Home Country list Species list

75 New World Vultures Cathartidae
California Condor Gymnogyps californianus
Angola    07.04.2000     Animals of the world 4v set   3k
Benin    10.09.1996     Birds   200f
Chad    02.06.2003     Birds of prey Sheet   350f
Chad    02.06.2003     Birds of prey Sheet   350f
France    22.06.2009     Endangered wildlife 4v set   0.90€
France    22.06.2009     Endangered wildlife 4v sheet   0.90€
Gambia    24.02.1997     Endangered species 20v sheet   1.50d
Maldive Islands    09.09.1996     Endangered animals of the world 6v sheet   5r
Maldive Islands    12.02.1997     Birds of the world Sheet   5r
Marshall Islands    03.10.2013     Birds of the world IV Sheet   46c
Marshall Islands    11.12.2017     Birds Sheet   49c
Mexico    27.07.2009     Endangered animals   10.50p
Solomon Islands    20.12.2014     Endangered animals 4v sheet   5$
St Vincent & Grenadines    13.02.2001     Birds of prey   1$
Togo    15.02.2011     Air pollution and birds Sheet   750f
UN Geneva    18.03.2023     Endangered species 4v set   1.80f
UN NY    07.09.2011     Endangered species   44c
USA    12.06.1971     Wildlife conservation 4v set   8c
USA    02.10.1996     Endangered species 15v sheet   32c
USA    02.10.1996     Endangered species Booklet   32c
Uganda    08.07.2013     Endangered and vulnerable predators 4v sheet   4000s
King Vulture Sarcoramphus papa
Angola    10.04.2000     Birds of prey   5.50k
Angola    10.04.2000     Birds of prey   12k
Antigua & Barbuda    10.09.2001     Vanishing species of the Caribbean   6$
Belize    31.07.1978     Birds   1$
Belize    31.07.1978     Birds Sheet   1$
Bolivia    08.10.1998     Beni 6v set   7b
Bolivia    12.11.1998     Espamer 98, stamp on stamp   2b
Bolivia    27.08.2007     Birds of Tarija   8.50b
Burundi    21.12.2012     Vultures   7500f
Cuba    19.05.2010     Jose Marti 12v set   15c
Ecuador    11.06.2012     Yasuni Booklet, sa   0.25$
El Salvador    22.06.1963     Fauna 14v set   5c
El Salvador    22.06.1963     Fauna 14v set   5c
El Salvador    20.12.1989     Birds   70c
Ghana    15.04.1996     Rainforest wildlife   3000c
Guatemala    14.06.1979     Wildlife conservation 5v set   5c
Guatemala    29.04.2005     America 3v set   50c
Guinea    20.03.1998     Animals, World jamboree Chile 1999, Rotary, Lions Sheet   300f
Honduras    29.04.1997     Hondurian birds   5.40l
Honduras    29.04.1997     Hondurian birds imp   20l
Honduras    08.07.1999     Birds of Honduras in danger of extinction Sheet   5l
Mali    20.10.1995     Birds of the world Sheet   100f
Montserrat    28.01.1997     Birds   4.50$
Mozambique    25.06.2013     Birds of prey   175m
Nicaragua    26.03.1999     Fauna of Central America 12v sheet   2cor
Peru    15.09.2007     Birds   5.50s
Sao Tome and Principe    20.10.2009     Raptors Sheet   15000d
St Maarten    20.01.2017     Birds Sheet   350c
Tanzania    30.09.1994     Birds of prey   250s
Upper Volta    25.05.1975     Albert Schweitzer   200f
Upper Volta    26.10.1979     Protected birds   5f
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus
Angola    10.04.2000     Birds of prey   2k
Argentina    01.03.1928     Air   35c
Argentina    01.03.1928     Air   50c
Argentina    01.03.1928     Air   1.26p
Argentina    01.03.1928     Air   1.80p
Argentina    01.03.1928     Air   3.60p
Argentina    19.05.1930     Overprint ZEPPELIN on 1928.01     50c
Argentina    19.05.1930     Overprint ZEPPELIN on 1928.01     1.80p
Argentina    19.05.1930     Overprint ZEPPELIN on 1928.01     3.60p
Argentina    04.08.1931     Overprint 6 Septiembre on 1928.01     1.80p
Argentina    04.08.1931     Overprint 6 Septiembre on 1928.01     3.60p
Argentina    20.06.1951     10th anniversary of state airlines   20c
Argentina    17.10.1951     Five-year plan   20c
Argentina    06.02.1960     Child welfare, birds   20c
Argentina    01.08.1995     Argentine fauna   75c
Argentina    01.09.1995     Argentine fauna 8v booklet   75c
Argentina    21.06.1997     Buenos Aires 2004   75c
Argentina    25.09.1999     National parks 5v set   50c
Argentina    11.10.2003     Upaep 2v set   75c
Aruba    19.01.2012     Birds of prey   150c
Bolivia    1925     Centenary of independence 8v set   25c
Bolivia    1928     Definitives   5c
Bolivia    21.01.1939     Definitives     2b
Bolivia    21.01.1939     Definitives     3b
Bolivia    21.08.1941     Air p 13½     50b
Bolivia    21.08.1941     Air p 13½     100b
Bolivia    22.04.1963     21st South American football championships   1.40p
Bolivia    28.04.1980     Copa mundial de futbol FIFA Sheet, imp   20p
Bolivia    13.10.1980     FIFA Sheet, imp   20p
Bolivia    22.05.1985     Endangered animals 3v set   25000b
Bolivia    24.07.1987     Endangered animals 6v set   0.20b
Bolivia    16.12.1987     Olympic games 1988 Calgary 2v sheet   2b
Bolivia    07.12.1989     Apollo XI 2v sheet   0.20b
Bolivia    30.11.1991     Lilienthal   0.20b
Bolivia    06.07.1992     Avian history   0.20b
Bolivia    21.11.1995     America 2v strip   5b
Bolivia    24.08.2006     Philately 6v sheet   1.50b
Bolivia    30.07.2007     Birds of La Paz   4b
Bolivia    02.12.2010     Upaep 2v set   2.50b
Bolivia    11.07.2013     Fauna 4v set   10.50b
Bolivia    08.11.2017     Anniversary for Simon Bolivar teachers academy   10b
Burundi    21.12.2012     Vultures Sheet   1180f
Chile    01.05.1931     Air   5c
Chile    01.05.1931     Air   10c
Chile    01.05.1931     Air   20c
Chile    1940     Surcharge on 1931.01     80c
Chile    11.09.1976     3rd anniversary of Military Junta 3v strip   2p
Chile    11.09.1980     7th anniversary of Military Government   3.50p
Chile    13.01.2001     National Zoo anniversary 4v sheet   160p
Chile    22.04.2004     Cristo Redentor   200p
Chile    27.09.2004     Upaep 2v set   600p
Chile    13.05.2005     Juan Pablo II 3v set   230p
Chile    30.06.2005     Rotary anniversary   230p
Chile    21.11.2008     Torres del Paine national park 6v sheet   500p
Chile    21.11.2008     Torres del Paine national park 6v sheet   500p
Chile    15.07.2009     Protected birds   10p
Chile    09.10.2018     Exfil 2018   360p
Chile    09.10.2018     Exfil 2018   1500p
Chile    27.01.2023     Diplomatic relations with USA   550p
Colombia    07.05.1876     Definitives     5c
Colombia    26.01.1935     Barranquilla Olimpiada/Olympics 16v set   10p
Colombia    25.04.1980     The alphabet 30v set   4p
Colombia    05.10.1983     Paintings   20p
Colombia    05.10.1983     Paintings   30p
Colombia    06.11.1986     Definitives   20p
Colombia    25.05.1987     Definitives     25p
Colombia    02.09.1987     Aurelio Martinez Mutis   90p
Colombia    29.06.1989     Philexfrance 89 7v sheet   110p
Colombia    04.08.1992     Endangered animals 2v set   100p
Colombia    28.10.1996     Los Fundadores 2v sheet   4000p
Colombia    01.02.2002     Colombian nature richness Sheet   2300p
Colombia    02.05.2022     200 years of diplomatic relations Colombia - United States 4v sheet   5000p
Colombia    09.11.2023     Ornithological Society of Caldas, 70 years Sheet   2000p
Colombia    2024     Independence Bicentenary Independence Bicentenary Sheet   5000p
Comoro Islands    30.12.1976     Endangered animals 6v set   15f
Cuba    14.09.1969     Alexander von Humboldt 3v set   30c
Cuba    05.06.1985     Argentina 85   1p
Cuba    12.10.1987     Latin American history   1c
Cuba    26.05.2010     MUSEO   65c
Ecuador    19.08.1937     Definitives   10c
Ecuador    19.08.1937     Definitives   20c
Ecuador    19.08.1937     Definitives     70c
Ecuador    19.08.1937     Definitives     1s
Ecuador    19.08.1937     Definitives     2s
Ecuador    19.08.1937     Overprint OFICIAL on 1937.01     10c
Ecuador    19.08.1937     Overprint OFICIAL on 1937.01     20c
Ecuador    19.08.1937     Overprint OFICIAL on 1937.01     70c
Ecuador    19.08.1937     Overprint OFICIAL on 1937.01     1s
Ecuador    19.08.1937     Overprint OFICIAL on 1937.01     2s
Ecuador    22.02.1938     Anniversary of U.S. Constitution   2c
Ecuador    22.02.1938     Anniversary of U.S. Constitution     5c
Ecuador    22.02.1938     Anniversary of U.S. Constitution   10c
Ecuador    22.02.1938     Anniversary of U.S. Constitution     20c
Ecuador    22.02.1938     Anniversary of U.S. Constitution     50c
Ecuador    22.02.1938     Anniversary of U.S. Constitution   1s
Ecuador    22.02.1938     Anniversary of U.S. Constitution     2s
Ecuador    1940     Overprint CASA DE CORREOS on 1938.01     20c
Ecuador    1942     Overprint CASA DE CENTAVOS on 1938.01     20c
Ecuador    15.04.1943     Overprint BIENVENIDO on 1938.01     50c
Ecuador    15.04.1943     Overprint BIENVENIDO on 1938.01     1s
Ecuador    15.04.1943     Overprint BIENVENIDO on 1938.01     2s
Ecuador    02.10.1945     Overprint LOOR on 1938.01     50c
Ecuador    02.10.1945     Overprint LOOR on 1938.01     1s
Ecuador    02.10.1945     Overprint LOOR on 1938.01     2s
Ecuador    1946     Overprint POSTAL on 1937.01     10c
Ecuador    1946     Overprint POSTAL on 1937.01     20c
Ecuador    07.10.1946     Definitives   40c
Ecuador    28.12.1956     Basketball championship 2v set   1s
Ecuador    07.01.1958     Tropical birds   30c
Ecuador    24.05.1972     Battle of Pichincha   20s
Ecuador    29.10.1985     Armed forces 3v set     10s
Ecuador    30.12.1996     America   1000s
Ecuador    23.07.2001     Andean Condor Strip   0.86$
Ecuador    23.07.2001     Andean Condor Strip   0.86$
Ecuador    23.07.2001     Andean Condor   1$
Ecuador    01.04.2005     Ecuadors chess federation 25 years   1.25$
Ecuador    31.07.2012     Alfarista 8v sheet   0.25$
Ecuador    17.09.2012     Upaep 2v set   2$
Ecuador    13.11.2015     Tourism   5$
Grenada    05.05.1995     Sierra Club 9v sheet   1$
Grenada    05.05.1995     Sierra Club 9v sheet   1$
Grenada    05.05.1995     Sierra Club 9v sheet   1$
Grenada    10.02.2005     Birds of prey   6$
Grenadines (G)    05.09.2000     Stamp Show 2000 6v sheet   1.50$
Guinea-Bissau    26.11.2007     Charles Darwin   3000f
Guyana    16.11.1990     Rare and endangered wildlife of South America 20v sheet   12.80$
Guyana    15.09.1991     Centenary of the landing in America   190$
Guyana    10.07.1996     Birds Sheet   60$
Guyana    16.05.2019     Wildlife of South America 6v sheet   200$
Honduras    04.06.1937     Re-election of president Carias     6c
Honduras    04.06.1937     Re-election of president Carias   21c
Honduras    04.06.1937     Re-election of president Carias     46c
Honduras    04.06.1937     Re-election of president Carias     55c
Japan    03.06.1999     Japanese migration to Bolivia   80y
Lesotho    27.04.1998     Fauna and flora of the world 20v sheet   1m
Liberia    04.05.1998     The animals of Noahs Ark 25v sheet   15c
Liechtenstein    07.03.1994     Europa 2v set   80r
Niger    16.05.2002     Raptors Sheet   530f
Niger    16.05.2002     Raptors   530f
Peru    01.07.1938     Air   70c
Peru    1948     Surcharge on 1938.01     10c
Peru    1948     Surcharge on 1938.01     20c
Peru    1948     Surcharge on 1938.01     55c
Peru    25.03.1949     Surcharge on 1938.01     15c
Peru    02.11.1949     Air     70c
Peru    16.04.1973     Fauna protection 8v set   4s
Peru    04.02.1990     Huascaran national park 6v set   1100i
Peru    31.01.2011     Jose Maria Arguedas   6.60s
Peru    09.01.2017     Fauna in danger of extinction 2v set   5s
Peru    13.01.2020     Birds   2.60s
Senegal    18.12.2013     Gueumbeul reserve 4v set   200f
Spain    16.01.1985     Andes pact   17p
Tanzania    30.09.1994     Birds of prey   120s
Tanzania    18.02.1999     Endangered species of the world 20v sheet   100s
Togo    30.12.2014     Raptors Sheet   750f
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world 4v sheet   900f
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world 4v sheet   900f
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world 4v sheet   900f
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world Sheet   900f
UN NY    18.03.2022     Endangered species 4v set   1.30$
Uganda    26.02.2014     Vultures Sheet   2500s
Venezuela    11.10.2004     Parks 10v sheet   500b
Vietnam    05.07.1985     Argentina 85 7v set   6d
Black Vulture Coragyps atratus
Guyana    16.11.1990     Tropical birds of Guyana Sheet   12.80$
Mozambique    30.10.2012     LPO Sheet   66m
Nicaragua    31.10.1994     Nicaraguan forest fauna 16v sheet   2cor
St Vincent & Grenadines    05.03.2020     Black Vulture Sheet   2$
St Vincent & Grenadines    05.03.2020     Black Vulture Sheet   3$
St Vincent & Grenadines    05.03.2020     Black Vulture Sheet   4$
St Vincent & Grenadines    05.03.2020     Black Vulture Sheet   5$
St Vincent & Grenadines    05.03.2020     Black Vulture   14$
Surinam    15.03.2017     Birds Sheet   3.75$
Trinidad & Tobago    26.05.2010     LONDON 2010/Biodiversity 10v sheet   3.75$
Trinidad & Tobago    2019     Surcharge on 2010.02 10v sheet   2$
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura
Antigua & Barbuda    20.05.2020     Turkey Vultures Sheet   1$
Antigua & Barbuda    20.05.2020     Turkey Vultures Sheet   1$
Antigua & Barbuda    20.05.2020     Turkey Vultures Sheet   1.50$
Antigua & Barbuda    20.05.2020     Turkey Vultures Sheet   2$
Antigua & Barbuda    20.05.2020     Turkey Vultures   14$
Bahamas    04.02.1991     Birds   10c
Bahamas    23.09.1993     Imprint 1993 on 1991.01     10c
Belize    01.03.1990     Birds and butterflies   5$
Dominica    10.01.2005     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   2$
Falkland Islands    10.12.1946     Definitives   1s3d
Gambia    15.07.1985     Audubon   60b
Grenada    10.02.2005     Birds of prey Sheet   1.50$
Grenadines (G)    16.05.2007     Birds   1$
Montserrat    28.01.1997     Birds   1$
Surinam    15.03.2017     Birds Sheet   2.75$
USA    12.07.2017     Andrew Wyeth 12v sheet, sa   *
Uruguay    09.10.2018     Treinta y Tres 4x2v sheet   20p
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture Cathartes burrovianus
Surinam    15.03.2017     Birds Sheet   3.50$
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Cathartes melambrotus
Grenada    28.12.2023     Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Sheet     1$
Grenada    28.12.2023     Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Sheet     2$
Grenada    28.12.2023     Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Sheet     3$
Grenada    28.12.2023     Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Sheet     4$
Grenada    28.12.2023     Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Sheet     5$
Grenada    28.12.2023     Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Sheet     6$
Grenada    28.12.2023     Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Sheet     7$
Grenada    28.12.2023     Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Sheet     8$
