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124 Manakins Pipridae
Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin Neopelma chrysocephalum
Netherlands Antilles    10.05.2010     Birds Sheet   150c
Araripe Manakin Chiroxiphia bokermanni
Brazil    19.06.2017     Brazilian birds, Birdpex 8   1.25r
Brazil    19.06.2017     Brazilian birds, Birdpex 8, sa   *
Cuba    01.11.2017     Brasiliana 2017   90c
Helmeted Manakin Chiroxiphia galeata
Surinam    07.06.2023     Birds Sheet   D
Long-tailed Manakin Chiroxiphia linearis
El Salvador    02.09.1991     Birds   5col
Lance-tailed Manakin Chiroxiphia lanceolata
Fujeira    15.10.1971     Tropical birds   3r
Honduras    19.02.1999     Hurricane Mitch 32v set   5.40l
Honduras    03.06.2005     Surcharge on 1999.01 32v set   8l
Blue Manakin Chiroxiphia caudata
Brazil    27.05.1973     Tropical birds and plants   20c
Brazil    22.09.2004     Greeting stamp   *
Cuba    10.04.2015     Songbirds   15c
Paraguay    18.04.1985     Audubon   1g
Paraguay    06.07.1995     Neo-tropical ornithological congress   200g
Surinam    07.06.2023     Birds Sheet   10$
Pin-tailed Manakin Ilicura militaris
St Vincent & Grenadines    07.03.2018     Colorful birds Sheet   2$
Zambia    08.09.2000     Birds of the world Sheet   1200k
White-fronted Manakin Lepidothrix serena
Surinam    25.05.2011     Birds   1$
Crimson-hooded Manakin Pipra aureola
Guyana    10.03.1993     Birds of Guyana Sheet   50$
Netherlands Antilles    10.05.2010     Birds Sheet   200c
Surinam    24.08.1977     Birds   70c
Surinam    1987     Surcharge on 1977.04   25c
Wire-tailed Manakin Pipra filicauda
Ecuador    17.06.1966     Birds   80c
Ecuador    20.10.2015     Birds Booklet, sa   1$
Guinea    26.12.2001     Passerines Sheet without surrounds   1250f
Guinea    26.12.2001     Passerines Sheet with surrounds   1250f
Guyana    12.08.1997     Birds of the world Sheet   80$
Guyana    15.10.2001     Tropical birds Sheet   100$
Liberia    04.01.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   50c
Liberia    28.08.2000     Tropical birds of the world   25$
Nicaragua    01.02.1991     Birds   1.50cor
Zambia    08.09.2000     Birds of the world Sheet   1400k
Striolated Manakin Machaeropterus striolatus
Colombia    20.03.2020     Risaralda 2020 10v sheet   5000p
Red-capped Manakin Ceratopipra mentalis
Antigua & Barbuda    17.04.2000     Stamp Show 2000   6$
Belize    03.09.1977     Birds   8c
Belize    03.09.1977     Birds Sheet   8c
Dominica    11.04.2007     Birds   5$
Honduras    19.02.1999     Hurricane Mitch 32v set   5.40l
Honduras    03.06.2005     Surcharge on 1999.01 32v set   8l
Liberia    31.08.1998     Birds of the world   32c
Mali    20.10.1995     Birds of the world Sheet   50f
Mexico    02.10.1996     Protect Mexican wildlife 24v sheet   1.80p
Pakistan    21.02.1987     Post Office Savings Bank week   5r
Golden-headed Manakin Ceratopipra erythrocephala
Colombia    20.03.2020     Risaralda 2020 10v sheet   5000p
Surinam    19.02.2014     Birds   6$
