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Dominican Republic Bird stamps from Dominican Republic |
Click here for catalogue-numbers
Abbrevations |
Click on number to go to family-page 14 21 24 27 34 35 52 65 70 78 79 80 83 91 102 107 122 159 166 178 223 237 242 243 245 249 |
Face value | Family number | English name | Scientific name |
1964.01 | 08.06.1964 | Dominican birds |
3c | 178 Palmchat Dulus dominicus | |
6c | 107 Hispaniolan Amazon Amazona ventralis | |
10c | 102 Hispaniolan Woodpecker Melanerpes striatus |
1964.02 | 07.11.1964 | Dominican birds |
1c | 91 Narrow-billed Tody Todus angustirostris | |
2c | 21 Hispaniolan Emerald Riccordia swainsonii | |
6c | 83 Hispaniolan Trogon Priotelus roseigaster |
1977.01 | 28.12.1977 | Veterinary congress | 4v set |
25c | 35 American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber |
1979.01 | 12.09.1979 | Birds |
2c | 107 Hispaniolan Parakeet Psittacara chloropterus | |
6c | 83 Hispaniolan Trogon Priotelus roseigaster | |
7c | 243 Black-crowned Palm-tanager Phaenicophilus palmarum | |
10c | 242 Eastern Chat-Tanager Calyptophilus frugivorus | |
45c | 249 Hispaniolan Oriole Icterus dominicensis |
1984.01 | 03.10.1984 | Protection of wildlife | 4v set |
10c | 80 Stygian Owl Asio stygius | |
15c | 35 American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber |
1993.01 | 08.12.1993 | Education plan |
1.50p | 178 Palmchat Dulus dominicus |
1993.02 | 30.12.1993 | America | 2v set |
1p | 107 Hispaniolan Parakeet Psittacara chloropterus |
1995.01 | 19.12.1995 | America |
2p | 35 American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber | |
and | 52 Royal Tern Thalasseus maximus | |
6p | 70 Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea | |
and | 65 Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens |
1996.01 | 11.11.1996 | Endemic birds | Sheet |
2p | 78 Ridgway's Hawk Buteo ridgwayi | |
2p | 107 Hispaniolan Parakeet Psittacara chloropterus | |
2p | 107 Hispaniolan Amazon Amazona ventralis | |
2p | 24 Bay-breasted Cuckoo Coccyzus rufigularis | |
2p | 24 Hispaniolan Lizard Cuckoo Coccyzus longirostris | |
2p | 14 Least Poorwill Siphonorhis brewsteri | |
2p | 21 Hispaniolan Emerald Riccordia swainsonii | |
2p | 91 Narrow-billed Tody Todus angustirostris | |
2p | 91 Broad-billed Tody Todus subulatus | |
2p | 83 Hispaniolan Trogon Priotelus roseigaster | |
2p | 102 Antillean Piculet Nesoctites micromegas | |
2p | 102 Hispaniolan Woodpecker Melanerpes striatus | |
2p | 223 La Selle Thrush Turdus swalesi | |
2p | 237 Antillean Siskin Spinus dominicensis | |
2p | 178 Palmchat Dulus dominicus | |
2p | 243 Green-tailed Warbler Microligea palustris | |
2p | 159 Flat-billed Vireo Vireo nanus | |
2p | 243 White-winged Warbler Xenoligea montana | |
2p | 223 La Selle Thrush Turdus swalesi | |
2p | 242 Eastern Chat-Tanager Calyptophilus frugivorus | |
2p | 166 White-necked Crow Corvus leucognaphalus | |
2p | 242 Eastern Chat-Tanager Calyptophilus frugivorus |
2007.01 | 04.07.2007 | Endemic birds |
20p | 34 Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps |
2008.01 | 06.02.2008 | Friendship with Taiwan | 3v set |
15p | 166 Taiwan Blue Magpie Urocissa caerulea | |
and | 178 Palmchat Dulus dominicus |
2012.01 | 19.09.2012 | Endemic birds | Sheet |
20p | 14 Hispaniolan Nightjar Antrostomus ekmani | |
20p | 122 Hispaniolan Pewee Contopus hispaniolensis | |
20p | 243 Black-crowned Palm-tanager Phaenicophilus palmarum | |
20p | 249 Hispaniolan Oriole Icterus dominicensis | |
20p | 237 Hispaniolan Crossbill Loxia megaplaga | |
20p | 242 Eastern Chat-Tanager Calyptophilus frugivorus | |
20p | 27 White-fronted Quail-Dove Geotrygon leucometopia | |
20p | 245 Hispaniolan Spindalis Spindalis dominicensis | |
20p | 166 Hispaniolan Palm Crow Corvus palmarum | |
20p | 79 Ashy-faced Owl Tyto glaucops |
2015.01 | 22.05.2015 | National parks | 12v sheet |
20p | 65 Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens |
2015.02 | 22.05.2015 | National parks | 12v sheet |
20p | 243 Black-crowned Palm-tanager Phaenicophilus palmarum |