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by Kjell Scharning

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Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis

Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis
Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis
Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis

Spotted Owl - Owls - Strigidae
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Burundi 31.08.2012 Birds on the Red List MS
Centralafrica 20.11.2014 Owls Sheet
Grenada 21.12.2015 Owls Sheet
Grenadines (G) 05.05.1995 Sierra Club 9v sheet
Grenadines (G) 05.05.1995 Sierra Club 9v sheet
Guinea-Bissau 05.08.2008 Owls Sheet
Marshall Islands 05.11.2008 Owls
Niger 25.06.2014 Owls Sheet
Rumania 16.11.1992 Wild animals 7v set
Togo 15.03.2011 International year of forests MS
Togo 05.12.2013 Owls and mice Sheet
