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by Kjell Scharning

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Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata

Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata
Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata

Surf Scoter - Ducks, Geese, Swans - Anatidae
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Cambodia 07.04.1997 Ducks
Gambia 16.07.2001 Ducks Sheet
St Vincent & Grenadines 31.12.2015 Ducks of the Caribbean Sheet
St Vincent & Grenadines 12.12.2022 Ducks Sheet
Zaire 01.10.1985 Audubon
Zaire 23.04.1994 Surcharge on 1985.01
