 Thrush-tanager Rhodinocichlidae 240 Buntings Emberizidae 241 New World Sparrows, Bush Tanagers Passerellidae 242 Chat-tanagers Calyptophilidae 243 Hispaniolan Tanagers Phaenicophilidae 245 Spindalises Spindalidae 247 Cuban Warblers Teretistridae 248 Yellow-breasted Chat Icteriidae 249 Oropendolas, Orioles, Blackbirds Icteridae 250 New World Warblers Parulidae 251 Mitrospingid Tanagers Mitrospingidae 252 Cardinals & Allies Cardinalidae 253 Tanagers and allies Thraupidae |
Antigua & Barbuda 01.07.1989 Hiroshige Belarus 16.06.2006 Garden birds Belarus 16.06.2006 Garden birds Sheet Belgium 04.12.1989 Birds Bulgaria 21.10.2017 Sparrows Bulgaria 21.10.2017 Sparrows Sheet Cambodia 20.02.1997 Birds Centralafrica 20.05.1997 Hiroshige Sheet Centralafrica 20.05.1997 Hiroshige 5v sheet China (Taiwan) 15.08.1975 Famous Chinese paintings on moon 4v set China (Taiwan) 05.06.2008 Birds China (Taiwan) 22.11.2012 Ancient Chinese painting, Bian Wenjin China (Taiwan) 26.04.2017 Ancient Chinese paintings 8v set Czech Republic 09.09.2020 Songbirds Estonia 07.03.2002 Bird of the year Estonia 29.04.2021 Estonian Ornithological Society Sheet Gambia 20.05.1997 Hiroshige 6v sheet Gambia 20.05.1997 Hiroshige 6v sheet Gambia 20.05.1997 Hiroshige 6v sheet Gambia 20.05.1997 Hiroshige 6v sheet Gambia 20.05.1997 Hiroshige Gambia 02.10.2000 Birds through the eyes of famous painters 4v set Gambia 17.04.2001 Philanippon 01 12v set Gambia 17.04.2001 Philanippon 01 4v sheet Grenadines (G) 10.02.2005 International year of rice 6v sheet Iraq 21.01.2015 Iraqi birds Iraq 21.01.2015 Iraqi birds Japan 10.02.2003 Greetings 5v sheet, sa Japan 20.04.2007 Philately week 5v sheet with 2 of each Korea, North 05.10.1988 Paintings by O Un Byol 5v set Korea, North 21.07.1991 Cats 5v set Korea, North 12.05.1995 White animals 2v set Korea, North 12.05.1995 White animals 2v sheet with 3 of each Korea, North 20.01.2014 Vegetables and fruits 6v booklet Korea, North 20.01.2014 Vegetables and fruits Sheet with 4x10w Macau 01.11.2013 Chinese calligraphy MS Marshall Islands 09.01.1999 Birds of the Marshall Islands Marshall Islands 02.05.1999 Anniversary, stamp on stamp 4v sheet Marshall Islands 29.05.2002 Tropical island birds Sheet Micronesia 25.03.2002 Japanese art 6v sheet Mozambique 10.05.2016 Pulses 4v sheet Poland 15.07.1993 Birds Sharjah 27.07.1972 Birds Slovenia 18.11.1997 Christmas St Vincent 06.07.1989 Hiroshige Sweden 01.11.2018 Winterbirds Booklet, sa Turkey 23.07.2004 Bird definitives Vietnam, South 15.01.1970 Birds of Vietnam Yugoslavia 24.05.1982 Birds
Barbuda 14.12.1989 Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1989.01 |
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