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Trieste, Allied Zone
Bird stamps from Trieste, Allied Zone

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78   188  

Face value | Family number | English name | Scientific name

1947.01   01.10.1947   Overprint A.M.G.F.T.T. on Italy 1945.01, 1947.01      
    2l     188     Barn Swallow     Hirundo rustica     
    5l     188     Barn Swallow     Hirundo rustica     = 2l
    25l     188     Barn Swallow     Hirundo rustica     = 2l

1948.01   08.09.1948   Overprint A.M.G.F.T.T. 1948 TRIESTE on Italy 1947.01      
    25l     188     Barn Swallow     Hirundo rustica     

1950.01   23.01.1950   Overprint AMG-FTT on Italy 1947.01      
    25l     188     Barn Swallow     Hirundo rustica     

1954.01   01.06.1954   Overprint AMG-FTT on Italy 1954.01      
    25l     78     Golden Eagle     Aquila chrysaetos