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by Kjell Scharning

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Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis

Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis
Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis
Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis
Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis
Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis
Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis
Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis
Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis
Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis

Red-breasted Goose - Ducks, Geese, Swans - Anatidae
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Centralafrica 10.06.2013 Amsterdam Rijksmuseum 4v sheet
Cuba 20.02.2018 Birds in danger of extinction
Egypt 07.06.1967 International tourist year
Gambia 02.10.2000 Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet
Georgia 04.08.1995 Birds Sheet
Germany, East 25.06.1985 Protected animals 5v set
Germany, East 1985 Protected animals Booklet
Liberia 15.01.2001 Amsterdam Rijksmuseum 6v sheet
Marshall Islands 09.03.2013 Birds of the world II Sheet
Mongolia 26.05.1992 Birds MS
Rumania 05.02.1973 Protection of nature 6v set
Rumania 25.03.1980 European nature protection 6v set
Rumania 16.10.1987 Fauna of nature reservations 12v sheet
Rumania 12.07.2007 Wild ducks and geese
Rumania 12.07.2007 Wild ducks and geese Sheet
Rumania 06.07.2012 Ramsar
Russia 10.01.2005 Regions 6v set
Russia (USSR) 26.12.1962 Birds
Solomon Islands 10.03.2014 Birds of Great Britain Sheet
Togo 01.01.2013 Birds in painting Sheet
Turkmenistan 01.03.2020 Fauna 4v set, sa
UN Geneva 03.04.2003 Endangered species
Ukraine 10.10.1998 WWF p 13½x13¾
Ukraine 10.10.1998 WWF Sheet, p 11½
Uzbekistan 08.04.2009 Rare birds
