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British Indian Ocean Territory Bird stamps from British Indian Ocean Territory |
Click here for catalogue-numbers
Abbrevations |
Click on number to go to family-page 8 24 27 30 43 49 50 52 53 54 57 65 66 69 70 108 161 204 221 224 228 230 |
Face value | Family number | English name | Scientific name |
1968.01 | 17.01.1968 | Overprint B.I.O.T. on Seychelles 1962.01 |
5c | 108 Seychelles Black Parrot Coracopsis barklyi |
1968.02 | 23.10.1968 | Marine life |
5r | 65 Great Frigatebird Fregata minor |
1969.01 | 10.07.1969 | Coral atolls |
2.25r | 69 Malagasy Sacred Ibis Threskiornis bernieri |
1971.01 | 01.02.1971 | Aldabra nature reserve | 4v set |
1.50r | 70 Dimorphic Egret Egretta dimorpha |
1971.02 | 30.06.1971 | Opening of research station |
3.50r | 30 White-throated Rail Dryolimnas cuvieri |
1972.01 | 20.11.1972 | Royal Silver Wedding |
95c | 30 White-throated Rail Dryolimnas cuvieri | |
and | 69 Malagasy Sacred Ibis Threskiornis bernieri | |
1.50r | 30 White-throated Rail Dryolimnas cuvieri | = 95c |
and | 69 Malagasy Sacred Ibis Threskiornis bernieri |
1975.01 | 28.02.1975 | Birds |
5c | 161 Aldabra Drongo Dicrurus aldabranus | |
10c | 24 Malagasy Coucal Centropus toulou | |
20c | 230 Comoro Fody Foudia eminentissima | |
25c | 52 White Tern Gygis alba | |
30c | 52 Greater Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii | |
40c | 66 Brown Booby Sula leucogaster | |
50c | 52 Brown Noddy Anous stolidus | |
60c | 70 Grey Heron Ardea cinerea | |
65c | 66 Masked Booby Sula dactylatra | |
95c | 204 Malagasy White-eye Zosterops maderaspatanus | |
1r | 70 Striated Heron Butorides striata | |
1.75r | 65 Lesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel | |
3.50r | 57 White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus | |
5r | 228 Souimanga Sunbird Cinnyris sovimanga | |
10r | 27 Malagasy Turtle Dove Nesoenas picturatus |
1975.02 | 10.07.1975 | Wildlife | 4v set |
65c | 69 Malagasy Sacred Ibis Threskiornis bernieri |
1990.01 | 03.05.1990 | Birds |
15p | 57 White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus | |
20p | 27 Malagasy Turtle Dove Nesoenas picturatus | |
24p | 65 Great Frigatebird Fregata minor | |
30p | 70 Striated Heron Butorides striata | |
34p | 43 Greater Sand Plover Anarhynchus leschenaultii | |
41p | 50 Crab-plover Dromas ardeola | |
45p | 52 Greater Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii | |
54p | 52 Lesser Crested Tern Thalasseus bengalensis | |
62p | 52 White Tern Gygis alba | |
71p | 66 Red-footed Booby Sula sula | |
80p | 221 Common Myna Acridotheres tristis | |
1£ | 230 Red Fody Foudia madagascariensis |
1994.01 | 18.02.1994 | Overprint HONG KONG 94 on 1990.01 |
24p | 65 Great Frigatebird Fregata minor | |
1£ | 230 Red Fody Foudia madagascariensis |
2000.01 | 22.05.2000 | Wildlife photographic competition | 4v sheet |
34p | 54 Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica | |
1£ | 224 European Robin Erithacus rubecula |
2001.01 | 01.10.2001 | BirdLife International | Sheet |
50p | 50 Crab-plover Dromas ardeola | |
50p | 50 Crab-plover Dromas ardeola | |
50p | 50 Crab-plover Dromas ardeola | |
50p | 50 Crab-plover Dromas ardeola | |
50p | 50 Crab-plover Dromas ardeola |
2002.01 | 17.06.2002 | BirdLife International | Sheet |
50p | 66 Red-footed Booby Sula sula | |
50p | 66 Red-footed Booby Sula sula | |
50p | 66 Red-footed Booby Sula sula | |
50p | 66 Red-footed Booby Sula sula | |
50p | 66 Red-footed Booby Sula sula |
2004.01 | 21.06.2004 | Birds definitives |
2p | 230 Red Fody Foudia madagascariensis | |
14p | 27 Zebra Dove Geopelia striata | |
20p | 221 Common Myna Acridotheres tristis | |
26p | 70 Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis | |
34p | 52 White Tern Gygis alba | |
58p | 66 Masked Booby Sula dactylatra | |
76p | 65 Great Frigatebird Fregata minor | |
80p | 57 White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus | |
1.10£ | 70 Striated Heron Butorides striata | |
1.34£ | 43 Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva | |
1.48£ | 8 Garganey Spatula querquedula | |
2.50£ | 49 Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica |
2005.01 | 08.11.2005 | 40th anniversary | 8v sheet |
34p | 66 Red-footed Booby Sula sula | |
34p | 65 Great Frigatebird Fregata minor |
2006.01 | 06.10.2006 | BirdLife International | Sheet |
26p | 65 Great Frigatebird Fregata minor | |
26p | 52 Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana | |
26p | 57 White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus | |
26p | 52 White Tern Gygis alba | |
26p | 52 Brown Noddy Anous stolidus | |
2£ | 66 Red-footed Booby Sula sula |
2007.01 | 23.07.2007 | Charles Darwin | 4v set |
54p | 52 White Tern Gygis alba | |
and | 52 Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus |
2007.02 | 01.10.2007 | BirdLife International |
54p | 53 Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus | |
and | 57 White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus | |
54p | 53 Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus | |
and | 66 Cape Gannet Morus capensis | |
54p | 53 Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus | |
54p | 53 Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus | |
90p | 53 Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus | |
and | 52 Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana | |
90p | 53 Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus |
2009.01 | 05.10.2009 | Definitives | 12v set |
54p | 230 Red Fody Foudia madagascariensis | |
90p | 65 Great Frigatebird Fregata minor |
2009.02 | 05.10.2009 | Definitives | 12v sheet | 2009.01 |
54p | 230 Red Fody Foudia madagascariensis | |
90p | 65 Great Frigatebird Fregata minor |